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Posts posted by Frederick_1

  1. 23 minutes ago, Stan` said:

    You cannot merge json using cat. It's not a plain text file.

    I do not see such a limitation in cat command, or a cat alternative for binary files. Wikipedia states:

    cat can be used to pipe a file to a program that expects plain text or binary data on its input stream.
    cat does not destroy non-text bytes when concatenating and outputting. 
    As such, its two main use cases are text files and certain format-compatible types of binary files. 



  2. For trying out I made a small match with only one save in the middle. It is true, the replay of the first section works on its own, but not the whole game. so I tried:

    f@Nanox:~/.local/share/0ad/replays/0.0.25/2022-merge$ cat ../2022-07-30_0015/metadata.json ../2022-07-30_0017/metadata.json > metadata.json

    f@Nanox:~/.local/share/0ad/replays/0.0.25/2022-merge$ cat ../2022-07-30_0015/commands.txt ../2022-07-30_0017/commands.txt > commands.txt

    When I try to start the replay 0AD crashes. Seems the merge of metadata.json does not work correcty. See error output.






  3. It is possible like Stan said to place units on the map an assign them to the players.

    It is in the object tab, when you go for entities, and filter for units you can place them and assign them to different players. I Just tried, when you select actors, you can also place them, but they are like ghosts and cant be editet. At least on my system.


    • Like 1
  4. Another wish for user like me who play a game in lot of slices with breaks, what leads to lot of saves of a game, I would like to have the ability to delete the saves more efficient. At the moment I must separately delete every save  and always confirm.

    Would even like something like a browser, where saves are grouped according where they belong to, and the possibility so see more information about a game, to decide whether to delete it or not.


  5. What I would like to have is the opportunity to take a saved game, and use it as starting conditions for a new match. You can then change/rotate the player, alter difficulty or change some other game specific parameters.

    This would be like turning the board in chess. It would allow to figure out whether in a specific situation you would be able to "save the situation" in the position of player xy or not by taking his position.


    • Like 1
  6. This is another version. The only change here is, that Rome has the same 15 "mercenary army" to begin with like Vai, so they can defend, or even attack in the beginning of the game.

    I think there is a little change that Vai mercenary do not run to fight the ruins immediately.






    I am really puzzled, the *.pmp file here is named diffrent than in my folder. No clue.

    Okey,  I see the form software is changing the file names. So it seemed to be the right file anyway, and you need to rename them for a common term in your maps folder.


  7. When I started playing the scenario Battle of the Tiber was really frustrating to me.  In V 0.25 0AD Rome has the worst starting conditions (no starting population) and because the bridge is the only connection between the two map areas Rome is always in the middle of the batteling. I was  raided to end before I even really started to play. So I modified the map, first intention was to introduce treasures to give rome a starting burst, but then I made it to a plentyful treasure area. Also added some wild animals and other features to make the map more interesting, and learning to use the map editor ;).

    Another introduction was a crossing ability in the middle of the map. There I called this versions  "Rome with crossing".  I now have several verstion. This is one I want to present here, maybe someone is interested to try it out. This is the xml-File wich should work when placed in ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios.

    Is it fine to present a modification in this way here in the forum? I do have some more modified map. From Battle of the Tiber and some other maps.

    Rome-with-Crossing8-w.pmp Rome-with-Crossing8-w.xml

    • Like 2
  8. On 24/07/2022 at 7:30 PM, rossenburg said:

    Normal x1 :znaika: , turtle should be very boring i guess LOL. In fact you can select women, ask them to gather berries , go ahead with your daily activities, go beaches, go to the gym, take some walk etc, come back to 0ad and the women will still be walking to the berries not to think of starting to gather :LOL:

    It is not like that. Berries aren't that far away, and when you come back from the beach all bushes will be long gone. It doesn't feel more boring to me. You just start more parallel activities, which you are better micromanaging. This can keep you very busy after a short time. Okey, in the beginning of a new game after issuing the most orders, I sometimes speed up to 0.25x. But then I soon feel how much less control, you have when using higher speed, and your entities doing more stupid things again. I often whish them not being that stupid.

  9. 3 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    I could see keeping the max pop cap at 300, but just making it more difficult to reach and a little less easy to replenish lost troops.

    "less easy to replace lost troops" will make it even more difficult to revitalize after an lost battle. I would guess that this will make a game to tip over even faster, because a one time defeated player has even harder to compensate his losses. An early victory can decide a game even more.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

    Which civ? I think celts have lower garrison regeneration rate? And I thought sentries only shoot more arrows.

    I experienced that when as romans I lost an sentry tower even with 3 citizen soldiers garnisend in.  The upgrade simulates one more garnisoned in. I think with other civilisations it is the same when you loose a cc.


    9 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:


    Buildings need to be connected to a CC (own or allied). Buildings can provide a connection, but when it's lost they will decay.

    In some games I experienced that enemy buildings around a conquered CC do not alter their belonging, no matter how long I wait. Altough I can't set up a demonstration at the moment.

  11. 49 minutes ago, DeWynter said:

    The most annoying thing is that AI's national borders may "convert" your towers, which were on your national border.

    You need to garnison your Tower to prevent them from beeing captured by a moving border. It would be nice to get a warning if a Building is affected. And in the begining of the game to prevent an watchtower from decay often 3 men garnison is not enough you also need the sentries upgrade to rescue them.


    49 minutes ago, DeWynter said:

    Just 5 rams can win the map because destroying CC authomatically starts decay and AI run to towers and fortress to stop it instead attack rams. National borders - most evil game-ruin thing what may happen at RTS.


    When there are enough buildings close enough together they protect each other from decay.

  12. 4 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

    I think this is needed. @ValihrAnt had a mod at one point that did this--it seemed to work well.

    Right now, there is basically no resource scarcity--players can build all the units they need with the resources within their own borders at every phase of the game. Players also don't have to skirmish over resources because they can gather the desired res in another part of their base. It's great that there are enough resources on the map to make all the units available (i.e., players can now make champs and mercs because metal is actually available), but there should be some resource scarcity.

    There is the map Editor. It would be an simple task to design a map with less resources. Design some szenarios with less resources an you can try out the effects. There is the migration map for example. If you do not succeed to gather enough resources and manage to travel to the "continent" you will soon have sevre resource scarcity.

  13. Getting a high population fast is rather a issue of resource gathering, batch production and getting multiple training facilities. The gathering speed of A.I-bots is changed when you change the heavyness of an opponent. When I am right an medium opponent gaters as fast as a human player. more easy ones gather slower and more hard opponents gather faster than entities of human player. 

    But with good economy management it is usually possible to outperform an A.I bot in population. Otherwise it would be very hard gaming against an opponent with more entities gathering resources faster than you.

    If you set them to agressive instead of balanced according to my experience they attack erlieer in the game but with less entities. A defensive opponent Attacks only with a big buntch.

    My experience so far.

  14. Hallo,

    usually when I load a replay one of my games in Singleplayer against A.I.-Bot my entities does not move in the Replay, while Bot Entities do work.

    Only when the game is really fresh, when it was not saved and not interrupted from the begining the Replay does work. I can not see any influence of the Regenerate Cache button.

    Game versionis 0.25, but it was the same in 0.25. My system ist ubuntu 20.

    Is this normal behavoiur? Or is there something wrong with my installation?


    PS: Interestingly it seem in multiplayer mode it seems human players Entities do work, while A.I-Bot entities are freezed.



  15. For me it was something courious, the enemy getting loot, when I destroyed his half finished house. I was fighting him down, and not having resources so that I can take his civic center with a small unit. So it puzzled me where he was getting resources from to train a garnison. In replay I saw it was this loot effect. I already learned there is no point in destroying not yet build construction sites. Now I neet to take care that my people do also not attack half built ones.


  16. I think it is true for woman. Watching their movents for a while I can confirm this.

    For men it seems to me to be somewhat different, but it seems to me they respond with running to an attack. So they run fast in the fire area of an enemy tower, but leves only slow when I call them back. Putting them to passe seems not to make any difference.

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