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Posts posted by buggy123

  1. so say a spearmen unit is armed with a spear. When he is armed with the spear, the jabbing and thrusting animation is played when he attacks.

    However, if say the spearmen is engaged in close quarter combat where he is armed with a shortsword, a hacking/slashing animation is played when he attacks.

  2. I was wondering, how do you guys handle game states ?(menu, options, actual game, etc)

    Right now I 'm using while loops that checks for the integer gamestate. depending on what it equals different loops are played out. gamestate is changed when user clicks button or something




    while(game_state == 0) // menu state


    //get user input

    if(play_button_is_clicked) // check user input and process game logic


    game_state = 1;




    while(game_state == 1) //actual game


    //do game loop stuff



    However it becomes a bit overwhelming and is not very object oriented. What are some better ways of doing this

    EDIT: hm the code is kinda of hard to read. when the thing get's posted it deleted all the spaces I put before the lines >_<

  3. I believe games like AOE3 uses attachment points on the models. So when a unit enters melee mode, a melee weapon would be attached onto the unit model.

    depending on the type of weapon attached to the model they would have different sets of animation.

    I hope something similar is in place with 0 ad

  4. ok, here the source I got my opinion from:


    "As for Unreal, it's certainly capable: Bioshock, Dead Space, Medal of Honor, Mirror's Edge all used unreal. Just remember to stick with what Unreal is good at: relatively small indoor environments with low numbers of characters. The engine starts to complain (performance-wise) with either large spaces or more than about 10-15 characters. [i worked as an engineer on a AAA Unreal engine games for the past 3 years]"

    there we go. according to this, Unreal is not ideal for a task like RTT. It might be doable, but there are probably better ways.

  5. hm yeh, but I'm pretty sure most of them only showed detailed graphics and ran game logic in the players area. However, a total war style game often requires game logic/rendering across the whole map.

    Anyways by small rooms I obvious didn't literally mean it. It was metaphorical lol.

    Lastly see how most of the game on the list are FPS...proves my point.

  6. not sure if there's such thing as commercial translating tools, but the free ones are pretty crappy. They often make blooper (My friend translated "liar liar pants on fire" to french and back and it gave him "Speaker of untruth, your trousers are inflamed")

    Amusing, no doubt, but not an effect we desire.

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