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Posts posted by Rinion

  1. *Breathes in deeply* Ah, the smell of productive work. Hi, I'm from the TLA side of things. I decided to start looking at 0ad too, as it's much further ahead than TLA. Your music and screenshots are wonderful.

  2. I think it very likely that Dwarves can be enslaved. We do know that although they may be stubborn, their spirits can be broken by enough torturing. Remember what Gandalf said about Thrain in the hands of the Necromancer:

    I tried to save your father, but it was too late. He was witless and wandering, and had forgotten almost everything except the map and key.

    If he really had forgotten about almost everything, I'm sure the pride of being a Dwarf had left him. It wouldn't be too difficult to enslave him after that.

  3. The Silmarillion is based more off of christian beliefs than The Lord of the Rings. The beliefs are not as strongly associated with his books than they are in CS Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. This is probably because Tolkien hated allegory in all its forms.

  4. I've never heard of that sequel. I know J.R.R. Tolkien started writing a sequel to LotR, which was centered around Eldarion, Aragorn's son, and now king of Gondor. I don't think Tolkien made up the story you've linked to, though. It looks like the webmaster made it up.

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