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can units supersede other units like techs?

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For example in historical patch i have it so you can buy merc from market p1, but they are rank 1 and can't promote.... so can be strategic early on if needed, used well.  But almost useless later in game when champs cost pretty much the same metal.  wondering if it would be possible to create a rank2 version that supersedes the p1 rank1, and same thing agian in p3.  instead of having 3 different ranks to choose from, cause that could get confusing.

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sounds like the easiest solution is to promote the village merc into town merc with ~2000xp, then promote the town merc into the city merc with another ~2000xp, and then add a modification to set xp required for promotion to 0 to the phase up technologies.

you could add villageMerc, townMerc, and cityMerc classes as handles for the different modifications.

you could have an infantry p1 merc promote into a cavalryman in p2 with this approach just fine.

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