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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by DarkAngelBGE

  1. Nah..let's stop at 50 replies, so 16 to go from now.

    *pops in*

    *looks above*

    *notices Black OP falling back on earth*

    *watches Blacky's body getting sued when contacting the earth*

    *watches big crater*

    *pulls out Sniper*

    *lies in crater watching for targets*

  2. Thanks guys for the replies so far. Re-reading my post I realised that I spend much time everyday on the WFG forums. But then again we are currently about to take off, so I @#$% the webbie have to make sure there are chattyt opics etc. But I think I will have to make some sort of task planner or better scheduler, which I print out and always stick to it. Like coming home from school, relaxing 30 minutes, doing homework, revising stuff and prepare for lessons that I will have then ext day. Then come my hobbies. Yeah, that sounds good.

    I also had some lengthy chat with my parents about the matter and they advised me to really make such a planner. They also asked me what I would have done if I had not had a computer. Then I asked them what their hobbies were back in the 60's and 70's when there was no comp. I was really surprised what they replied.

    Speaking of that I realize that I waste really much with re-clicking on forums where I made one of those A-posts (A = very important) just to check if there is a new reply yet. That's really wasted time. Or double- and tripple-checking on my email account if someone sent me a mail regarding the A-posts and what not. I think I will have to keep discipline andm ake me such a planner and then really stick to it. Such a planner would also mean that I won't be on MSN so often, so send me either a mail or private message. Then I will check those only once a day me thinks, maybe twice if I have just made some A-post.

    I think it's the right time now to become an adult and work efficiently.

    Thanks again for your replies guys! Would be cool if we could gather more opinions. B)

    *goes out willing to make a scheduler*

  3. I made this thread, because recently I have had some problems with spending my time correctly. It's as follows: I wake up at 6am in them orning, have a shower, have breakfast, then be at the comp for 30 minutes. Checking the WFG forums and email. Then I leave for school and return at 5pm. Checking WFG forums and email and a couple other forums. Then I do my school homework (more or less carefully), code something or check back on forums/emails (yes I get a lot each day), have some MSN chat etc.

    Then I would have dinner and do the same as some lines above till I go to bed at 10 or 11 pm. I simply have no time for learning for school so that my grades get a bit up again. My mother says I should revise stuff and prepare for the next day about 2 hours everyday. I simply don't have time for it, well I have, but then again I don't (you know what I mean).

    How can I improve my situation ?

    How do you spend your valuable time ?

    Do you think you use your time efficiently ?

    Is there some general rule how one should use his/her time ?

    Let's have a nice discussion. B)

  4. Possibly exclusive access to media only visible to members? (that is, the full list of eyecandy (images/concepts/screenshots), not just the cream that appear in news posts). Personally I'm hoping that ALL media distributed through the intranet will wind up in the Media section of the new site (but filtered for non-staff).

    Getting a wee bit private now, no ? B)

  5. This is an awesome idea ! To beh onest, I had something like that in mind anyway when installing the forum points system. B) There may also be some section on the website, that can be accessed only if a certain amount of currency has been reached.

    Personally I like this idea very much. B)

    Stickied and donated 5 bucks to Swellick. :)

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