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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everyone, I am trying to get together some gameplay testing for the release candidate so we can make appropriate balance decisions if needed before a27 is released. Also it would be great to see what improvements to 4v4s might be made possible by the hard work the devs have put into performance. below is a whentomeet poll (no password or sign in required) that asks you to fill in your 0ad username and enter the times you could play. https://www.when2meet.com/?20172866-g4yFd Once you have entered the times you can play the RC, you can close the site, no need to hit 'submit' or anything. @MarcusAureliu#s@Stockfish @LetswaveaBook @Player of 0AD @chrstgtr @ValihrAnt
  2. Hi all, Now is the time to use the power of the 0 A.D. community to develop the next 1v1 event. This thread is the main place for you to share, and vote for, all of your valuable ideas for the style, duration, score system, rules, streaming, commentating, drawing of lots, level of players, awards, etc. anything. Let's all work together to make it better. Event Period: Late October 4 weeks + 1 week optional on Sundays at 17.00 UTC Here are the rules: -Single elimination, 8 Players, 3 rounds -The best players have priority to play. You need to be in the room early if you want to play. -Players are allowed to ban 2 civs before every round. -300 pop, small map, no dance -The best players have priority to play. You need to be in the room early if you want to play. -Players will be ordered by seed, best to worst. -If you win, you gain 3 points. If you lose, you gain 1 point. -At the end of the 4th week, If the best two players have the same point, there will be the 5th week. @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @ffm @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
  3. Hi all, We would like to improve our communication skills for upcoming events and we're wondering which social media platforms you use. With this information, we will know how to inform you about the upcoming community events. Tell us where the community is hanging out. Have a great day!
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