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German 0 A. D. Fansite

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Hi Folks!

My name is Christian (yay, i was very inventive choosing a username!), i'm from germany and i heared a few days ago from this project.

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 on my computer, so there are not many games which i can play really well on my machine, if i want to play something i always need to boot up my windows. Then i read something about games for Linux, people are talking about 0 A. D. so i looked up to it. After the wuick install i startet playing and my first impression was "Hey...i know this...it just looks like the good old AOE!" From this moment on, i loved it. I'm 26 now, i played AOE for years with my friends, nobody from us got faster internet then 14.4 so we always took our computers to a freinds house and played there from the roof to the basement...what a great time!

After i read a lot of stuff on your homepage here, i decided to support you to go on with this really great game. I will build up a german community with forums and an homepage with facts, QA and so on. I just want to let you know this, it would be a pleasure if i could get he official "german fan/supportpage" for this game. It's not my first homepage, i've got together with a friend an huge fanpage for racinggames like NASCAR and so on, later i started a big site only around strategy games. Both projects are closed now which is sad at heart 'cause we had a really great time, but the big companies said ok, we are going on tu support you, but you have to do this and this and this and so on, we don't wanted to do that, so we decided to close down.

I would really enjoy to build up a big community again and i think 0 A. D. got a lot of potential. Would be great if you would help me a bit!

Last of all, i'm really sorry for my english. If something is not right....sorry. Only got it five years in school, long time ago. Germans still not noticed that it is a language which is very important in the world.

Link to my site: http://www.0ad-portal.de Still under Construction, you won't see anything at the moment, i'm building up the Design right now, will still take a few hours.

Greetings from sunny germany,


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Hi Christian, thanks for helping spread the word about 0 A.D.!

Unfortunately we cannot give anyone an official badge or franchise of 0 A.D. for a particular country or language, e.g. "the official 0 A.D. fansite in Germany". You are still free to start the fansite, however, and if it becomes popular we will gladly cooperate, come over to chat with fans, etc.

(Also, we want to revamp our own website, so if you have good design skills, you are welcome to help us with that.)

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Hi Jeru,

i don't want to collect any badges or something like that, sorry if you missunderstood this. I would like to get official support like getting the agreement to show new screenshots, videos and so on at my page to get the people informed about what's going on. I just don't want to get any trouble with people from this site, don't want that anybody comes around and says "Uh, look, he is using our screenshots, we should stop this!".

We have a big gamers market here in germany, so i think people should know about this game and get the chance to be informed about it in german. I think it's a win-win situation, you could get more and more fans and hopefully some more people for the Dev-Team :)

We'll, my design skills are not very good. That was always the part of my partner. I'm better in creating articles or bulding up a community :)

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diese Webseite ist definitiv etwas, woran ich teilnehmen könnte. Falls du noch Hilfe beim Zusammenstellen von Inhalten, bei der Organisation etc. brauchst, sag mir Bescheid - ich versage leider, wenn es um Webseiten-Programmierung und so etwas geht.:)

this website is definitely something I could participate in. If you need any help in putting together some content, organizing the page etc., just say the word - I fail, unfortunately, if it comes to webpage coding and stuff like that.:)

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Thanks everbody :) Good to see that new ideas are welcome :) Design is 90% ready, i'm searching a nice image for the background, something like an old piece of paper :)

Und danke auch an SMST :) Im Moment baue ich das Design, dann folgt das anlegen einer Grundstruktur für die Navigation und dann folgen weitere Texte, über Hilfe würde ich mich freuen, aber es ist noch zu früh um irgendjemanden um irgendwas zu bitten, aber ich freue mich das es auf offene Ohren stößt :)

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I don't think it would be too difficult to distribute "exclusive!" screenshots when people ask for them, as long as the recipient websites redistribute them as CC-BY-SA. :) So, if you're writing a new article for your site and would like a screenshot to accompany it, then let us know and if we (most likely me) have time we'd gladly whip up a screenshot of existing PUBLIC assets (no screenshots of unreleased assets, sorry ;)).

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Thank you :)

The linked image is awesome...but also awesome big in filesize :D Need to optimize it :)

Hope we can reach many german players, would be great to see this game growing, i really love such games and this is my part of helping to make it bigger and better :)

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Nice (y) Perhaps you may want to make the forum topics readable even for people who haven't registered? I mean without being able to get an idea what kind of discussion there is one is not as likely to want to join. I'm guessing the forum might not have any topics yet and that's why non-registered users don't see anything, but still thought I should mention it :)

The system requirements aren't likely to be exactly that low, but I can't blame you when you've got the information from us ;) Either case it's hard to tell for sure until the game is finished, things will both be added that will require a better computer and improved so you don't need as good a computer. Maybe someone has a more up-to-date idea what the likely requirements may be?

A minor thing, in the header the 0 A.D. logo is used on its own, could you please add some text to say "0 A.D. German Fansite" or something? (In German would probably be more relevant, but the point is more to avoid confusion with the main 0 A.D. site ;) )

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Perhaps you may want to make the forum topics readable even for people who haven't registered? I mean without being able to get an idea what kind of discussion there is one is not as likely to want to join. I'm guessing the forum might not have any topics yet and that's why non-registered users don't see anything, but still thought I should mention it :)

Yep, i agree 100000000% with you. But the forum hates me. Really. I spend an hour time on google just to find out how that works. Nothing. I think i will change the forum to an phpBB3 which is even nicer. Tried this one because it is directly integrated to joomla.

The system requirements aren't likely to be exactly that low

Thought so, too.I searched a bit in the web, found nothing new, so i took the old ones first. Want to talk to you first to get some new informations about it.

A minor thing, in the header the 0 A.D. logo is used on its own, could you please add some text to say "0 A.D. German Fansite" or something?

I will :) For sure. I'm working on another header, don't like this one very much, but i'm not the best in using gimp. Tomorrow it will be fixed :)

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  On 14/07/2011 at 9:58 PM, feneur said:

The system requirements aren't likely to be exactly that low, but I can't blame you when you've got the information from us ;) Either case it's hard to tell for sure until the game is finished, things will both be added that will require a better computer and improved so you don't need as good a computer. Maybe someone has a more up-to-date idea what the likely requirements may be?

I'm not a programmer either, but based on my experience playing the game on my old rig, my new rig, a friend's rig, and my laptop, I would suppose these requirements when everything is said and done:

Minimum Requirements

Processor: Single Core 2.0 GHz

System Memory: 1GB DDR RAM

Disk Space: 1GB

Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 6 series. ATI Radeon 9 series. "High end" cards circa 2004.

Recommended Specifications:

Processor: Dual Core or better

System Memory: 2GB DDR2 RAM or more

Disk Space: 1GB

Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce 9/100 series or better. AT Radeon HD 4 series or better. These were released in 2008.

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  On 14/07/2011 at 11:31 PM, Christian said:

Okay, little update. Worked a bit on the site again, new forum (phpBB3) and a new header image. Is it ok for you now?

Graphically and aesthetically speaking, I think the site background should be something other than a screenshot. I think the header and the background need to contrast to compliment each other, or else they will clash. Right now they are both screenshots of different things, so they clash (create visual dissonance) instead of compliment. So the background I would change to either a nice gradient or use a dark gray tiling tile background, like the official 0 A.D. site does.

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  On 14/07/2011 at 11:42 PM, Christian said:

Done. Looks pretty nice i think. Better than before :)

I don't see anything different. Maybe my cache needs to update.

Updated system requirements, thank you :)

The sys requirements I wrote there are just guesses, but I think they will be closer than the specs listed in our 6 year-old FAQ.

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