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Everything posted by jomas

  1. if there's going to be religious items they might as well be for more then one faith... so far I've read only christian things.
  2. would it be possible to "borrow" flags from RTW? they aren't really historically accurate but neither is capture the flag between two nations.
  3. I agree with that, my computer isn't the worst but the game(in my opinion) looks great from the screenshots alone, and i would love to end up playing this game.
  4. I like the idea of a special editor unit for capture the flag(if ever made) because I could just see someone taking the fastest units possible and blitzing the bejesus out of the opponent. the bearer could be faster then infantry at first but under the weight of the flag he is just reg infantry speed(no running possible) so it becomes more difficult to protect, making a longer game? just my two cents.
  5. would be cool to make the mode where health is reduced, even if it makes games incredibly short. it sounds like something quite creatable in editor or mods or whatever. also other game modes can be created with tweaking like king of the hill and such. would be pretty fun.
  6. hello, first post ever. i skimmed over the site and was thinking that if every faction(team?) was different would they have there own mini tutorials like Celts sacking Rome and such?
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