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Titus Ultor

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Titus Ultor

  1. Infant mortality rates (until very recently) were astronomically high, with as many as three-quarters of infants never reaching the age of 10.

    Also, it is important to remember that Tolkein's world is very large for the amount of populace it has at any one time (the vast wildernesses that had to be crossed in The Hobbit come to mind). Elves and humans tend to inhabit completely different areas (Rivendell vs. Gondor), which would tend to keep them from competing for resources.

    I think the most misleading part of this argument is refering to men as "men", as if they were a) all male, b ) all able to fight, c) and not fighting each other. Humankind is constantly in conflict, and often does not allow roughly half of their population (women) to fight. Also, humans only are able to fight effectively for about thirty years of their lives (18-50). Elves, on the other hands, are capable fighters for their entire existence. They are bound to have more experience, skills, and morale than their human counterparts as a result.

  2. I picked HD-DVD for the one reason: what happened to Betamax. It had better quality video, a more compact size, and higher durability, but it lost simply because it was more expensive.

    If the economy continues the way it is at the moment, people will invariably buy the cheaper product over a superior, more expensive one. If there's a recovery, however, it's all up in the air to Madison Avenue's abilities.

  3. Digital crimes often need special laws applied to them. Otherwise, Napster would've been very easy to sue and prosecute. But, as you probably know, it was an arduous and emotional affair, with one prosecuter saying "we made it up as we went along".

    Anyway.. I doubt the governer had anything real to do this, other than attempting to take credit for something in order to save himself from a 40 percent approval rating.

  4. Viriato may have been partly Celtic in origin, but he was culturally a Lusitanian (think proto-Portuguese). The fighting and lifestyle of his tribe was very much different from most Celtic sub-cultures, to be sure.

    Oh, and thanks for the compliment. :banana:

  5. A noteable mini-article, I think..

    Perhaps this is why Italian is actually less like Latin than French? I'll do some research soon.

    Ephestion, perhaps you should cite some sources for your position. Not that I'm questioning the veracity of it, as I myself haven't quite looked into it enough yet to know.

  6. I've always thought the show's writing was pretty bad, but I end up watching it because I can watch TV from the computer chair thing, so I always end up watching or at least hearing shows. That guy was a really talented sniper, is all I have to say.

    You're right, Paul.. they'll definately need a new female lead.. preferably one with less of that weird angry dynamic that Kate had.

  7. The ships were realistically big.. frigates and other such craft simply dwarfed most buildings in most respects.

    I really liked that game, in the demo. The graphics weren't that good on my computer (I have to click a "Attempt to Run" option to start it, because it doesn't like my driver), but the game ran beautifully. The water looked pretty nifty, in my opinion. The physics are pretty cool... I like watching my cannonball punch a hole through the building, even if it does take up a bit of processing power. And nothing's more fun than ship combat. Collapsing masts, broadside volleys.. it's beautiful.

  8. Eken claimed that relatively few people were warning:

    PBS ran an story called "City in a Bowl", which was an interview with one of the world's premiere hurricane experts.

    National Geographic ran an article in which the worst-case scenario was played out.

    FEMA listed a hurricane strike on New Orleans as one of the top three possible national disaster, at the same level as a terrorist attack in New York City, and a massive earthquake in San Francisco.

    It's rather safe to believe that the crime rate went up so high for two reasons: firearms and a much higher crime rate even before the hurricane hit.

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