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Posts posted by Yekaterina

  1. 1 minute ago, Ceres said:

    What do you mean by "We can even implement voice chat"? With mumble as standalone client (and e.g. murmur as mumble server) this is already possible when playing 0 A.D. Do you think about somehow embedding some mumble client within 0 A.D.? Would it be worth the effort?

    I mean a built-in voice chat function in the lobby and in multiplayer games, just like there is already a text chat. If you have played PUBG then that is what I mean. Not all players can agree to use the same platform due to incompatibility / trust issues / privacy, so if 0AD can be its own telephone then that would be great. 

  2. Would you agree that differentiation is less important than balance? It is a competitive game after all and back in A23 we had more differentiation and it was less balanced. Celts were unstoppable but now at least we have 3 ways to counter archer civs, so you see people choosing a wide range of civs other than just the 2 OP ones. 

    Instead of differentiating civs, why don't we integrate them? ;) 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

    Fear aura would make elephants even more powerful. So: No thanks

    I want elephants to be strong against infantry and not so strong against my siege towers ; )

    To counteract the increased attack I massively cut their health so they can be killed quicker and do less damage. 

    • Haha 1
  4. Elephants were used to shock enemy infantry and cavalry instead of knocking down fortresses, therefore I propose the following changes in their stats to make them more historically realistic and less OP for gameplay. Civs without elephants are very difficult to play because elephants can walk faster than rams and towers by default and take them out, giving elephant civs a huge defensive advantage. 

    1. Change the hack damage to pierce damage.

    Elephant trunks can bash other units and do huge crush damage, that I agree. However, their tusks were more capable at thrusting / piercing rather than hacking. Mauryans installed dagger blades onto elephant tasks to stab the enemy to death. This would make them much much more effective against enemy infantry / cavalry instead of buildings and siege, although their huge crush damage can still take out a siege weapon without much effort. When I played against an AI their elephant needed 3-4 hits to take out a pikeman, which is ridiculous as it would be able to throw  away 5 at a time.

    2. No elephant racism.

    Asian and African elephants were not that different in size, and the amount of food needed to feed one is approximately the same. Sometimes an African elephant might even be bigger than an Asian one, therefore there should be no difference in stats. I suggest we use identical values for both 'ethnic groups'.

    3. Reduce health. 

    850 health is way too much for an elephant, normally an elephant will die after being hit by a few javelins. I suggest we reduce it down to 450 for all. This way non-elephant civs would not feel too disadvantaged, considering everyone has rams. 

    4. Berserker mode and area damage

    I really like the suggestion of elephants dealing group melee damage. We can even add a negative aura for enemy units due to fear. The berserker mode from Delenda Est is also a great addition to elephants.

    If elephant civs don't have rams then nothing needs to be changed. Elephant + ram + ranged is too OP. 


  5. 1 minute ago, wraitii said:

    It seems to me that we could just make all civilisations use stone for their buildings.

    I agree. We can also introduce other places where stone could be spent, e.g.:

    Certain techs

    Champion slinger units?

    Remove metal cost of civic centres/ military colony and replace it with stone. (500 wood, 1000 stone)

    • Like 2
  6. We can switch food to a flow-based economy: instead of 1 unit costing 50 food, we can change it to 1 unit costing 0.5 food per second, with an initial investment of 2 food maybe? This would be more realistic and prevents players from deleting farmers in late game. 

    However, metal, stone and wood should not be flow-based because they are used to construct buildings and equipment; you do not need to repair these often so their flow consumption should be negligible. 


    43 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

    the order that a unit should die could be queuable, for example: "build that building, then die"

    That is convenient for Macedon, but too cruel :( 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  7. I have spotted a pattern, not sure if you have also observed this:

    When I host a game with mostly pro players (>1400), DDOS is very frequent (about half or a third of the time).

    When I play 1v1 DDOS rarely occurs, although it did happen a few times when I challenged pros. 

    When I play a TG with all nubs (<1300) I have never experienced anything like DDOS, even if it is 4v4. 

    Therefore the DDOSer could be targeting the good players only or games that contain many good players. 

    The DDOSer uses fake IP addresses to flood routers with packets. When I tracked them down with Wireshark I found packets from many countries at the same time. Perhaps the DDOSer knows the IP of some unfortunate players and attack them whenever they are online. When I inspected the contents of the packet I found maths questions like calculating large numbers and Fourier Transform. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  8. ChronA I am afraid I cannot agree with you here. 

    3 hours ago, ChronA said:

    Empires Ascendant is just a very mediocre Age of Empires clone

    I think 0AD is superior to Age of Empires and it is not a clone. The graphics of 0AD is miles ahead of AoE's fixed isometric view and the gridded landscape that does not even allow you to rotate buildings. With 0AD you use your brain in planning the strategy and then immerse yourself in the intense fighting animation and sound effects, unlike AoE's 90s style pixilated I don't know what graphics. The art and landscape models of 0AD are obviously more realistic than what you get in AoE...

    There are of course similarities between 0AD and AoE as both are RTS games but 0AD has many unique features that AoE don't have. They may have started off as a mod but now it is completely independent of AoE, just like I can't say you are a monkey because you had the same ancestor. 

    4 hours ago, ChronA said:

    There are currently 13 going on 14 fully fleshed out and playable civilizations inhabiting this unfinished tech demo of a game. If any new feature breaks even one of those civs (whether through balance perturbation, or missing assets, or just rubbing someone with a practiced playstyle the wrong way) the commentariat will raise an unholy stink about it and the idea will die. This is not a situation that is conducive to agile evolution. And of course I also understand how it got to be this way. In open source you have to make use of the development resources you have at hand. However that doesn't preclude applying foresight to prevent future impasses.

    How do we know what's good and what's bad if we don't experiment it? After a few games the players will express their views on the forum, then the devs will act accordingly. Being afraid of making a mistake will stop you from progressing forward. 


    4 hours ago, ChronA said:

    Ancient China is an incredibly cool culture (one of my favorites), but what would adding them to the game at this point in time actually achieve? Would it help refine the balance of the game. Would it explore new unit dynamics? Would it just be a superficial reskin of other civs that are already in the game? Or would it contribute to the slow death of gameplay development by bloat and crushing inertia?

    Han Chinese has an unique unit composition that fixes some imperfections in other civs and introduces new strategies. For example, if you want to do a spear cav rush followed by an archer push then the Chinese is perfect for you. If you like Kushites but also need catapults then Han is the ideal civ for you!

    • Like 2
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  9. 18 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    Yes I watch shows from people who live in China in my own language.

    Nice, I learnt quite a lot of spoken Chinese that way. Do you think we could make an advertising trailer for 0AD (aimed to impress) instead of a summary of new features like our current release trailers?

    I think I can edit the A23 and A24 release trailers a bit to make it look attractive to people who never played. 

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