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Posts posted by wraitii

  1. Allright, I've tried following most of your suggestions... Here is an updated version:

    -more room for construction

    -more mines, and bigger mines

    -streamlined texture integration, though it's not perfect since the engine afaik doesn't support very good blending

    -made the cities have "city tiles" around, looks cool since I made them blend with the grass well.

    -Added fishes

    -Beaches are a bit more straightforward and a bit bigger.

    Download link in the OP.

    New Screenshots:

    NytKds.jpg dDLw3s.jpg JTUW1s.jpg

  2. Getting the trees farther away from the player would not be a huge pain. However, it would kinda break the "forest all over the place" effect... Perhaps I could leave some more room, and then make the top level plateau have less trees, so players would develop there. I'll look into that. Stone and Metal mines can certainly be added, I'll have to give a look at the balancing of those (the placers are a bit dumb, so sometimes it doesn't work as expected.)

    Fish, I forgot about. It's ready to be implemented, I simply didn't add it in the rush or releasing the map yesterday evening... As for a bit more variation, I guess it can be done.

    @Pureon: I guess now I've finished this, I'll start working on Marilyn again. I think water stuff will be my short-term priority, as it's nice to be able to play on water maps.

  3. A new map script! It took me quite a few days getting everything to work as intended, but it should be allright now. My original idea was to make a very cliffy island, a bit like Corsica, with a very jagged coast that would be hard to take over... In the end, I did two so that the sea gameplay would actually have a purpose.

    It might be a bit too forest-y on very small maps, but it's not too much of a problem.


    kp9n2s.jpg 8Dj1Cs.jpg

    NytKds.jpg dDLw3s.jpg JTUW1s.jpg


  4. This version should be better, I've given more starting resources and more maps. Though I think on Oasis part of the fun is that wood must be collected from the oasis, so the amount is still not huge. Also, more mines.

    Download Link

    (screenshot updated in the first post, showing me, not doing anything, the AI Marilyn, absent-mindedly surrounding a mine with houses, and qBot, plotting to win the game.

  5. That's a weird problem, but I have reasons to think it's no more, because I changed a few stuffs and mainly made units depositing their resources before changing task much better.

    There's also a rare pathfinding related bug where units can get stuck around a tree, or around a unit if there are too many workers, but I'm unsure how to fix that...

    Last but not least, it appears she didn't build enough workers... I tweaked priorities, and now she's much better at resource gathering in the early game. Will playtest a bit and release a newer version.

  6. Okay, a new version. Changes:

    -Attack plans overhauled, started less frequently, more reliable, more efficient. Allowed raiding for any civ. Also added an option to "stay close" when attacking.

    -tons of little optimizations here and there, and bugfixing. Optimization was needed since I now call Marilyn every two turn and not every 8 turns (like qBot)

    -Defense manager also more reliable, able to detect when to stop pursuing (no more "a whole army chasing one unit on the whole map"), better at a few stuffs, generally more efficient.

    -further overhaul of the worker assigner functions. It's factored by the gather rates, though this may be hard to notice

    -Changed a few stuffs in the building orders and the priorities of the AI for better play.


    -added a function for bartering, though I haven't used it yet.

    -implemented a few stuff from svn qBot.

    The AI is now called every two turn, instead of every 8 turn for qBot. This is balanced by the fact not every function is called every turn, and tons of little (or fairly big) optimizations everywhere. testing against Svn qBot, it is more "frame efficient".

    You should notice a much better ability at defending from the AI, though it may have a bit of troubles actually attacking.

    Download Link

    I'll soon be working again, so I will have much less time... Hopefully I'll be able to carry development on a bit. I'll need roman support, better attacks (this is really the one area where much work is needed), and ship support.

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