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A Few Things


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Animals are too strong, or villagers are too weak, they take forever to kill something like a deer.

Why do soldiers gather? one of the best strategies in the AO series was raiding and having troops gather ruins this.

Soldiers also shouldn't build, it takes away the challenge of keeping villages near the front lines and will just cause forward base spamming.

Building takes way to long.

Should be more huntables, much faster gather times from them and more food in them. Hunting makes go out of their base.

Just my thoughts thanks.

Edited by Boo
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Animals are too strong, or villagers are too weak, they take forever to kill something like a deer.

That will probably be balanced, I hope (after all, this is the alpha-stage).

Why do soldiers gather? one of the best strategies in the AO series was raiding and having troops gather ruins this.

Because that is the development-teams approach on being unique. This causes the player to having to adapt to other strategies. You can still raid, but you have to evaluate when and how in a different manner, since not only will you tie down your own gatherers, but your enemy will defend himself valiantly.

Soldiers also shouldn't build, it takes away the challenge of keeping villages near the front lines and will just cause forward base spamming.

It will also make it easier for the other players to distrupt these forward bases. Remember, it's not enough to make a forward barracks and spawn two or three units in this game, since the defender will have more soldiers than that. ;)

Building takes way to long.

I agree completely with you on this one, at least on some of the smaller buildings. However, this is (as said) the alpha-stage, and is likely to change. :)
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We'll probably adjust the build time of some buildings down (while increasing their cost slightly). Likewise we'll make batch training much more important by making the training time curve steeper for each +5 you include in the batch. Animals and hunting need looked at, I agree. Keep in mind though, that we will eventually have technologies that improve hunting a great deal.

"Forward base" building will be null once we include territories in the game.

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Thanks! I guess my thoughts are too premature just love the game :D

The only thing with hunt tech will be, hunt tends to be an early game thing usually before it's worth getting tech.

Is there anywhere we can see the feature list? and current things that are coming?

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I like the long build time for stuff such as fortresses and town centres. It means you have to have a large group of workers to build something fast.

Also, concerning the whole citizen-soldier thing, I think it is cool (reminds me of the Norse in AoM), but I don't see why it is the soldiers that can build more types of building than the villagers. Villagers seem a bit pointless when you can just build infantry instead. Shouldn't they be better at building and gathering than the citizen-soldiers? I think it makes a lot of sense for troops to be able to build a temporary fort (like the Romans), or some kind of camp, but I think building of larger structures such as stone fortresses should be assigned to dedicated builders.

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Yeah I think gather times should be slower for military than civ, with norse in AOM they could build but not gather and with them having two villager types it worked very well.

Build times for things like store sites is what needs to be quicker IMO.

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Yeah, this is something I had thought of as well. What is the point of building citizens? I haven't run any tests, but I don't believe that they, at this point, gather or build any faster than soldiers. Apparently, they "inspire nearby males to work harder", but that's hardly justification in creating them. The other incentive I could see is that they spawn from houses, but I have a problem with that. At this point in development, you can play virtually the whole game with just two buildings: the TC and the house. Just keep spamming those, especially the houses early on, and you can have an economy up and going in just a few minutes.

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Yeah, this is something I had thought of as well. What is the point of building citizens? I haven't run any tests, but I don't believe that they, at this point, gather or build any faster than soldiers. Apparently, they "inspire nearby males to work harder", but that's hardly justification in creating them. The other incentive I could see is that they spawn from houses, but I have a problem with that. At this point in development, you can play virtually the whole game with just two buildings: the TC and the house. Just keep spamming those, especially the houses early on, and you can have an economy up and going in just a few minutes.

Right, but that's only at this stage of the game. In the finished game you will need to build a Barracks to gain access to military technologies to research and other troop-types you can't access at the Civic Centre. You want access to new troops types because in the finished game different types will have attack bonuses vs. other types. Also, when territories are implemented, you can only build 1 Civ Centre per territory, while you can build multiple Barracks. With Houses, I recommend we disable batch-training (doesn't make sense to train 10 women from one house). When we implement territories, you'll have a maximum number of houses you can build per territory, so you really can't "spam" them. (y)

As for Female Citizens (Women) themselves, they will eventually have an inspiration radius, true, but right now they are bonused in food gathering over their male citizen-soldier counterparts. And while the economic prowess of citizen-soldiers diminishes as they are promoted to higher ranks, Women maintain their economic prowess throughout the match.

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Yeah, this is something I had thought of as well. What is the point of building citizens? I haven't run any tests, but I don't believe that they, at this point, gather or build any faster than soldiers. Apparently, they "inspire nearby males to work harder", but that's hardly justification in creating them. The other incentive I could see is that they spawn from houses, but I have a problem with that. At this point in development, you can play virtually the whole game with just two buildings: the TC and the house. Just keep spamming those, especially the houses early on, and you can have an economy up and going in just a few minutes.

^ This is my strategy - spam Women! They're better at farming, and fairly good for logging. And they don't get worse after gaining experience, unlike the men.

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^ This is my strategy - spam Women! They're better at farming, and fairly good for logging. And they don't get worse after gaining experience, unlike the men.

They're also useless for hunting, die if they get a scratch, can't build half the buildings and can't defend themselves against a lone wolf let alone an enemy soldier.

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Huntings defiantly the biggest issue in game play, the animals are also far to fast and flee too soon.

Hunting needs to be good, other wise people will just farm, whitch removes a lot of the strategies element around raiding.

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