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Posts posted by Yiuel

  1. What is getting popular where I live is Sushi Shop... Even in my former neighborhood, a lost suburb, there are two! And in Montreal, you cannot count them. And I won't complain, Sushi can be a great fastfood :muaha: Subway, with their submarines, is also getting popular (For Europeans : Subway is fastfood restaurant that serves submarines and salads : they have no hamburger, even though you can have if you want a fatful submarine.). There are also more and more Libanese restaurants, but that is only in the center city, in suburbs there isn't.

  2. Well, can't tell for Unitedstaters, but as for Quebecers, we eat some fastfood. Not always, and we avoid it if we have something better at home. I think an average Quebecer will eat two to four times in a fast food a week, mostly for lunch (on workdays, mostly), but maybe once for dinner (or supper, as English speakers say it in Quebec :muaha:). Those aren't scientifically base, it may be more, it may be less. It's my own guess.

  3. "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one nation indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all."

    That's not a bad one. I prefer this one (the old) than any other.

    In Canada, there are some pledges when you are in army or if you are a state worker, but there is no pledge for common people.

    Here for me.

    "I pledge that I will aid, respect and protect the people of (Canada) and the World, do what I can to get them to live their own like as they want, give them representation in the country they want, so that (Canada) and the World shall be a better place to live, having Justice, Freedom and Equality by each one's side."

    Even if I would say it like this : "Mo zhuransas tiow ke mol xelponsu kaj respektonsu kaj protektonsu iularow (Mjelurboraw) kaj gajvoraw, faronsu cshiow fareblaw havanset dow vivanso .dow ivivo mema volanta, dononsu kromstarecow shtati volanta, havanset dow tio ke (Mjelurbo) kaj Gajvo estonsu plibonvivebla loko, havansal justecow kaj liberecow kaj egalecow flanki cshiulora."

    Here's a pledge I would like to say. There is no reference to any government, and no reference to God, but has a reference over the people, which I think is better than any other reference

  4. Even though everyone speaks about Yesterday (Nazis, Soviets, Allies), I generally think of Tomorrow.

    What happened after D-Day? In Greece arrosed a US-supported dictator. In eastern Europe, USSR implemented sister systems under its control. France still wanted to control and dominate over its colonies (former Indochine, Vietnam). Then came the south-american dictatorship, most of them supported by the US (In Canada, we call them Banana Republics), but one was from USSR (Cuba). Then, US supported the Iranian Chah, then when they couldnn't no more them support, supported Saddam Hussein, who became Iraki. Canada, my own country, wasn't apart : Canada didn't help the Rwandan people though he could of stop the Genocid. In Asia, Vietnam and North Korea were somewhat supported by China and USSR. In Afghanistan, USSR invaded, so the US supported the Talibans, and when they at last became the Dictators of Afganistan, US supported the north alliance. But there is more that could be telled here.

    We didn't learn from our past that oppressing, military or economically, brings hate, and hate brings more hate to everyone and we then fall in wars... And still, we want our economical and military security, so we try to gain control or friendship from the other party, whatever they are... And we break from them when they become a threat to people... And we try to destroy them, and still, we use our old ways. And we are still doing it, thinking it is for our own sake. I feel it is the worst thing to do, and that this will bring our own fall, just needing one little breakfall. (And there is an easy one on the Pacific side : Taiwan...)

    I do respect people who honour this day, but I do not honour those you do not learn from it (read, at least, our politician, at worst, most of the people).

  5. Watching that T.V. show I cited on my first post, I heard the conditions for such developpement, for a silicium based lifeform : There must first be no available carbon. That means, either a planet without any carbon (but that's unlikely) or a planet where Carbon is emprisoned in something and cannot react. Since that is unlikely, we will maybe not ancounter such lifeform.

    But if it does exist, that life form will not be a fast evolving one.

  6. In Canada, their is a right party, but it is not like in the United States, and it doesn't compare to a ultra-conservative party (but it quite shows up to be more so than before...). In Quebec, we vote mostly left, because no Canadian right tolerates French a lot, even they try to look so. So we have NDP (New Democratic Party) and BQ (Bloc Québécois). The first will tolerate Quebec's Independance, the other one seeks for it. Because the second seeks for it, it is already some how popular, so when people don't want of Liberals, they choose BQ :muaha: Maybe will we be independant.

    A Confederation would be the best, where almost everything is local, except for three things : Confederational Constitution (how do interact Communities and how is decided about the two other topics and the Constitution), Military (to protect the whole Confederation) and Humanitary Help (between the Forming Communities and with outside), which would be like a help between communities to achieve a high life comfort level for every one in the country (as in Germany, like it is said on your site!).

  7. He indeed has more ahead : Eternity (y)

    In fact, between his departure from humankind and the moment of that "Dialogue", he, with all the people around him, meets a threat that can be compared to Melkor. But Eonwe (or his equivalent in my story) isn't their hero ;). In fact, the people hate both sides, seeking for a third way...

  8. As for Quebec's Independance, it surely not for the next three years, because of some stupid politics... Oh well. But there's a chance that it willl happen after. Everything is going bad, on both sides. If it lasts as it goes, people will be fed up and it may happen.

    That, I did understood the french-language issue. In Canada, speaking French doesn't make you Quebecer. There is another French people, the Acadians, and most other French-speaking people call themselves "French-Canadian" (Quebecers, by the Federal governement, are considered so, but there is a great difference : Quebecers are the descendants of those who lived the Tranquille Revolution in Quebec, IMO, while the French-Canadians did not live this.)

  9. This is how ends the story.

    Here are a little explanatory notes :

    * Festaro : A great festival that celebrates the founding of both Melville and Sevy. It lasts a month, 31 days in fact. Everyone dresses in colorful and proud costumes, there are dances, parades, shows and everything. They celebrate their country : It's like a national day, but lasting a whole month. (They have a national day : the 15th of July of their calender) The word is in the Common Language of Sevy.

    * Darkening : It has no shadowy connotation. It's only the time when the night is in it's full darkness. (Some time after sunset)

    * Zaey : A great family, in the story's context. They are misterious, but the main story I have in my mind is about their end as a family line.

    Any comments? I like to have some (y) Tell me hat you liked, what you disliked (except my poor English, I didn't not carrefully translate) etc. I'll be very happy.

  10. DEKA RAKONTERO – LA SENFINECSO (Tenth chapter - Eternity)

    Until her death. I saw her dying. I saw Karl, who had become since then, my brother-in-law, dying. Some time later it was Randy's turn. Sophiane's three friends also died long before. Of those that I have known, except their and my children, there was only my sister left. She was dying, on her bed, on the moment I'm speaking of. I smiled to her, she remind me everything my friends said. I left her, she left us. I then let a note to my children, and I ran away, knowing my life's pain.

    My son, later seeing me, asked me if I wasn't not a cousin or a young man who married her mother to raise him. I looked as when I was getting my Mastery. And also how I look now.

    I then hid on every time, never stying in the same place for many years. I had been by three time a mentor. My two first were when I was still with Helena, I didn't knew by that time how I was really, what was my pain. The third one, it's not long from now. But I have found our leaving so difficult that I forbid myself to do another mentoring another time.

    Roch was his name. He so liked to learn my mother tonge with me, but also life. He asked not so much question, because I could have ask him a lot, he was Zaey*... I had become a brother to him. We met by chance on the street close to his house. I stayed with him for ten years of mentoring, but I abruptly left, leaving a simple good-bye, a photo of me and I, shortly before we left, and a gift : a bottle in which I put a tear of my blood with pure water, in memory of my person.

    And, when everything was done for the Melvillians on the Old world, I left them, those people, of which I was no more, and I discovered the New world, and I finally met you, to understand what I was...", said he to Yiuel.

    "I know. And the only thing I can tell you, is that you are the name you give to yourself. You were the Longorela of your youth time, but you are Michael Macleod, the Modern Time Elf...", answered he to Micheal.

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