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post-0 AD idea: mythology


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ive now got pages for six civilizations up on a wiki-like site. the pages themselves are protected--meaning only i can edit them--but im open to ideas as to how any gaps remaining in them can be filled in. here's some links to those pages:







im debating whether or not to continue rendering the cro-magnons' language as proto-indo-european or simply go back to having theirs as modern english. what do you all think?

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  • 1 month later...

im pissed right now because a troll baited me into getting myself banned from another board. im trying to cool down, so id like to open up discussion here again

ive been working on the norse again, and a link to their page is in the post above this one. i also started the page for the japanese:


if there's anything that you all think is missing or have any input whatsoever, id be glad to hear it

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sorry for the double post, but does anyone know the ancient greek word for "boar"? im going over the greek myth units again and giving them pictures on the civ page for the greeks, and ive gotten to the erymanthian boar. a thought occurred that artemis' myth unit could just be a generic legendary boar (with details given for both the calydonian and erymanthian boars), and perhaps it could be upgraded into something similar to the crommyonian sow from the theseus legend

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  • 2 weeks later...

a bit more help with the egyptians would certainly be nice. lemme take a look at what we're still missing....

  1. a God Power for the "good" Major God, Osiris; a God Power is a special, one-time-use ability unique to a particular in-game god that can have a variety of effects and ideally is associated with that god in some way (for example, Set, god of the desert, has the "Drought" God Power) but its not absolutely necessary that a god has a God Power specifically related to them. generally, the GPs of Major Gods are weaker than those of later Phases (all Major Gods are chosen at the very beginning of the game or are otherwise pre-selected without any player input)
  2. general Traits for the "neutral" Major God, Ra; a Trait is an inherent ability granted by a Major God simply for worshipping them. unlike God Powers, Traits MUST be associated with the Major God (Osiris, for example, has traits which automatically benefit the Egyptian heroes, the Pharaoh and Heqa-hut [governor])
  3. general Traits for the "evil" Major God, Set
  4. God Powers for Bastet, Sobek, Khnum, Isis, Ptah, and Thoth
  5. a Focus for Ma'at and Khepri; a Focus is simply a statement of what aspects of the civilization that a particular Minor God benefits, which is generally related to an aspect of that Minor God (Bastet, for instace, has a focus based on agriculture because of the natural abilities of cats as pest-control)
  6. Technologies for Ra (Major God), Sobek, Hathor, Khepri, Isis, Ptah, Sekhmet, and Thoth (Minor Gods); for the mythology mod, my intent is that, depending on what gods you choose to worship throughout the game, you will receive different "mythical technologies" which serve as the unique technologies of this game. unique technologies from 0ad itself would be swapped over to different gods depending on what a particular god is associated with (as an example, i decided to give Poseidon the tech "Delian League" based on a possible split in the Greek Poleis that mythosruler made a thread about)
  7. effects for Horus' technology, "Eye of Horus"
  8. general traits (ie, strengths, weaknesses, and effective units) for the mythological units Akh (Mummy), Henkhiseswy (a type of wind spirit), Mastyt (lionness-warrior), Nau-Duaty (serpent of the underworld), Sa-Apep (spawn of a demonic snake), Shesmet (tusked whale), Tjatja (falcon-warrior), and Watet (winged snake); a myth unit is, as its name suggests, a mythical or legendary creature that a civilization acquires by worshipping a particular god. ideally, a myth unit should be associated with that god in a relatively obvious way (for example, the Tjatja falcon-warrior is made available by worshipping Horus), though its not required that they are
  9. just about everything is required for the Henkhiseswy unit (little information about it exists, as far as i can tell)
  10. population and garrison costs and a limit for Mastyt, Sa-Apep, Shesmet, Tjatja, and Watet; depending on the size of a myth unit or how powerful it is, it will cost more population slots; for example, the horse-sized Greek Centaur takes only two while the giant scarab Kheperer-aa takes five; a garrison limit is similar to but separate from the population cost--the garrison cost is derived solely from the size of the unit (for example, the Celtic Leprechaun costs only one garrison slot even though he takes up many more population slots; finally, a limit is the number of a myth unit that can be made to resolve the situation of spamming giants and whatnot like in AOM: with extremely powerful myth units like the Greek Colossus, you can only have one, while with the noticeably weaker Remejt-Iteru mud-man, you can have up to 12 at a time (not including their spawn that are created when they die)
  11. a Special Ability for the Nau-Duaty underworld serpent, Shesmet, Tjatja, and Watet; nearly all myth units have some sort of Special Ability that makes them unique or more useful; the Mastyt lionness-warrior, for instance, can breathe fire, while the Khaty jackal-man can leap through the air, and the Akh mummy can turn people into its followers

thats about all thats left for the egyptians, other than some history on their buildings

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1. Osiris is the lord of the dead, for his god power maybe he can make units who were dead alive again, i know this would be hard to code in. Maybe just bring "10" units "back to life". (AKA: spawn 10 ahk mummy's) Depending on how strong those units are in the game, of course.

2. vision of Ra -- Line of sight increase.

3. -10% armor +10% attack (he attacks, aggressive = evil)




Great Flood -- Food production stopped for all enemies for 1 Minute.


Golden Sea -- 2x Attack for all vessels for 1 minute.


Mineral Refinement -- All buildings have 50% more armor and 10% more attack for the rest of the game.


My Hero -- All heroes in the game get 25% more attack & armor while your heroes get 50% more attack and 25% more armor for 5 minutes.




Preservation of Life -

+200% armor for all your NON attacking buildings

+100% armor for your villagers

for the rest of the game.

5. Focus

Ma'at - Peace (God for justice and truth)

8. The Akh Mummy

Awesome against foot soldiers

Strong against all mortals

Weak against myth units.

Mastyt (lionness-warrior),

Strong against Mounted Units

Week against Archers

Watet (Winged Snake)

Strong against Mounted Units

Weak against Archers

I've done this map for the Egyptians, take a look.

Arabian Nights Map @ 0ad.me

godstorm.0ad.me points to RTS database

I have the resources to set up a wiki site, and a forum for the mod. If you would like.

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  • 1 month later...

got a bit of an update. ive decided to work towards replacing the inca that i had planned before with the iberians. ill be drawing from as many sources of spanish mythology as possible. its currently looking like most of their content will be taken from the cantabrians, catalans, basque, and lusitanians

the iberians will be easier to design than the inca, i think, because most/all of their content will be based on their counterparts in 0ad :)

also, good news! there's enough varied iberian deities to make a complete pantheon! :D i may need to equate some of them with roman gods in order to get them down, but all in all im very happy right now, since i honestly wasnt very satisfied having the inca as Godstorm's 20th civ :)

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  • 1 month later...


do you want to start work on the actual mod yet?

Some things I want to do is make a site for the mod, I can host it on my server + potentially get a domain.

I would like to propose a move of the GodStorm section of the wiki to the same server.

I believe the game has matured enough, and we should have something (Hopefully the first pack) to show for once the game is released proper.


Recruit - mappers, modelers, designers,

Set up file repo / git.

Storyline plan.

Map plans.

Battle plan for civilisations? 2 at a time? We should have a poll, most wanted civs, and work down the list. :)

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  On 21/06/2011 at 12:07 PM, asmartgoat said:


do you want to start work on the actual mod yet?

Some things I want to do is make a site for the mod, I can host it on my server + potentially get a domain.

I would like to propose a move of the GodStorm section of the wiki to the same server.

I believe the game has matured enough, and we should have something (Hopefully the first pack) to show for once the game is released proper.


Recruit - mappers, modelers, designers,

Set up file repo / git.

Storyline plan.

Map plans.

Battle plan for civilisations? 2 at a time? We should have a poll, most wanted civs, and work down the list. :)

no, i havent started any work on the modification itself. all im working on is the written designs. my ultimate hope is that this would become an official mod or entirely new game (with the same mechanics as the original) by the 0ad design team using my designs for the game itself and tuning it to fit with 0ad mechanics

i actually already have a site for it (and two other RTS ideas) that im using to record all the information pertaining to it. some basic unit mods at least to make the original five civilizations playable in the current game would be nice, but id ultimately like for this to be an independent game using the same mechanics and engine of 0ad. i cant imagine that any other games that wildfire games will eventually make will use their own engine, theyll just continue using the one for 0ad

i DO have some basic ideas for what some maps and campaigns could be, as well as rough focuses for some civs. civs will have a basic focus (the norse, for example, will focus on infantry and navy), but the player will also be able to choose what direction their civ goes in based on what gods they worship (ex: if the norse worship Freyja, goddess of gold, to advance to the Town Phase, theyll be able to research a technology that reduces the cost of metal for mythical technologies and units)


keep in mind that everything on here is still under construction

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I have been thinking about this and I agree that it would be more beneficial if it were to eventually become it's own game.

My vision for a mod would be to have a site which splits off into the developers section (collaboration of files, mini-forums) a enthusiests section, (forums and a link to your wikisite) and a user section, (download and documentation [your wiki site]).

Have you had a look at my Arabian nights map ( http://0ad.me/Thread...p-by-Asmartgoat ), it's my first and only attempt at a map so far. I haven't had any stroke of genius since then :), would you be able to send me some of your ideas for maps, I can start putting them into action over the next 3 weeks, (school holidays).

Forums would be beneficial to this mod instead of sticking to this one thread for everything. I can get that set up in a second at http://0ad.me/ .

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  • 3 weeks later...

ive done a little more work. the thing ive worked on most recently is getting correct names for the greek units. i decided to go back a little while ago and renamed all of them, giving them their original greek names instead of the english equivalents (ex: Kéntauroi instead of Centaur, Harpūia instead of Harpy). im not entirely sure its all correct, and now that i think about it im not sure if the major and minor gods have the correct names, either. i think ill go over them and try to figure that out. but here's a little index of myth unit names which have been changed:

Hades --> Hadēs (this respelling DOES make alot of sense; the way its normally spelled, "Hades" looks like it should be pronounced "hayds"

Hamadryad --> Hamadryád

Harpy --> Harpūia

Centaur --> Kéntauroi

Cetus --> Kētos

Chimera --> Khimaros

Cyclops --> Kuklōpes

Nemean Lion --> Léōn tēs Neméas; im not sure if this one is correct, though;

Medusa --> Médousa

Stymphalian Bird --> Stymphalídes órnis

one new name that im looking for is simply the greek word for "boar" (or maybe "giant boar" or "monster boar") to use for the erymanthian boar as a catch-all for the three greek mythical boars: the erymanthian one, the caledonian one, and the crommyonian sow

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Oshron! Long time no see!

If you are looking for Greek names you could do worse than to open www.theoi.com and look at their Greek names for deities, monsters, and so forth. They have Chimera (Χιμαιρα), Centaur (Κενταυρος is single, Κενταυροι is plural), Cyclops (Κυκλωψ is single, Κυκλωπες is plural), Erymanthian Boar (Ὑς Ερυμανθιος), Crommyan Sow (Ὑς Κρομμυων), and other monsters in there, and the names of ALL the gods, and I do mean ALL of them, no matter how obscure.

But be sure to use Internet Explorer, or the Greek font won't display correctly. Annoying, but that's how it's set up.

Wait, I take that back, he changed it so it works in Firefox! Holy cow, theoi.com isn't abandoned anymore, the webmaster came back and even added some more pages this year. Sweet! :banana: :banana:

*ahem* Anyway, everyone interested in Greek myth should check out this site because it is made of awesome.

Also, I'd say the Shesmet should be renamed Shesmety. If Shesmet refers to the Sinai area, then Shesmety would mean thing of/from Sinai.

Osiris' God Power could be as simple as suddenly giving you a giant mass of food, but raising the dead is more dramatic, especially if food production is something he already passively improves (which it should be).

Set's general traits could be related either to slowing down food production of opponents (it would have to be keyed to those whose units are fighting yours, so it doesn't hit your allies) or it could involve improving the morale or something of your mortal units, since one of his functions was as a war deity.

I don't know the details of how technologies work in Godstorm, but here are my ideas:

Sobek: Something that improves fishing, navy, or both.

Ptah: Upgrade to improves the quality of your metal and stone, so that you effectively get some % more from each mine, and/or improve the HP of every building built after you start worshipping him.

Isis or Sekhmet: A technology that upgrades your healers, making them more effective and efficient.

Thoth: He is one of those gods involved with technology, especially calendars and writing, so if there's anything in your game that is thematically tied to such things, he can upgrade that. If you can find one of each, give the writing-related upgrade to Thoth, give the calendar-related one to Isis, and save the healer upgrade for Sekhmet.

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boy, am i glad i decided to stop by again today! :D good to see you again, too, aldandil ;)

thanks for your suggestions, but the general problem im having with those names you listed is that they arent written with more standard letters. it would be a LOT easier if the names were simplified. i may well be able to figure all this out myself, but further input from you would be much appreciated.

thanks for the shesmety suggestion, though i honestly cant remember at the moment if i decided to really keep it or not; (comparatively) recently, i decided to revamp the civ pages for Godstorm that ive been writing up and cant remember if i decided to transfer the shesmety over to the new format

i DID eventually decide on a godpower for osiris: Oasis--iirc (its been a while since i wrote it), it simply creates an "artificial" oasis (its basically a building for the purposes of gameplay) for a short time, which provides additional resources and relief to whoever controls it (basically, whoever would have the most units near it).

thanks for your suggestion with set; maybe his special trait could be a minor morale boost (8-10% or so) for mortal units whenever they enter battle

for reference--even though im not sure if youve played any RTS games before--im basically envisioning the technologies in Godstorm as working like techs in Age of Mythology, though this will likely change later on to conform with what is eventually decided on for 0ad, as will most other things about the Godstorm idea

sobek was always going to be navy-oriented, so i thank you for your suggestion for him. :) those are some good suggestions for ptah and isis/sekhmet. i especially like your idea for thoth; i always forget that those science- and art-oriented gods can work well as technology-based gods in-game

also, i dont know if youve kept up with some of the other posts earlier in this thread since your last post, but i decided to toss out old ideas i had of having the inca as one of the final civilizations and instead replaced them with iberians, a la 0ad itself. i was even able to get a definitive list of gods for them, which i had been unable to accomplish with the inca :)

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I haven't played any RTS so no, I don't know how technologies work.

Greek names can just be transliterated, like this:

Chimera = Χιμαιρα = Chimaira

Centaur = Κενταυρος = Kentauros

Cyclops = Κυκλωψ = Kuklops = Kyklops

Erymanthian Boar = Ὑς Ερυμανθιος = Hus Erumanthios = Hys Erymanthios

Crommyan Sow = Ὑς Κρομμυων = Hus Krommuōn = Hys Krommyōn

Dryad = Δρυας = Druas = Dryas

Hades = Ἁδης = Hadēs

Hamadryad = Ἁμαδρυαδες = Hamadruas = Hamadryas

Harpy = Harpuia (theoi.com has a typo in the Greek spelling on this page)

Cetus = Κητος = Kētos

Nemean Lion = Λεον Νεμειος = Leon Nemeios

Medusa should just be Gorgon or Gorgō (Γοργον, Γοργω)

Stymphalian Bird: Ορνιθες Στυμφαλιδες = Ornithes Stumphalides = Ornithes Stymphalides is the plural. I don't know how to make the singular of this, but if you are thinking of the birds with the razor feathers that they can shoot like arrows, those are the Birds of Ares. One Bird of Ares = Ορνις Αρειος = Ornis Areios.

Theoi.com has both the original Greek and a transliteration of each name, although their transliterations use both Y and U for upsilon, which is odd. I would always use one or the other letter, not both.

So this is how I'd do the Egyptian gods' traits you asked about:

Osiris' god power: Oasis makes a lot of sense.

Ra's general traits: Vision of Ra is a good idea.

Ra's technology: Something to do with the rule of the king/pharaoh would make the most sense.

Set's general traits: -10% armor +10% attack, or general morale increase for all mortals, or specific stat increase for ranged mortal units.

Bastet's god power: Great Flood seems OK, but would also make a lot of sense for Khnum if you can think of something else for Bastet.

Sobek's god power: Golden Sea looks like a good idea.

Sobek's technology: General speed increase for all your ships and naval myth units.

Khnum's god power: Earth Mound/Silt Mound/Black Mound -- A steep hill of dark earth rises out of the ground at whatever spot you pick, and stays there for a while. You cannot do it on top of buildings, and any units on the spot will still be on top of it and unharmed by it. But you can dam up a river, block troops, give yourself the high ground, or just mess with topography and your opponent's troop movements. I think this makes the most sense for Khnum, but this can instead be Ptah's god power, and Khnum can get the Mineral Refinement god power. If Ptah gets to make hills out of nowhere, Tatjenen is a good name for it, since it means Risen Land and is also a name of Ptah. The best-case would be giving Khnum something to do with rivers, water, or fertility (like Great Flood), and give Tatjenen to Ptah.

Isis' god power: My Hero seems reasonable.

Ptah's god power: Mineral Refinement -- Your mines and quarries produce a larger amount of metal and stone. I guess God Powers are temporary events so this would have to be a large, temporary increase? Or switch this with the god power I listed under Khnum.

Ptah's technology: Advanced Architecture: All your buildings built with this tech have some % more armor.

Thoth's god power: Stolen Moonlight: Basically Thoth gives you an extra day/night to do stuff while your opponents are stopped in time. So for a short interval your opponents can't do X. I don't know if X should be building, training, resource gathering, attacking, or what. It shouldn't be unfun of course.

Thoth's technology: Increase the pace of your technology research.

Maat's focus: I have no idea for a focus. Maat is goddess of law and order, which combines cosmic order, social order, natural order, and political order. (Ma'at is a misspelling just so you know.)

Khepri's focus: If your game is going to have resource regeneration, he could give a constant bonus to the regeneration rate of resources within territories you control (I imagine for balance it would have to be a small bonus). Otherwise, no idea.

Khepri's technology: ?

Hathor's technology: I don't know. She's associated with music, beer, parties, love, cows, and the sky.

Sekhmet's or Isis' technology: Speed up the training of your healing units, or increase the amount they heal, or both.

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thanks for your quick reply :) ill try to remember to look into theoi.com sometime soon

"Vision of Ra" was actually asmartgoat's idea, but it does sound like a good idea, and makes sense for a sun god. i decided to adapt that as a technology for him which grants additional line-of-sight to all the player's mortal units. as for your second suggestion on ra, i DID already decide to make his special Bonus "Priesthood," granting a free Heqa-hut (governor/priest) at the beginning of the game

i decided to make Set's traits so that mortals get a 15% morale boost when they enter battle

a flood power seems like it would be a bit overpowered for an early god like Bastet. your suggestion with Khnum is alot more fitting for him not only because he's the god of the nile, but also because he's from a later in-game phase than bastet. i think ill make it into a minor flood that just waterlogs a small area, yknow, bogs down units on land

"Golden Sea" is another of asmartgoat's ideas. id like to thank him/her for the suggestions :) while the basic idea of Golden Sea sounds good, id like to give it a different name, perhaps something to do with crocodiles. for the technology, id decided before that Sobek would give "Crocodile Armor", which i think is a better improvement since the egyptians will need a more resistant navy in-game

ill see what's most fitting for the Earth Mound idea; it sounds to me like it could be a good idea for a Mississippian (native american) godpower instead.

no comments on the stuff for ptah (at least not yet)

i decided a while ago to give Thoth the godpower "Darkness", based on the biblical plague of darkness, which obviously shrouds an area (i decided that it making the entire map go dark was overpowered) in darkness and makes it impossible for anything to see there for a while. it could be useful for covering an escape. the general idea of "Stolen Moonlight" DOES, however, sound like a good idea. i remember a long time ago i had something similar as an idea for a celtic godpower, "Still Sun," which makes your units and buildings be completed 100% faster (or more)

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Well the reason I suggested the earth mound as a god power that Ptah could use is because early on he absorbed or was merged with the god Tatjenen, a god of the primordial mound of earth which arose from the waters of chaos at the Creation. This act of creation is repeated each autumn when the waters of the Nile go down, revealing first the higher spots of land which emerge from the water, before the fields and lower banks emerge.

Stolen Moonlight is inspired by the story of Thoth gambling with the moon god Yah and winning five new days/nights out of him, to add to the calendar.

And the flood does make more sense for Khnum than for Bast. But then I don't know what she can really do. She is a fertility goddess so, if none of the Egyptian gods already do it, she could temporarily make your herd animals breed MUCH faster. You could give such an ability to Hathor instead, if that fits better with when she's available in game compared to Bast. But I think Hathor can temporarily cause every unit who attacks your stuff to get drunk, reducing their accuracy and general ability to hit things (or reduce attack, if accuracy isn't a stat). But that's a god power, and can't be used for a technology. What's her current god power? Maybe that can work as a technology instead.

Oh and by the way Oshron, did you see this thread?


User Sasquatch apparently also plans to make a Pacific Northwest faction with myth units. Perhaps you two could join forces.

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hathor's current godpower is "Blood" based on one of the plagues of egypt; it turns all of the water on the map into blood, halting naval economy (ie fishing) and also slows down ships, though enemy ships are slowed down more

now that i think about it, maybe that power would go better for bastet, make an otherwise undesirable minor god more useful. hathor could probably have something else that benefits livestock then

EDIT: im not sure which of these names would be best as a replacement for "Erymanthian Boar": either Hus Gigantes or Gigantes Hus. the latter seems more accurate, but the former has more of a ring to it. thoughts?

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  On 07/10/2011 at 9:30 PM, oshron said:

EDIT: im not sure which of these names would be best as a replacement for "Erymanthian Boar": either Hus Gigantes or Gigantes Hus. the latter seems more accurate, but the former has more of a ring to it. thoughts?

Where do you get that name from, anyway? Greek for "boar" is either "syagrios" (meaning literally "pig wild") or "kapros". "Erymanthian" would be something like "Erymanthôn", "Gigantês" means "giant", if anything.

Regardless, the word order for Greek (and Latin) words is: substantive first, adjective(s) follow. So it would be "Hus Gigantes" and not "Gigantes Hus".

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thanks for your reply, SMST :) the "hus" is from the apparent transliteration of the original greek for "erymanthian boar". i mainly asked, in case you were wondering, because i wanted to rename erymanthian boar just "giant boar" so that it would encompass the calydonian boar (and possibly the crommyonian sow) as well

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  On 08/10/2011 at 12:11 AM, Aldandil said:

I got the translations from theoi.com. The author of that website sources everything directly from the ancient texts and pots, though he mostly reads translations.

Hm, I never came across that word, and my online dictionary doesn't know it. My more extensive dictionary lies in a different part of Germany.:( I just have to believe you - or the guy at theoi.com, for that matter - in this.:)

@oshron: As I said, it would be "hus gigantes" then.

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At the least Hus/Hys must be close, because -hyus is a common ending for genus names among pigs and their relatives, and two of their groupings end in -hyidae and -hyina. (Huus/Hyys in Ancient Greek doesn't seem to make sense to me, but you may know that better SMST.)

Also, erymanthius is an (invalid) species name for a Miocene southern European giant pig.

But then, some scientific names are spelled wrong. (Some are also named after Silmarillion characters... :unknw: )

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  • 1 month later...

hey, all. minor update to one of the civs. while doing some research for a project completely unrelated to this one, i came upon the "root races" of theosophy. while i view the whole thing of theosophy as false, i DO find it pretty interesting, and they happened to include an alternative name for cro-magnons ("Tlavati") that ive decided to make the name of the cro-magnon civ in Godstorm, make it fit in a little better with the other civs in terms of aesthetics. the civ itself is still the same as before, though

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  • 1 month later...

ive been doing a bit of work on the aztec civilization and would like some extra opinions on one matter. simply put, ive run out of real myth units that they can use, both of aztec AND mayan origin; ive already cheated a bit by giving them a semi-invented skin-walker, a mayan vision serpent and giant bat, and a chupacabra. at the moment, id like to know what everyone thinks about the potential inclusion of a completely invented myth unit: a terror bird. i even have an actual nahuatl name for it, "Tatapatli Ichtecqui". since the aztecs will be the game's only representative of what is now latin america (the mississippians, in contrast, will cover anglo-america), im willing to stretch their definition to encompass some myth units that have their origins elsewhere in latin america (one that i kind of have my eye on is "yacumama" of the amazon) but ill only be including them if i can find nahuatl names

for any other ideas, im still missing aztec mythological units Nanauatzin (City Phase god of the sun), Mixcoatl (Empire Phase god of the hunt) and possibly ones for Chichomecoatl (Town Phase goddess of agriculture, already has a vision serpent), Mayahuel (Town Phase goddess of maguey plants, already has chaneque), Huehueteotl (Empire Phase aged god, already has xiuhcoatl), Coatlicue (Legend Phase goddess of stars, already has a giant vampire bat), Tezcatlipoca (Legend Phase god of jaguars, already has feathered serpent), and Tlaloc (Legend Phase god of rain, already has xelhua)

for quick reference, this is the order of phases for godstorm:

1. Village Phase -- simplest selection with only a few citizen-soldiers and no ships, siege, or myth units

2. Town Phase -- the first ships and myth units are made available

3. City Phase -- all ships and siege become available as well as the first champion units (shared by all major gods in a civ)

4. Empire Phase -- all other champion units become available (the ones which are unique to each major god)

5. Legend Phase -- all units and buildings that are available to a given civ are available, as well as the most powerful myth units

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