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Posts posted by Caesar

  1. How about allowing fortresses and towers to be abandoned if there are no units garrisoned inside? For example, in order for a player to keep a fortress in their possession they must garrison one or more units inside or else any other player can take the fortress by moving their own units inside.

  2. Is it possible to build roads in 0ad, or will they just be a terrain type? I ask this because many civilizations, especialy the Romans, relied on road building to secure their empire and hasten the movement of armies. If roads are not able to be built, I suggest giving them a terrain bonus for speed.

  3. What can 0ad modders expect regarding units? Will unit modding be similar to AoK? I asume that unit modding will be much harder in 0ad due to camera angles and differant textures, but does anyone have an idea of how many frames each unit will have?

  4. I really like the fact that the 0ad units will show a lot of detail because of their size then the AoE and AoK units, although it may present more of a challenge to modders. What are you planning for the dying animations in the area of realism- i.e. will it be really bloody like the real ancient battles, or will you be toning it down (I did have an idea for severed body parts, but that might be too gruesome)?

  5. Well, the joke's on me ;)!

    I like the wall idea, but I suppose a physics engine would be a little too much to ask of hobbyist freeware game. It would be nice though...

    In case you are using AoK and AoE style walls, you could resrtict which units would be able to attacl walls. For example, melee and cavalry units would not have any effect on the walls, archers could do some minimal damage, and siege weapons do the most damage.

  6. How would I go about submitting an article to the 0 AD history archive?

    Secondly: Will archers be able to run out of arrows? eg. they can only fire for so long and then they "run out of arrows" and will have to wait so long until they can attack again. Same goes for siege weapons like ballistas and onagers.

  7. Hi, I have decided to bring back the original 0 AD idea which was a modification for Age Of Empires II. Many people think AoK is dead, but in fact several large projects are currently underway at the AoKH forum. My mod, Clash of Empires, focuses on the civilizations and cultures in the timespan of 1500 BC to 500 AD. I anticipate the release of 0 AD, but while I'm waiting this will have to do :P .

    I was wondering if any of the 0 AD staff has any advice or suggestions for me. I apreciate any comments for my mod,

    Thank You

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