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Sax last won the day on January 19 2020

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  1. Sax

    Zapotecs 1.0

    Actually it's Zapotecs to Mixtecs from left to right. The furthest left represents a zapotec warrior as taken from the Codex Telleriano Remensis, while the furthest right is taken from the Codex Selden. It's likely there was a bit of overlap.
  2. Sax

    Zapotecs 1.0

    Cocijoeza was a historical figure during the time of the Huey Tlatoani Ahuizotl. As ruler of the Zapotec kingdom of Zaachila, he initially lost Mitla and Hueyxacac (both were sacked), yet managed to recover control of both cities while the aztec forces continued onwards unto the Soconusco, and forced Ahuizotl into a stalemate at the seige of Guiengola. A secondary potential hero is Zaachila I (founder of the Zaachila Dynasty) or Cosiiopii/Zaachila III (who expanded the frontiers of his kingdom greatly, and attempted but failed to reconquer Monte Alban from the Mixtecs). One of these, likely the latter, had a legendary rivalry with the now borderline mythical mixe King Konkoy (Condoy), part of a series of longstanding confrontations between the two peoples. I believe we know a few Zapotec Kings of the Monte Alban heydays, but it's probably best to go with postclassic zapotecs and include them with the general Mesoamerican mod. Regarding accuracy, I'm afraid their are actually quite a few flaws, both in units and architecture that I took notice of. I'd suggest (if possible) to replace the models of a lot of those structures, and have pictures of examples that would be useful, with possible variants in accordance to levels and just variety for the sake of variety. This includes such things as defensive walls, central palaces, market place, etc. I'd also have a couple of unit suggestions, though I wonder what other mesoamerican faction are you thinking of including? The Mixtecs share quite a lot of history with the zapotecs and might justifiably be included within the same faction, though just as easily could be a similar rival faction akin Athens vs Sparta.
  3. She represents a mayan courtesan/noblewoman (the nature of the distinction is discussed by Houston here: https://mayadecipherment.com/2014/06/08/courtesans-and-carnal-commerce/) of the classical and late classical period, so roughly coinciding with the time period of the original game. You con spot the cranial elongation and nasal extension, while most of the other decoration is composite (which is to say different parts are taken from different sources), mainly from ceramic pieces from Tikal and Ik (the latter a minor client kingdom of the former). Typically, elite women seemed to have shown themselves in their natural skin color or painted themselves in red, white or a combination of either. There is a vast catalogue of hairstyles and decorations. This has little to do with the Aztecs in any of the way you wish to understand them (Late nahua who arrived from Aztlan, Nahua of the Triple Alliance or the Mexica specifically).
  4. Sax

    Zapotecs 1.0

    Hey guys, where do you need help with the zapotecs, what is currently being worked on? I've only seen a couple of screenshots of the zapotec faction in google and I have some thoughts, but what is needed?
  5. I know spanish incase anyone prefers it. Where would you guys like me to start? I'm fairly familiar with the visuals of the post classic and can be help where ever you need me atm: Urbanization? Military? Civilian life? Let me know.
  6. Nice job dude! That's looking super cool! I was brought here by the 0AD twitter account. I'm a mesoamerican archaeologist and a historical ilustrator, and I'm open for discussion and advising if needed regarding any faction of the cultural region (as well as texturing if I can find the time). Here's my portfolio, hope you are still working on the subject: https://www.artstation.com/rafael-mena
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