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Posts posted by buggy123

  1. I think he meant overlapping as in building 2 buildings on top of each other. The roof of the taller building will be seen, the walls of the fatter building will be seen. and etc. This way you can make "new buildings" by combining features of the old ones. Though it's usually made for cinematic as the buildings would not function in-game.

    Hope I got that right...

  2. maybe it can be implemented later. Good physics are quite entertaining and makes the battle more...spectacular. But I agree, it isn't that important. We should focus more on game play and things like that for now

  3. When using the 1000 soldiers, the key is to not let the enemy think they have no chance to escape. You have to make them think "I can still run away" Because if they know they are going to die anyway, they would probably die fighting along side their comrades and actually fight A LOT harder than your experienced troops since they have nothing to lose.

    Mentality is a key factor in warfare. Fear,desperation, experience. Those are only a few of the factors. Too bad games always generalize it into "morale" I suppose it is easier that way. Troops today even get "shell-shocked" when the fighting is done using most impersonal methods as possible. So think about the days when thousands of men crash against each other with shouting and blood and arms and heads flying around.

    War is never pretty.

    kinda of topic but whatever xD

  4. Ahh, walls actually supporting troops on them. That's a revolutionary idea that has been depicted in only a few RTS with limited success. Good luck! I'm sure you guys can do it :)

    Oh, and another thing.Will heavily damaged ships sink randomly? Will the ships have different defense and properties based on the different areas of the ship? I'm aware that the Soldiers will be utilizing shields which gives them more attack on the front and things like that so will a similar aspect be implemented on ships? Also, will masts be damageable and destroyable? And if so, how will it affect the rate of the ship movement?What about repairing ships in harbors and such (or maybe hire carpenters and sailors on board to further boost recovery/speed?)

    Implementing these will add more depth to the game and make tactics actually worth while. Instead of whoever has more ships and soldiers on-board wins, tactics like mast tearing will render ships immobile, making it vulnerable. Or maybe, ramming the enemies ships posterior will be much more dramatic than say, ramming them on the hull where it has the most armor. Something like that

    These might be challenging to make but they are certainly worthwhile to implement after the release.

    btw how will the ships board each other? Will it be graphically represented or will it just be a 2 ships next to each other with a boarding icon on top of them? How about grappling hooks and swing aboard like they do in Pirates of Caribbean? Set a plank and run across?

  5. Oh...I was under a different impression that the games are somewhat near completion and just working out the kinks.

    A select few people (20-30) will get something this year.


    Exactly. There will be a public beta as progress goes on for community input and a wider range of bug testers. I can't say this year, and I can't say next year, but it shouldn't be too far off. There's a good part of the game done.


    Since they are releasing a version of the game to few testers, why not release it to the general public? As long as it isn't like Big Rig...I'm sure that most people would enjoy it despite the flaws.

  6. First I wanna say...wow. This is the game I've been looking for. A Huge Thank You to the designers. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to play this (Like most of us here :))

    Anyway, to the point. I have a humble suggestion . I looked around and it seems that the developers don't want to release the demo/beta because it's only partly finished. How about this, only release one or two of the factions for now. Meaning that by concentrating on these "starting civs" get them up to your releasable standards. Than you can patch/ release beta with more features and civs as we go.


    1.The people will be happy. After waiting for many years I'm sure there are a lot of us are dying to play the the game...whatever state it's in. Patience is a noble character lol

    2.It will keep the game fresh. With continuous updates and feature updates, people will always have something to look forward to.

    3. Feed backs. Getting various feed backs will allow the developers to quickly fix and tweak the game. Since patches will be smaller and more frequent, players will not have to play a bug-ridden game for a long time.


    1. There are going to be complaints...face it, not everyone will be satisfied. Especially since the game isn't near completion yet.

    That's all I think of for now...

    btw, a quick question, is this going to be compatible with vista? thanks in advance


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