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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Black Op

  1. I was chatting with Yiuel about various things when the talk turned to dragons. I always assumed that they were just creatures created by Morgoth. However, it is odd that supposedly for an Enemy that could only destroy, somehow dragons have powers of speech and intelligence. And thus, good ole' Yiuel says they are just lesser Maiar. What say you on your thoughts about this?

  2. @ Mironir: Well, all we really do is just freeze this RPT, restructure it greatly with more defined rules, then when ready we brimg it back as the third version. About your criticisms causing these drop outs, remember that both Yiuel and Akya protested the current state of the RPT by placing themselves so they won't get involved in wars.


    After MSN discussions with Yiuel, we deem the best way to regain the Tolkien-feel of the RPT and get rid of the dissatisifaction is just create a new RPT with improved rules and most likely set back in Classic Middle Earth. Of course, we'll lose all the new RPT characters and lands but us two think it's for the better. So what say you on this matter?

  4. Now comes my rant: IMHO the underlying problem with the RPT is that we were too busy with creating new races, realms and creatures that we forgot all about Tolkien's themes. This problem would have been avoided had we were able to use Old-Middle Earth in the RPT, but its destruction gave us no choice but to start totally fresh.

    I believe if had everyone just only stuck with what was used in Tolkien's writings and only slightly modified it, this level of dissatisifaction would not appear. By just using the classic races, technology, and creatures it would give room for a better Tolkien feeling. Also it would be much more realistic if the useage of magic had been greatly curtailed.

    Instead everyone here resorted to using super races, creating some weird gizmos, or just decided to use magic in excess in their attempts to place themselves over the top. Seeing that I decided intinally to only fight with Men, the only realistic way to set them apart from being cannon fodder was to use "advanced" weapony, which I deemed plausible since the FoD had a consistant history of using slightly more "modern" weapons such as the Fire of Orthanc, siege towers, Iron serpants (primtive tanks), and even WMD's (that plague Sauron sent in TA).

    So in conclusion, none of us here have the proper mindset to create a purist RPT. Once we do, these sorts of compliants would cease. :beer:

  5. *sigh*

    1st Paragragh: In actuallity, you only mentioned originally that SUPPLY SHIPS were destroyed. Who in any right mind would make a combat task force out of those? Seeing that I intend for those supply ships and the Iron Ships that can fight to be of different classes, I consider myself to be totally justified that the Iron Ships can't be penetrated by your weaponry.

    2nd: So maybe those first-time Elves escaped. I'm just making so that my new machinery won't get destroyed by the likes of you (since anyone called a Hunter is Maia, I find it very likely your men would fail). So I'll just make a minor edit......

    3rd: OK, I will admit that I should have given more time to let Carohtar and Laurëhópa turn into firery rubble. :P As for casulity numbers, forget them (they usually are ignored now it comes to it anyways).

    4th: Can't totally promise you a final battle without modern technology, for it would defy current RPT logic. Only way I see that happenning is if you guys leave Carohtar just as I arrive, and that Suladan's forces stupidly allow themselves to chase you into that Triangle. Somehow, you'll need a way to keep my new arrivals with their modern weapons from joining way (or at least take away their weapons in a believable manner).

    Finally, tis (not) a shame that 2 more people finally realize they are fighting a Great Defeat and are throwing in the towel for their best characters. Guess that means Kshazomuth will make a great landgrab for the good of all Men. :beer:

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