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Everything posted by Villi

  1. Ok. I hope you get it right, becouse I think proper formations is something that can make the game rather interesting and fresh
  2. I was hoping for a new year's screenshot too Riot! ;)
  3. I really hope the phalanxes (what's plural of phalanx?) and other tight formations very powerful in the front break if flanked. I think it would make for some truly interesting play. You seem to encourage flanking and this would really make flanking more used I think, along with an attack bonus. An important part of it is that it really adds a visual goal; you don't really see an attack bonus, but a phalanx breaking you do! And when the phalanx is broken you can deal damage to the troops from the front too. You will be forced to protect your flanks!
  4. Lol someone I know tried to boil an egg in the microwave once... The result was similar to this I bet cd's will have a great future as disco lights once they become obsolete.
  5. I was wondering how exactly the formations in 0 A.D. will work? In my head i picture selecting the units you want in the formation and then clicking a button. Say you wan't hoplites in a phalanx. I'd guess the the formation then move as one body a lá RTW. What I think would be great was if the phalanx dissolved if it was broken or flanked. Also can Super Units be in formation with similar regular units (E.g. Spartiates in formation with regular Hoplites)?
  6. Aom added: -3(4) unique civ's, not only in looks, but also in gameplay. -The minor (and major too) god choices giving the player the ability to pick from decisive bonuses throughout the game. -God powers. -Settlements as key-points to fight over on maps. -A more fast-paced gameplay than AoK. -A fresh theme. I think both AoK and AoM was great games, but saying AoM added nothing but 3D graphics is untrue.
  7. "pwned" From RoN: "Play the tutorials n00b" luv that "I'm sexy" "Pig-pwnage"
  8. I would love to see rain like snow is in aom (using render snow effect)
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