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Yes, here are some solutions i know of:

With autociv:
I don't use it but I've just tested, and you can very well create a autociv hotkey. (With autociv mod) Add to your config:

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks.by.state.idle ="YOUR HOTKEY"

This seems to select only 1 building at a time, for reasons, maybe ask @nani if there is a solution to select all the idle barracks instead of just 1.


With proGUI:

1. (graphical solution) With the proGUI overlay you have the lists of idle production.

ProGUI boonGUI rows

(The idle building row display 1 idle barrack, you can click on icon to select it.

2. (hotkey solution) Since your idea is to have a hotkey that you can link with a double click, a solution could be to use this hotkey:

hotkey.progui.stockfish.filterIdleBuildings = "YOUR HOTKEY"

It work by selecting all desired buildings, (ex: with control groups) then pressing the hokey to filter out idles only from selection.

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