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  1. Thank you for the answer. I can't see my own game host inside the second instance. I use the second instance to join other games where there are many observers, I hope to persuade some observers from there to join my host.
  2. I do need a second instance, because i use the first instance to host a game then the second instance to observe and ask players to join. Sometimes 8 people watch one game and I want to go inside to ask some to join my host.
  3. Game lobby has display bugs when i use it in a second (and more) instance of 0ad program. Game room titles need very long (1 minute) to load and the ratings do not appear. When I join a host using my second instance, nobody can see my ratings. There is no number next to my name. If I was hosting a game in the first instance, my host will disappear from the lobby.
  4. I would like to send private messages to a user who is in the same server room as me at the game preparation stage. How can i do it? The chat display at this stage is very hard to read because many separate conversations are using the same channel. Also sometime I want to talk with one specific user. My solution is use Discord Server: (Announcement of link to non-WFG discord server removed by moderator) welcome to my server.
  5. How can I find the source code of the game? Is there a documentation of any kind? Any description of the file hierarchy of the source codes?
  6. This game runs in a single-threaded process. I did a screenshot of system resources monitor when the game was running. This is inefficient. There is much lag in the late game because many computation tasks are in this one thread in a single logical core. Players who use low frequency CPUs will force all other players to be slow for synchronization. Therefore it is important to separate the game processes into many threads and take advantage of all logical cores. It will multiply the available computation power by the total number of logical cores - much faster! Less power will be used by the CPU because a lower frequency is enough to perform the necessary computations. There are many opportunities for multithreading in this game. For example, each thread manages the simulation progress of just one entity, then let all logical cores of the CPU share the pool of threads. Now, if there are 1000 entities on the map, one logical CPU core must compute all 1000 simulation calculations, so it runs slowly. If we do multithreading on a CPU which has 8 logical cores (4 cores 8 threads) then each logical core only needs to do 125 simulation calculations, each physical core needs to do 250 calculations on average. This is at least 4 times faster. The difference is more significant on CPUs with more cores.
  7. I won these two games but there was no ratings change. My opponent did resign in both games and they were type rated. my username: inzhu opponent username: Nusantara 2023-07-15_0003.zip2023-07-15_0002.zip The Ratings announcement did not appear.
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