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Everything posted by Herly

  1. It's a very good idea, team games would become more interesting
  2. Hello, first I clarify that I am using a translator for this text since I do not speak English. I introduce myself, I play 0A.D. For a couple of years now my name in the game has been "H.Herle" and I really enjoy the game but as you know almost everyone speaks English in the chat and it is very difficult for those of us who don't speak English to translate it, since I have to copy it manually the text in English in my chat box and then paste it into Google Translate, I would like a function to be added to be able to select any history chat and have it automatically copied to my chat box, so I can copy it without having to Do it manually and pass it to Google Translate, something similar to the "/link" command but without the need to redirect you to any page, only in text in your chat box. I think this would help many players to be able to communicate better, personally it frustrates me a lot not being able to translate everything and missing almost everything that happens in the chat, since I can only understand some very basic words, I hope you can understand what I wanted to say Since I write this in Spanish, I hope that some developer reads it and can take it into consideration :') greetings!
  3. hace poco volvĂ­ a instalarme el juego y me sale error, el juego no inicia
  4. quiero participar, pero soy manco H.Herly (1197) , me gustaria grabar las partidas, haber si me dan info de las fechas
  5. hola, quieres saber porque no puedo unirme a salas de juego me error de venta pero veo que ya hay gente en la sala, no se porque no me deja unirme : /, no me deja unirme a la mayoria de juegos y cuando yo soy host algunos amigos no pueden etrar a mi partida pero otro si
  6. hola, me gustaria saber como puedo hacer para que cuando haga host yo pueda elegir quien entra al juego y quien no, e visto que otros pueden pero no se como configurar agradeceria que me ayuden
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