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Everything posted by ChrisMJ

  1. i have a credit card - i use it for purchasing domains and the likes.
  2. Hey folks - ok i know there are many artists out there so i need your help. The company i work for develops teaching / learning materials for schools and colleges. We have been given the task to develop an A-Level course called Computer Game Production. This covers Marketing, Modelling, Sound, Story Wirting and all the sections of making a game. We have to develop a Flash interface to present these materials to the kids who take this course. The plan was that we develop someting like this http://www.shrek.com/ but basing each unit on a different computer game... This is where copyright comes into play - we cant use mario or sonic etc because they are materials of their owners. This is were I am asking you to help me and you could get your work showcased all round Europe and Asia. Basically because the company doesnt wanna have to get legal rights and stuff there is a few trying to do a few graphics. But since im a member here whay not ask here. I 1 of 3 developers using flash to get the interface working and designed. We need images that looks like a game play so that we can animate for each section of this interface - see shrek.com If you need more details just reply here.
  3. like i said above - the use is for what ever u want - storage, webpage etc
  4. anyone can use it - as long as they link to me
  5. Ph4tom i have sent you your details via pm
  6. ok got it - is that they way u want ur username?
  7. no the space is for what ever you wish - the: domain - http://www.pcgamesonline.com/~username/ email username@pcgamesonline.com Imcurrently developing the site
  8. Dear Fellow WFG Users, Over the past number of days I have seen many links to images that are exceeding their daily bandwidth. Want a way to solve this - I am offering 500 - 1gb mbs of space for images or personal use. All i ask is that you display a link to my site or text that says like Provided by ChrisMJ (or words to that effect) If you are interested please reply here or PM me with the following details: Full Name Required Username Current Email Address Many thanks ChrisMJ
  9. After seeing The Last Samurai on friday with a grp of mates - i was simply amazed. Lets just say that one of my mates whos a bit odd in a funny way, had a tear in his eye AHAHA Best actor in the film is the guy who plays Bob. Loved his perfomance made me laff.
  10. Tim you know how i feel - hehe new design shud be ready at weekend Fri/Sat. Ill probs see u onlines anyways
  11. im more into moutain bikin to places - alot quicker and a good way to hassle drivers if they blare the horn at you. I also own a Mazda RX8. O my lovely (W)ankle Engine. 230bhp. HMMM how i love the smell of the red and black leather interior on a mild day
  12. Welcome to WFGs - hope the board meets your expectations, Im sure it will hehe. Enjoy
  13. Welcome to the forums - always a good sign when new people sign up.
  14. haha guys thanks alot - sittin in work at moment, but when i get home ill be workin on the WFG homepage design - if you have any particular style u wanna see let me know - my style is normally (trendy / corporate / high graphical)
  15. What are you listening to if anything while reading this?
  16. yea - lets just say being 9yrs older than my youngest sister is a big pain in @#$% - shes 11 OMW. General chat: sis: hello, wanna play with my shop - mum gave me some tins of soup to make a pretent shop with. ME: nah im ok at the moment sis: later?
  17. relationship with a brother would be difficult - i dont have a brother. But i have 2 younger sisters Noo!
  18. Hey there King - thanks for the welcome, hope to be a regular poster here so plenty of time for that lol
  19. Hey there - Ive added you to my MSN contacts - im online. Thanks
  20. Hey all, just thought id pop in. So far your game looks highly interesting - as a web developer and freelance artist i would glad to offer my services to help this game. I am a massive gamer of other MMORPGs and would love to see this get noticed. Just downloaded the trailer - OMW Sweet as. Im from the UK, age 20 with experiece in Delphi, Flash, Photoshop, and all the general web suitable languages (xml html javascript etc) Although i work fulltime with a company that develops computer based education courses, i still have time to do freelance work for other ppl in my spare time if im not out in the mountains on my bike.
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