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Everything posted by 70H4NN2S

  1. hi @everyone, the team leaders voted again and the rules for the second round are updated: We will play Mainland with fixed positions. You need the mod Mainland-Twilight. You can download it from the mod-store in 0ad. It is going to be the classic 11112222 starting position. This is going to be the picking order: Team 1: assigns 1 player and civ Team 2: assigns 2 players and civs Team 1: assigns 2 players and civs Team 2: assigns 2 players and civs Team 1: assings 1 player and civ The teams can decide between them who will be team 1 and who will be team 2. Or you can check who the white player on the website is: SwissSystem.org The rest of the settings will be usual stuff: adequate size for number of players, low starting resources, allied view: on, 200 pop
  2. @alre each team leader votes for the next round settings in the discord server. You are now also a leader, so you can do it and i recommend you to do it. So we get better maps xd and settings in general. I don't vote. jc is not playing in the tournament. @real_tabasco_sauce i was thinking of implementing this too, but it will be very hard to verify it, because players can hide mods, etc. The only way that comes to my mind is that each player will have to stream his game and a few judges can check the game play with the interface, etc. But nobody will want to do it. Maybe you know a different solution, i am still new so i don't know everything.
  3. hi @everyone , i forgot to mention the settings for this week. The @team_leader voted for the followind settings: Islands; 200pop; allied view: on; low res; Ask your team leader to vote for a specific setting for the next round if you want to play it.
  4. Hi @everyone, we will now start the second round a little bit later than usual, because the teams were updated and a new team has joined. Try to finish the round until monday/tuesday at most. I would recommend you to play Saturday or Sunday between 4pm UTC until 9pm UTC, because that's the time most players play. But the team leaders can change the date if needed. Here are the matches for the second round: @noob vs @The_E-Team @bluenode vs @Leonidas @Legends vs @random @A.S.Pruzzo vs @Legion_X @A.S.Pruzzo vs @Stars Overdue from the first round: @random vs @bluenode (try to catch up) @A.S.Pruzzo will play 2 rounds because they joined recently.
  5. There was 0 team work in Legion X as far as i know, and the leader just disappeared with his friend. I contacted him a few times. I will still wait, if he appears will i add that team again. But we got a new team formed that could replace the old team perfectly. And 5 players will make the probability higher that we get 4 players or at least 3 in some cases for a TG. Because there were a few players who told me already they will not have so much time, so we need definitely some replacement. In my opinion. But 0 changes happened until now. I am still waiting.
  6. @BreakfastBurrito_007 i contacted your team. BERBEROG and TRSA2 will be removed from the tournament. The team will be replaced by a new team that was created. And we will add a fifth player to each team. But these are dramatic changes, so i would like confirmation from the other players asap.
  7. @clavz here is the new link: https://discord.gg/Zbb8rCnz It is valid for only 1 week. I updated it on the first post too. Write your 0ad username in get-started to get access to the server.
  8. @alre i like your idea. But ehat will you do with a 3vs2 or 4vs3. So you want it to be first a competition of just being present to win? But i didn't knew of the issue with bots causing OOS @alrebtw when will you and your friends be able to play? There is almost a entire team we need to replace
  9. Hi, giving the teams over 1 week to find time for a single game was apparently the wrong solution, because today is the last day and 2 games need to be played today, which seems to be unrealistic to complete, sadly. That's why i propose these 3 changes to the rules: Fixed times for the games: Most players are active on the weekend. The games will happen on Saturday or Sunday between 4pm UTC until 9pm UTC. The timezones of all the players in the 2 teams should be considered. I hope the team leaders will be able to pick a good time for the game within this smaller time span. To make things more fair, each absent player will be replaced by a Very Hard Petra Bot, the team can pick the mode for the bot, aggressive, balanced or defensive. I hope we won't have entire teams being replaced by Bots, but that's the only solution if we want to keep up with the schedule. If a team member is unable to keep playing or doesn't want to, can the team leader replace that player with a player which is currently not playing in the tournament and was not in a team before. Let me know what you think about the changes.
  10. Week 1; Game 1; Leonidas vs Legends 01_01_Leonidas_Legends.zip
  11. The matches of the first round are: @Legion_X vs @noob @random vs @bluenode @The_E-Team vs @Stars @Leonidas vs @Legends
  12. Hi, it seems like we finally finished the preparations. The teams might not be entirely balanced, but it's not very unbalanced in my opinion. The @team_leader can trade players between the teams if both agree as long as they haven't played the first round. For everybody wanting to see the current teams: TG Tournament TeamsI will also add it to the ⁠teams channel. We will play the tournament with the Ranked Dutch Fide Swiss System, i know this isn't chess, but we just need a system that randomizes the games. We will go for 7 rounds. Each round will go on for 1 week. The first round starts today and finishes the 28th August. Each round will be best of 1, but if both teams agree and have enough time, can they change the rule to a best of 3 or even a best out 5. We have given settings for each week the @team_leader decide upon, so we could play basic mainland each week or have something entirely different suddenly in 1 of the weeks. Tell your @team_leader what you want to play. The settings will be decided before the next round starts and everybody knows against who they will have to battle. If 1 player is unable to play, will the round be a 3vs3 game instead of a 4vs4. If the second picked player in team A is unable to play, will the second picked player in team B not be able to play, BUT don't abuse the rule on purpose. You have 1 entire week to find a optimal time slot for both teams. You can see who you have to play against on this website: SwissSystem.org No login required. The settings for the first week are: Mainland; 200pop; ally view enabled; low resources. I will start the round at 14:30 CET
  13. I really like the idea, we could do it this way. Or we could let each team select all the civs, so they get a optimal strategy they prepared. Because there are some players who aren't great with all civs, so they will be pretty nerfed
  14. Here is the current list of participants for the tournament: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zF9_ktBOinbyMeEgEo5I156dsPz_Xy9VfswmQvh1orY/edit?usp=sharing Check it out and tell me if somebody is missing or somebody doesn't want to play anymore or got into the list by error. I just proposed in the server that we should create the teams now and wait until September with the tournaments. So everybody can practice with their teams, learn to know each other and play a few friendly(rated) TGs against the other teams to test the water. We will have time to filter the not so stable players out until September and then kick off the main event once everything is settled and more players have vacations.
  15. I heard that some players want to postpone the tournament. I will ask about it in the discord server as well. But we could probably do it.
  16. Could you maybe add a option to enable/disable the bars? I really love them when i spec, but i have no time to check them out in a game. In fact, they take valuable screen space away from you. But that's only my opinion. Would be great to have the option to change between a more minimalistic view, where you maybe just see the important stats and the map, nothing more.
  17. Is it possible to put 1 bar on each side, so that the map stays in the mid? Or will it become ugly
  18. This is the last announcement made on the server: Hi @everyone, this is IMPORTANT I hate to admit it, but it seems like we failed to get all the teams organized in time and we need to change the method to create the teams if we want to start the tournament soon and not in 2 years or never. That's why i believe that @SneakEP's Proposal about first getting the entire poll of players together and then deciding the teams will be optimal. So here are the rules: Click on the "video_game" Emoji if you want to play the tournament and be selected into one of the teams or tell it to me directly. Select "trophy" too if you want to candidate for a team leader spot or tell it to me directly. We have currently 30 players in here + 5 players that didn't went past the get-started channel(can somebody identify them?).This means we can get easily between 6 to 8 teams together, depending on how many want to play. Once we decide the team sizes and the amount of teams will the @team_leader pick their team. Each leader can pick whoever he wants to from the poll of players, be it a very op player or a good friend. The weakest @team_leader has the right to pick first. Each leader can pick only then the next player if every other team picked a member. This will prevent first come first served basis and help greatly with the balance. A few players mentioned that they desire a different team size instead of 4, so we will have a second voting going on right here too. Pick the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5 for your desired team size. Each player that picks the "video_game" Emoji agrees to play the entire tournament without quitting and will stay in the team he was picked in without any resistance or he will be banned from the Tournament. I hope we can start with the Tournament soon, tbh i got tired of organizing it, so i hope you will contribute your part and we can start with the fun part soon.
  19. Great. Follow this topic from now on: I will add you to the players poll. We sadly stopped allowing the users to create their teams entirely on their own, because it doesn't work. We will pick team leaders that will create their team. But you can become a team leader and pick all your friends, so you stay in a group if you want to.
  20. We will kick off the tournament this weekend. I will use this topic here to post all the announcements and standings of the tournament in here, so that people who do not use discord will stay in touch. You are welcome to take part in the tournament even when you are not in the discord server. Just write down your username and i will transmit you to the team leaders, so they can/will pick you into their team. But you have to get inside the discord server if you want to become a team leader on your own. Here is the link: https://discord.gg/Zbb8rCnz This is the final registration now and you will agree to take part in the tournament with whichever team you are picked in.
  21. For sure. I have the system with the Ratings connected to the Discord server, but it's entirely fine if you don't want to use Discord. IDK all the functions here in the forum, but i will surely upload all the relevant info over here. Now, if you want to take part in the tournament and have a group of 4 people, just message me here in the forum or via Element and i will add you to the groups as well as inform you about everything. There's no issue. But i believe i will stay mainly in Discord for now, because it's more comfortable to do everything and the database is connected to the Discord Server. I will take any ideas about the organisation gladly in account. Maybe there is another platform we can use to do everything, like this forum. I didn't did everything in here right now because i don't feel comfortable with the forum, the functions are very limited in my opinion compared to a private Discord Server where you can even connect your own code to. But as i said, i don't know the forum very well yet.
  22. Hi everyone, I've just finished setting up the 0 A.D. Discord server, which will allow us to create and manage groups easily for the upcoming tournaments. I know that many players here don't like Discord, but I believe it's the best option to manage the TG tournaments. We currently have a rating system incorporated, which will basically allow us to play rated TGs whenever you want against whichever team you like. Contact me or any other moderator if you want to become a team leader, or if you see a team leader whose group you would like to join, just contact them and they will add you. The server might be confusing at the start because there are many features. Just read the pinned messages in WELCOME > HELP and MANAGEMENT > console (if you are a manager or team leader). IMPORTANT: Please enter only your 0AD username on the get-started page. Here is the link: https://discord.gg/QCT7MJfc We are entirely flexible and can change the tournament on there as we like.
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