If I double the poly count and then halve the population, will there be any difference in performance (My mod only really allows for 60-80 units on the map at any one time anyway).
Because the game runs nice and smoothly on my computer currently, does that mean there is likely still quite a bit of room to improve the models without making a noticeable affect on performance? As an example, I am thinking it might be possible to double the polycount without changing the population cap and still have the game run smoothly. If this is try, then my thinking would be to increase the polycount by 400% and then just halve the population cap.
Would doubling the polycount likely result in an impressive model or would the difference be barely noticeable?
Can you give me an indication of a poly count that would be a compromise between performance and higher quality models? I assume the fact that I have a pretty good computer combined with a reduction in population to 80 per side would surely help accommodate higher quality models. I would like to be able to see the chainmail on units rather than having them painted on to the same unit model as the topless units.