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The Kingdom of Kush: Music Tracks In order to create the most authentic feeling Kushite faction as possible, we are in need of a new musical track. There is one very Egyptian sounding track, which is good, but the second track currently being used sounds too "generically African". Although we have permission to use them, the license isn't of a formal nature, and more authentically sounding Nubian music would fit this faction like a glove anyway. For this reason I'm posting a tracklist of contemporary traditional Nubian music that should serve as the primary reference for a 0AD original track. @OmriLahav, you seem to be the resident musical genius. Perhaps if you are interested and your schedule permits it, you could work on this? I'd be honoured, if you could. Even if you can't, you could inform us on who else on this forum could assist us. That having said, anyone who wants to work on this and has the necessary skills, feel free! I was told to tag @Itms, to make sure you'd see this. Features and historical considerations for traditional Nubian music: (Sometimes) fairly fast paced percussion, using a variety of drums, typically African, but more nuanced, not so prominent that it drowns out other instruments/singing. Typical rhythmic hand-clapping Modern String instruments should be replaced with the Oud (very similar to the Lute), still widely used in Sudan today (including some of these tracks) Modern wind instruments should be replaced with reed pipe aerophones, or Hellenistic Aulos Modern Violins should be replaced with African trumpet instruments, not unlike the Waza, variants of which can sometimes sound similar to violins. You will notice the common thread running through all these tracks And, finally, what is probably the most "tribal" music video-clip I've ever seen... I know some brothers that would curse me for sharing this, but who cares ... These are Dinka's from South Sudan, very similar to the Nuba, both ancient and recent. In some places their material culture is still very similar to their ancient counterparts, except now they wear Calvin Klein boxers. The southern-most component of Kush, the wild hinterlands... And a Swagalicious Nubian Musician, with ancient instrument:
Ok surfing on Genbeta a Spanish software blog , I found 2 sites to download sounds and music without DRM and totally free mostly.