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0AD part II ideas


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  Alexthegod5 said:

Byzantines were not Romans, but Greeks who wanted to stay in the Roman Empire. Plus, that would be outside of 500 A.D., so it won't be likely.

Byzantines were the eastern portion of the Roman Empire when the Western half collapsed. If I remember my history from quite a few years ago correctly.

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No this dates back to when Diocletian decided that the Empire was too big, so he split it in two with Western Rome centered on... Rome (later Trier and several other "cities") to be ruled by ?Galicius? and the Eastern Half to be centered on Byzantium (later renamed Constantinople) which was to be ruled by Diocletian Himself.

Constantine (The Great), became Emperor of Both, but when he died it split again.

Walking on walls is possible but it took awhile for the Dev team to figure out how, and by the time they had it would take too long to implement, it does make for Epic Defenses though.

My next suggestion is: Bigger Pop Caps.

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Once More With Passion:


That is why I am personally in favour of having splitting civ's.

Rome cann (East and West)

Goths can (Ostrogoths and Visigoths)

Germanics can (Saxons, Frisians, the list goes on)

I'm sure that others can do the same.

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  EmjeR said:

there is just a topic about walkeble walls:


the romans around 0ad are ruling about the whole Mediterranean sea before that they where just upcoming

So it's OK to mix threads? I got banned from the last forum for mixing threads.

  Aeros said:

Thats why its on the backburner list :banana: Some things are much much much more easily said than done though. Theres reasons why you haven't seen that in RTS games, and its not because people haven't thought of it.

How about you just make the game, talk about those "Backburner" ideas, take out the ones that won't work and add the others as patches.

Edited by Alexthegod5
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0 A.D. Part II? Sounds great.

My Suggested Civilisation List





-Gaels (Celts with a raider navy)


-Germans (including Scandinavians)




-Picts (Celts of Caledonia, the naked blue ones)



-Turks (Turkic people in general)

*Of these I think the Egyptians, Germans and Huns are the most important

Edited by Fionn
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  Alexthegod5 said:

Africans pretty much falls under Egyptians, Persians, and Iberians. Gauls (which u misspelled) are the same thing as Germans. I don't think that Jews would be a civ, because that is a religion, not a race or tribe. The Arabs came after the Romans, and so did the Turks.

First off, I mean the black Africans, such as the Nubians (the Persians have little to do with Africa besides holding Egypt for a little). Second off, I said the Gaels (known as the Scoti in Latin). The Gauls were Celts like the Gaels, Britons, Picts, and Galations (who I am adding to the list). Their is a Jewish ethnicity, and the story of Hanukkah comes from the Jewish war with the Greeks. There were always Arabs, and there were always Turks. The Persians have been battling Arabs long before Muhammad's rise to power. The Turks have been raiding Greek, Chinese and Persians alike for centuries (before Turkey and Islam).

Edited by Fionn
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  Fionn said:

0 A.D. Part II? Sounds great.

My Suggested Civilisation List





-Gaels (Celts with a raider navy)


-Germans (including Scandinavians)




-Picts (Celts of Caledonia, the naked blue ones)



-Turks (Turkic people in general)

*Of these I think the Egyptians, Germans and Huns are the most important

This looks so much more like a list for a Bronze Age mod.

Part 2 is based from AD1 to AD500. Also, try narrowing your field here as so far 0AD comprises of mostly European Races/Tribes.

0AD pt.II is the Romanized version and they've heavily hinted (if not declared) that there will be TWO Roman Factions

A better list would be:

  • Western Romanii
  • Eastern Rhomiaon
  • Goths (if its Ostro or Visi, who cares)
  • Saxons (Sachsens)
  • Frisians
  • ?Berber Tribes?
  • And other notable "barbarorum"

Oops, almost forgot the Angles.

Edited by Scipii_Alemanus
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Take this with a grain of salt, because I am a developer, but (!!!!) if I had my way (!!!) the faction list would look like this...

  • Imperial Romans - "Western" Romans during the 1st and 2nd centuries. These are the Pax Pomana Romans, from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius.
  • Eastern Romans - "Late" and "Early Byzantines"-style Romans of the late empire. Lots of chain mail. Round shields. Long swords. Medieval looking.
  • Dacians - A Thracian-style faction with Germanic and Sarmatian infuences. Had 3 important wars against Roman, finally succumbing to the Romans under Trajan.
  • Huns - Nomadic, buildings are either mobile (like the Norse "resource cart" from AOM) or can pack up and move (like the "trebuchet" from Age of Kings). They also gain a lot from looting. Highly mobile and cavalry-based.
  • Parthians - Part 2's desert faction. Cavalry based. Lots of raiding. Lots of archery.
  • Germanics - They'll have many sub-factions to choose from. Ostrogoths, Visigoths, etc.

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