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post-0 AD idea: mythology


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Hm, well... the Sha-headed griffin is a possibility though it is very similar to a regular griffin, or a cross between a griffin and a Set-animal, and seems too repetitive. The Winged Giraffe isn't working and the Serpopard is too similar to the Sirrush. Are you already using the tusked whale/cryptid? I think you said you are.

There's the Sacred Bull I mentioned here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.p...ndpost&p=208840 which would be pretty appropriate for Ptah.

Bakh (Buchis) was credited with healing powers, especially healing eye disease. So a Sacred Bull could perhaps be a combat unit that also units within his aura, or boosts their line-of-sight (or both if he's upgraded). But again, that may be too similar to the Bull of Heaven.

If you want something more unique... apparently Hap (Apis) could be depicted as a bull-headed (giant) scarab.

Or a cross between a woman and a tree... sometimes a fig tree with the head and arms of a goddess (sometimes unspecified) offers food and drink to the dead in the underworld. Something like that (But with the ability to walk) could heal units or something.

Shesshes is a crocodile with a snake's head and neck growing out of the end of its tail. A singular creature or god apparently, depicted in the underworld.

Then there are the four winds. I think they were regarded as minor deities, and each had a different appearance, so if you use them you'd probably have to pick one. As wind gods they're also more appropriate to Amun, if it isn't too awkward to shift things somewhat and give an existing unit to Ptah.

Qebewy: depicted as a ram with four heads and four feathered wings, and alternatively as a man with four ram-heads and four feathered wings

Henkhiseswy: depicted as a scarab with the head of a ram, with two feathered wings (not to be taken literally?); or alternatively as a man with the head of a ram and four feathered wings

Shehbwy: a man with the head of a lion and four feathered wings

Hudjaywy: as Shehbwy, but with the head of a snake instead

Lastly, Hapy the river-god has many servants: minor crocodile-headed gods and frog-headed goddesses. I don't know what they could do (maybe armed with nets and spears?) but you could give one type to Khnum and switch one of his to Ptah, or something.

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  Aldandil said:
Are you already using the tusked whale/cryptid? I think you said you are.
id gladly include it if we can produce a name. if all else fails, we can just bullshit up an ancient egyptian or coptic or even modern arabic name for it, and then toss it in as a much-needed naval myth unit. but not for ptah; i made sa-apep a naval unit and what he needs is a terrestrial unit. it doesnt even need to be an especially impressive one--ptah could compensate by offering a powerful godpower and great technologies (similar to artemis for the greeks, who has the erymanthian boar, comparatively weak alongside MUs from those other phases--the Minotaur and the Nemean Lion
There's the Sacred Bull I mentioned here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.p...ndpost&p=208840 which would be pretty appropriate for Ptah.

Bakh (Buchis) was credited with healing powers, especially healing eye disease. So a Sacred Bull could perhaps be a combat unit that also units within his aura, or boosts their line-of-sight (or both if he's upgraded). But again, that may be too similar to the Bull of Heaven.

If you want something more unique... apparently Hap (Apis) could be depicted as a bull-headed (giant) scarab.

im not too sure about giving ptah a sacred bull, since the mesopotamians have gugalanna--cant really think how the two could be different. but that bull-scarab sounds interesting. ill look into that
Or a cross between a woman and a tree... sometimes a fig tree with the head and arms of a goddess (sometimes unspecified) offers food and drink to the dead in the underworld. Something like that (But with the ability to walk) could heal units or something.
i'll keep this one in mind, but seems a bit too similar to the greek hamadryad
Shesshes is a crocodile with a snake's head and neck growing out of the end of its tail. A singular creature or god apparently, depicted in the underworld.
an excellent idea!
Then there are the four winds. I think they were regarded as minor deities, and each had a different appearance, so if you use them you'd probably have to pick one. As wind gods they're also more appropriate to Amun, if it isn't too awkward to shift things somewhat and give an existing unit to Ptah.

Qebewy: depicted as a ram with four heads and four feathered wings, and alternatively as a man with four ram-heads and four feathered wings

Henkhiseswy: depicted as a scarab with the head of a ram, with two feathered wings (not to be taken literally?); or alternatively as a man with the head of a ram and four feathered wings

Shehbwy: a man with the head of a lion and four feathered wings

Hudjaywy: as Shehbwy, but with the head of a snake instead

an elemental-type creature sounds like a good idea to me; there's wind-like creatures elsewhere in designs, but no actual embodiments of wind. is there a singular name for them?

qebewy sounds a bit too complex and awkward to be practical (speaking of which, i may need to revise the hydra so it has less heads). no comment on henkhiseswy. shehbwy honestly doesnt sound like that good an idea, looks kinda like a toned-down version of a mesopotamian myth unit, pazuzu

Lastly, Hapy the river-god has many servants: minor crocodile-headed gods and frog-headed goddesses. I don't know what they could do (maybe armed with nets and spears?) but you could give one type to Khnum and switch one of his to Ptah, or something.
perhaps. those wind gods seem like the best idea at the moment
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What's so wrong with calling the cryptic Beast of Suez or Suez Beast or Tusked Whale? You had some name ideas earlier. It's a modern discovery, so it couldn't possibly have an ancient or Coptic name.

There isn't a word for "wind god" that I know of, but just calling it "wind" like the Greeks do could work. That would be: Tjaw, Tjau, Sut, Suh, or Nefet.

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theres nothing wrong with the creature itself, but just to go with the whole language authenticity thing, it should have an ancient egyptian or coptic name, even if we have to make it up; we could just plug together "Suez" and the ancient word for "beast" and call it a day

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Well.. it's not authentic if it has to be made up, right? And I can't actually find words for beast, whale, or monster.

Tjeku is the Egyptian name of a region near the modern Suez, though.

I know and agree that it doesn't sound as good if the names aren't consistent with each other, but I don't really think that's a reason not to use a myth unit in your plans, especially since the Nouvelle dictionary isn't the world's only source of Egyptian linguistic info. There's other places to look and other people to talk to.

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But... that makes no sense at all. Tjeku is a place name. It's like naming a unit Memphis or Syracuse or Sparta. It just doesn't work. Not adding a word such as "beast" doesn't make the name look more authentic at all. It just makes the name totally nonsensical.

And I already posted several words that mean "wind."

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well how bout just a word for "animal"?

i decided to make henkhiseswy ptah's "terrestrial" myth unit. he flies but low to the ground like the celtic pendragon and christian cherub, so he clears rough terrain, cliffs, and water but can be attacked by melee infantry (true flying units can only be attacked by ranged units), and i gave him a whirlwind as a special attack: he creates a miniature tornado that seeks out enemy soldiers and temporarily removes them from teh battle by lifting them into the air and spinning them around. they come out virtually unscathed, but its a useful power for if you want to simply preoccupy them or keep them from chasing you while you make your escape

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i figured out the favor generation method and, surprisingly, the team bonus for the japanese. they gain favor by building special Honden buildings (honden are the main buildings of shinto shrines intended as the residence of local kami) in a combination of the greek and egyptian favor generation methods. they get favor passively simply by having honden and can have up to 3 per civic center, but they can task up to 6 citizens per honden to make favor generate 5% faster for each one (so a total of 6 citizens worshipping makes the honden generate favor 30% faster). honden function similarly to temples, granting protection in an area where applicable, housing relics, benefitting from temple techs, and researching temple techs, but they cant train any units

the japanese team bonus is Tamahagane. y'see, the japanese actually mastered steelworking much earlier than contemporary civs and used it mainly to make samurai swords. for the team bonus, though, i made it so that it benefits all types of weapons. their team bonus lets them teach their steelworking skills to their allies and makes their allies weapons stronger and reduces metal costs. not as creative as it could be, but its a start

i also renamed the Na-Dene, so now theyre called "Mesoindians". yes, im cheating in this respect by making them a mishmash of different cultures, but to be fair, ive still tried to divide it into three general factions: eastern woodlands (specifically iroquois), pacific northwest (specifically haida), and great plains (especially sioux). i also chose an earlier time of amerindian history just after the paleo-indians (i HATE that term) when they would be less distinct, so its more like the three factions are just now diverging from one another into distinct cultures within a blanket culture

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If one or two units have English words in their names, I don't think that's so terrible. Ancient Egyptian names are preferrable, but that by itself isn't a reason to give up a piece of gameplay, IMO. For one thing, your first version of the mod won't be perfect anyway, but you can keep looking for names. This free online dictionary I'm using isn't the only possible source you could use.

There probably is a known Coptic word for animal or beast, but not necessarily for Tjeku or Suez. There may be a Coptic name for the Red Sea, depending on the wording of Exodus in the Coptic Bible.

Are you planning to use Arabic for the flagbearer unit?

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well actually i wasnt planning to give the egyptians a standard bearer; the only use of arabic for the egyptians so far is in their El Naddahah myth unit (it means "the caller"), and thats mainly because that the authentic name for that unit

its decided then: simply "Beast of Suez" it is ;) hopefully, we'll be able to get a coptic or arabic name for it, but let's not stress over that right now :)

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DPFAR: i think i have an idea for the major god bonus of Yahweh for the semites. it entails kosher foods and is basically that it makes it so that only the people of yahweh among the semites cant hunt and eat certain animals (the ones that arent kosher), but in exchange, they get small amounts of favor while gathering other food (which is supposed to be like ritual slaughter of those animals, so that they cant hunt as many animals as the other civilizations but get compensation for it

what do you think?

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  • 1 month later...

hey, all. been a while, hasnt it?

ive narrowed possibilities for civ #20 down to five options: the Inca, the Zulu, the Maasai, the Vietnamese, or the Khmer. im currently leaning towards the inca because south america is the only continent that isnt represented yet (i count australia as being part of the polynesian region)

i also worked out what the units for the christians can be based on units from Age of Kings by cross-referencing the Teutons, Franks, and Britons based on the european beligerants of the First Crusade (the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdoms of France and England). i havent gotten names for the christian units yet, but here's the basic ideas:

Crossbowman (Infantry Archer)

Skirmisher (Infantry Javelinist)

Cavalry Archer

Longswordsman (Infantry Swordsman)

Pikeman (Infantry Swordsman)

Knight (Cavalry Spearman)

Scout Cavalry (Cavalry Swordsman)

Fire Ship (Light Warship)

Galley (Medium Warship)

Petard (possibly a superunit; this is a powerful suicide-bombing unit, so im not sure if this one warrants inclusion)

Mangonel (Onager)

Capped Ram (Ram)

Scorpion (Ballista)

Trebuchet (possibly a superunit; this unit was available to all three base civilizations in AOK but only fits as an onager-type unit, but i want to keep the mangonel)

im debating what the language should be, but im currently leaning towards either strictly middle english (the common language of england during the time of the first crusade) or a mix of middle english, the language of france at the time (or just straight up french), and germanic languages (from the HRE)

EDIT: i was also thinking of a simplification possibility: instead of selecting a major god before the game starts, you simply select a civilization (ie, Egyptians) and as soon as the game starts, your task is to gather 100 food. immediately after gathering 100 food, you are forced with the option of choosing one of the three major gods (say, Osiris) and begin advancing into it, which takes only thirty seconds, during which time a statue of that god is erected in your civic center, and then the game announces that, say, "PLAYER X has chosen to worship OSIRIS!"

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  dementor said:


I agree, some tasty bacon is never wrong.

But other than that, I see no relevance in your post.


Since England really just partipicated in the Third Crusade, (and even then, the English Crusaders would be largely of Norman kin, thus speaking French) I wouldn't choose English as a language. You could choose Middle High German or the French of that time. (don't really know if it is Provencal or something else) I would go for French, since the maiority of the crusaders have always been French. Then again, the two major knight orders who estabilshed there (Johannites and Templars) were from the HRE and they would be an obvious choice for chivalric heroes in your case.

Your simplification would actually be like 0 A.D.'s subfaction selecting, as far as it is planned. I would prefer it that way.

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i just thought maybe it would really help to simplify the random map interface, so theres just the twenty civilizations instead of sixty options. alternatively, the choice could come up immediately when you start the game, giving you a leeway of ten seconds to start functions in any way, shape, or form before forcing you to choose a major god. in terms of the faction divisions in 0ad, i love that because it simplifies the minor god system for godstorm: its already in the game and functions exactly the same as it did in AOM. for scenarios, there would have to be a function in the editor that allows you to select a major god (as opposed to a civilization) so that you automatically start out in "Village Phase-II". i think that this could really work quite well now: you start the game in "Village Phase-I" and, after ten seconds, are forced to advance to "Village Phase-II", which are programmed seperately but are named exactly the same thing so that it appears seemless in the game itself

french seems to be the language im leaning towards for the crusader's language, anyway, so i guess ill make it that instead, mixing in germanic where appropriate

EDIT: to my joy, there were three incan gods that i can use for the inca major gods that have a fair amount of information for them: Inti, god of the sun and parton of the incan empire; Viracocha, the creator god (who is also the father of Inti); and Supay, god of death and the lord of demons. im still working out the rest of their pantheon, but heres what i have so far in terms of the civ itself:

theyre a sovereign civilization that uses the Sapa Inca as their only hero. he's not a good fighter, so i was thinking of maybe making it so that all of the incan mortals are good against myth units

one of their cultural bonuses is that they can climb cliffs and mountains, even really steep ones, but are very slow when they do so

units so far include the Cuncha chucuna (infantry swordsman; actually uses an axe), Chaska chiqui (infantry spearman), Huaraca (infantry slinger), Antisuyo (cavalry archer, actually on foot), Estolica (cavalry javelinst, actually on foot), Warmi (female citizen), Qhariwan Llama (merhant with a llama), Pikaq (entirely fictional ballista in the same feel as the aztec siege unit), Wampum (merchant ship), Wampum Mahanakuy (light warship), and Challwa hap’iq (fishing ship)

ive only got two super units so far: Wikch’uy Ayllos (bola-thrower) and Suhuc chiqui (Cusco spearman available only to Inti)

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Looks like a good start.

For the spelling of Inca words, you will eventually need to make the spelling more consistent. Right now there are at least two different spelling/orthography methods among the words you have. Try to get all your Inca words from the same dictionary (and if one single dictionary has that much spelling variation, it probably is a pretty bad one).

Also, Wampum is something from North America and has nothing to do with the Inca. They had trading ships, but they weren't called that.

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well i use freelang for most of my foreign languages (thats also where i got most of the nahuatl for the aztecs), and "wampum" is what it said was the quechua word for "boat". but if you have any ideas, id be happy to hear them.

ive done a bit more work on other civilizations, too:

the Mesoindian civilization i had before has been changed into the Mississippians, which was a real historical culture from what is now the eastern USA. they also work well because their culture pretty much died out before the europeans arrived. like the other non-eurasian civilizations, though, they'll be lacking in cavalry and consequently have runner-type units.

for heroes, im planning to make the Mississippians have a "medeoulin" unit (which is something like a shaman iirc) and some kind of warrior who can summon a guardian animal spirit to his aid. i also got a pretty cool civilization bonus for them: because the Mississippians didnt have any form of stone architecture, they don't need to use stone for anything and their buildings only cost wood, so any units that other civilizations would need to task on stone mines can instead be used for lumbering

their favor generation method is dancing. this was kind of inspired by the dancing that the different native american civilizations in Age of Empires could do (in that, the Aztecs, Sioux, and Iroquois) and can perform up to five different dances: the War Dance boosts allied morale, the Shalako Dance increases building resistance, the Hoop Dance occasionally summons free myth units, the Ghost Dance increases favor output, and the Rain Dance increases economic output and even heals damaged buildings at a very slow rate. all of these dances grant favor at a rate of 0.1 units of it for each dancer (which can only be infantry citizen-soldiers; no replacing them with female citizens like with other civs--the tradeoff for these effects is that it preoccupies your soldiers), and the maximum number of dancers is six. dances can only be performed around a firepit, of which there can only be one per civic center (or territory) and they cant be captured, not even by other Mississippians, and no other buildings can exist in a small area around them (kind of in reference to how you see, in fiction, that there's a bunch of tents or longhouses around a firepit when natives are dancing)

their mythology ive already worked out, but im cheating with it; once again, i cant help but give them gods and monsters from many different cultures, though ive used tribes from the Mississippians' region more than any other where i could help it.

their major gods are Ahone (chief god of the Algonquians), Gitche Manitou (iirc, the Algonquian name for the Sioux entity named Wakan Tanka, "the Great Mystery" that is sometimes called the Great Spirit), and Muut (the owl spirit of death)

their minor gods are:

Azeban (racoon trickster spirit)

Kokopelli (trickster spirit of music)

Wohpe (goddess of peace, who grants the Chepi myth unit, a spirit who can empower units and buildings similar to the egyptian pharaoh's function)

Heyokha (spirit of thunder and lightning, who grants the myth units Unktehi, a generic horned serpent found in many different native american myths, and the iconic Thunderbird)

Tonenili (god of rain, who grants the ‘Ant’jjhnii, or skin-walker, a Navajo "witch" that can change shapes between human and wolf/coyote)

Sisiutl (god of warrior invincibility, actually a pacific northwest god, who grants the myth units Sésquac, aka bigfoot, and Altamaha-ha, a crocodile-snouted sturgeon)

Gaoh (spirit of the winds, who grants the Bakaak, an evil flying spirit from the great lakes region)

Raven (the famous trickster spirit, who grants the Jersey Devil myth unit)

Kumugwe (god of teh undersea, i think this is another PNW god)

Glooscap (Abenaki creator god who grants the Piasa, an enormous dragon from many cultures)

Katipenimitak (the Caribou Master, who grants the Raven Mocker, a spirit that appears to be an old man but can suddenly turn into a giant, fiery bird to suicide attack and instantly kill another unit, and the Gaaseyendietha, a dragon that lives underwater because its fire is so hot it would burn up the world if it stays out for too long, it emerges only to attack. while its out of the water, it rapidly loses health, but is incredibly powerful)

Tsul Kalu (the Great Lord of teh Game, who grants the myth unit Wendigo, a cannibalistic spirit that can not only drain health from enemies in reference to cannibalism but occasionally turns a unit it kills into another Wendigo that is aggressive to all players)

ive also got a few myth unit ideas for the cro-magnons (btw, i think ill be changing their language to proto-indo-european so that i can make english the language of the mississippians, but ill see how this turns out): the Shunka Warakin, a north american cryptid that some think may be a relict dire wolf; the Despot, which is a proposed common name for tyrannosaurs; and the Peon, which is a proposed common name for smaller carnivorous dinosaurs like compsognathus (so the initial one is just a single Peon while the upgraded version becomes a Peon Pack; also, the Despot's improved version would be, of course, Despot Rex). ill need to go over some other information i have before going on with the cro-magnons

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  oshron said:

well i use freelang for most of my foreign languages (thats also where i got most of the nahuatl for the aztecs), and "wampum" is what it said was the quechua word for "boat". but if you have any ideas, id be happy to hear them.

Ah, oops, I thought you were using the word for the wampum trade shells from North America to refer to trade. If that is also the Quechua/Inca word for boat then it must just be a coincidence. My error. Sorry! :ok:

Personally I don't think you should go for factions that require giving gods and myth units from multiple cultures across an entire continent -- it's true the Mississippian culture had Cahokia which was either a city or nearly one, but since you are using non-city neolithic people for your "cro-magnon" faction I really think that any mostly sedentary Native American group would work for North America, and that a faction specific to the Pueblo cultural grouping or Pacific Northwest area, with enough info to give them material only from a group of related cultures, would work out better.

I don't mean to get you down -- I think the Mississippian area is also a particularly hard one to find material for, considering that the culture itself collapsed from new diseases before extensive European contact and not a lot seems to be known about who even lived there at the time of European contact. From your list, most of what I recognize is from outside that area.

EDIT: I'm trying to find out which nations/"tribes" would be best to look at for info for a Mississippian-based faction. On this National Geographic language map, the builders of Cahokia would be speakers of the Illinois language. Other (better-known) groups you could look to for words, myth units, and gods are Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek/Muskogee, and Chickasaw. Other possibilities are Natchez, Yuchi, Ofo, Michigamea, Quapaw, Tunica, Tawasa, Alabama, Koasati, and Caddo, but I don't know anything about them or how much info is available. All these lived outside of the Cahokia area but were in the broader mound-building region, so you can just define "Mississippian" to include all the (probable/possible) mound-builders.

I wish I knew good sources I could recommend for you, or that I knew enough to help directly, but Native North America isn't a continent I know much about.

I did find a pretty awesome source for Egyptian military matters, though, if you're interested: http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timeli...ex.html#society

It has a lot of info and cites its sources, though I don't have any knowledge how good the writer's scholarship is. But if you need any Egyptian military info, it might be useful.

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  Aldandil said:
Personally I don't think you should go for factions that require giving gods and myth units from multiple cultures across an entire continent -- it's true the Mississippian culture had Cahokia which was either a city or nearly one, but since you are using non-city neolithic people for your "cro-magnon" faction I really think that any mostly sedentary Native American group would work for North America, and that a faction specific to the Pueblo cultural grouping or Pacific Northwest area, with enough info to give them material only from a group of related cultures, would work out better.
well the mississippians are easier to get away with because there's no "Mississippian" tribe today. ideally, id like to get it to be that the mississippians only take content from tribes that were in their general area, but theyre more of a generic amerindian faction rather than a specific tribe. plus, this allows me to include some of america's more iconic native myths, like the wendigo and thunderbird
I don't mean to get you down -- I think the Mississippian area is also a particularly hard one to find material for, considering that the culture itself collapsed from new diseases before extensive European contact and not a lot seems to be known about who even lived there at the time of European contact. From your list, most of whsat I recognize is from outside that area.
the myth units are where i kind of break th rules; just about everything else for that faction will presumably be from the peoples who lived in that area. since little is known about the Mississippians, i figured it wouldnt be too much of a stretch to include mortal units and buildings based on the modern tribes from the general area. wikipedia lists these tribes as being in the southeastern US region:

"Native American descendants of the mound-builders include Alabama, Apalachee, Caddo, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Guale, Hitchiti, Houma, and Seminole peoples, many of whom still reside in the South."

EDIT: I'm trying to find out which nations/"tribes" would be best to look at for info for a Mississippian-based faction. On this National Geographic language map, the builders of Cahokia would be speakers of the Illinois language. Other (better-known) groups you could look to for words, myth units, and gods are Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek/Muskogee, and Chickasaw. Other possibilities are Natchez, Yuchi, Ofo, Michigamea, Quapaw, Tunica, Tawasa, Alabama, Koasati, and Caddo, but I don't know anything about them or how much info is available. All these lived outside of the Cahokia area but were in the broader mound-building region, so you can just define "Mississippian" to include all the (probable/possible) mound-builders.
what i was planning was to either just make their language english (and make the cro-magnons have proto-indo-european, which would be a bit more correct), or to mix some of their languages together. for this example, ill just borrow a couple units from AOE3's native tribes:

Lakota Dog Soldier - the language used here would be native lakota, or sioux

Seminole Sharktooth Bowman - the seminole language

of course, ill need to look into the warfare of those tribes to get ideas and then i can decide what language would be used for their names. for their universal language, though, the one that they speak, the illinois language would probably be best if thats around where cahokia was, since that was kinda the defining feature of the mississippians

I wish I knew good sources I could recommend for you, or that I knew enough to help directly, but Native North America isn't a continent I know much about.

I did find a pretty awesome source for Egyptian military matters, though, if you're interested: http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timeli...ex.html#society

It has a lot of info and cites its sources, though I don't have any knowledge how good the writer's scholarship is. But if you need any Egyptian military info, it might be useful.

thanks very much for that! :ok: i think i have most or all of the egyptians down, but this is good for updating them and filling in any holes that i had before

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