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Found 8 results

  1. The civilization's design document will be compiled into this wishlist indicating status of progress and priority as well as guiding the way to the topic where the art is being developed (those ==Task threads). - please post below if there are any things you would love to see. - Note: If no more significant/longer existing variant/dynasty comes short before or after a minor civilization faction then we can create art, otherwise we should avoid it. Though there might be special buildings and units which we could create if worth it. Eras / Civilization Variants to model: Roman Republic (SPQR, 753..40BC), Peak: 300BCE, Region: Italy..Mediterranean;West Roman Empire (Imperium Romanum, 40BC..450AD), Peak: 10AD, Region: Mediterranean..Middle East;East Imperial Rome (?200AD..330AD), Peak: -AD, Region: Mediterranean..Middle East;Basileia Toh Rhomaion (Thematic: Byzantine) (330BC..1453AD), Peak: 900AD, Region: Mediterranean..Middle East; 3D 2D Animation Map/Campaign Help! Huge culture/civilization conflict here: Rhomaion are both Greek and Roman ...
  2. Aristeia Egyptian storehouse Fix uv mapping issues Adds props
  3. The civilization's design document will be compiled into this wishlist indicating status of progress and priority of art assets as well as guiding the way to the topic where the art is being developed (those ==Task threads). - please post below if there are any things you would love to see. - Eras/Civilization Variants to Model Proto-Greek (Bronze Age Aristeia Release)Minoan,Mycenaean,Macedonia (0 A.D. factions)Philip II and Alexander The Great's Empire.Successor states.City states (?..?BCE), (0 A.D. factions)AthensThebesSpartaEpirus(absorbed by Romans) Roman Greek (146BC Greek doom Battle of Corinth..330AD Byzantium city reestablished & named Constantinople)Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Imperium) (330..1204 + 1261..1453 Turk conquer Constantinople)... no new art, only generic art which the engine picks as variants for the different epochs/depending on technology research.Future Greek (now..end of world).3D 2D (Textures, Icons, ...) Animation Map/Campaign
  4. The civilization's design document will be compiled into this wishlist indicating status of progress and priority as well as guiding the way to the topic where the art is being developed (those ==Task threads). - please post below if there are any things you would love to see. - Eras/Civilization Variants to Model Proto Celts (hunter gatherers),... 3D Examples: TEXTURES ICONS Retake unit icon screenshots (now that we have player color) Animation Examples: Europe / Eurasia
  5. The civilization's design document will be compiled into this wishlist indicating status of progress and priority as well as guiding the way to the topic where the art is being developed (those ==Task threads). - please post below if there are any things you would love to see. - Eras/Civilization Variants to Model Proto Germans (hunter gatherers),Goths,Franks (250..now),Gauls (Roman Allied Franks)Franks (Roman Invading Franks), Peak: ?, Region: Lower & Middle Rhine.France (Renaissance, Colonial, Modern, Post-Modern, Future)[icon] Holy Roman Empire (962 .. 1806) Saxons (353..1483AD), Peak: 1000AD, Region: Central Europe; (Millennium I),Viking:Viking Seafarer/Alliance (?500BCE..now), Peak: 1000AD, Region: ?.Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Teutonic Order, Norway), ;Norman (Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Normandy) (911..1200AD), Peak: ?, Region: North West Europe.Suebes (250BC..500AD) (Early: 250BC..1AD, Middle: 1..250AD, Late: 250..500AD) Teutonic Order (1190..1809AD), Peak: 1000AD, Region: East Central Europe; (Millennium II) [ReferencePrussia (1600..1947AD) / Colonial Germans / Unified German Federation (Kaiser, 1871..1919) ,Colonial DutchAustria-Hungary...German Reich (Kaiser Germany 1871..1919, Weimar Germany 1919..1933, National Socialist Germany 1933..1945AD),Post-Modern: American (1945..now) & Soviet Germany (1945..1989),Europe (1989..now),Future Germanics (now..end of world). 3D TEXTURES ICONS Retake unit icon screenshots (now that we have player color) Animation Examples: Europe / EurasiaMedieval Teutonic Wars.Modern France Germany Archrivalry.Colonial Predominance.World War I.World War II & Doom.Future Germanics + other Europeans under the American Flag vs. Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa (BRICS), Arab, Africa
  6. The civilization's design document will be compiled into this wishlist indicating status of progress and priority as well as guiding the way to the topic where the art is being developed (those ==Task threads). - please post below if there are any things you would love to see. - Eras / Civilization Variants/Factions to model: Hittite (?..?BC)Lydian / Troy (?..?BC) "I think this is a possibility if we include Troy with them." Atenmeses52?3D 2D Animation Map/Campaign
  7. The civilizations design document will be compiled into this wishlist indicating status of progress and priority as well as guiding the way to the topic where the art is being developed (those ==Task threads). - please post below if there are any things you would love to see. - 3D Byzantine or Generic RowboatViking Longboat (stanislas62)Viking weaponry. Sword (stanislas62, niektb) 2D Animation Map/Campaign Crusades100 Years War
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