This is a super neat thread, I love the detail being put into vegetation.
I was told that there might be some questions about tropical vegetation and I wanted to introduce one concept common to these forests in case it hasn't been considered: the idea of emergent trees. Emergent trees are almost only found in tropical rainforest systems (one exception is American redwood forests) and are almost ubiquitous in these systems. Trees in the emergent layer do not form a closed canopy. I feel that even for people not familiar with these systems, the apperance of these trees is important for the gestalt of a tropical rainforest.
Teak (which I've noticed you've already included!) is an example of an emergent tree in asian tropical rainforests, as well as many trees in the genus Shorea. Kapok and Brasil nut are emergents in Meso-america and South America respectively.
Keep being awesome!