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Everything posted by Caedus

  1. There was this old film "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" on tv two days ago. It was really awesome. A traditional Chinese Drama/Adventure story. I really liked it and I can recommend it to everyone! And it was not predictable .
  2. That would be the pyramids for me. Great buildings, builds with mathematical expertise. Even today, it would be an immense job to pull of!
  3. Yes, according to the bible Peter was crucified upside down, because he thought he wasn't worth it to die the same death as his master. Did you knew that a person on a cross now and then tried to rest by "standing" on his legs. That person then wasn't able to hold this out for long and then would be "hanging" again. This way ensures maximum suffering over a long period of time. I just had to describe this, sorry . I'm sure I will see this movie sometime, but maybe not in the theater. Anyway, it takes a while untill it will be released here in The Netherlands.
  4. That's right. Europeans use the , as a . and the . as a ,. Is that clear ? So 10.02 (American) would be 10,02 in Europe. And 10,000 (10000) can be written as 10.000 here (10000). It comes from the time, that the Americans fought themselves free from the Britons. They wanted to show they were their own boss, so they exchanged the , and the .. It is the same with driving left or right. Napoleon made a law that said all people should drive right. The English though "He is a idiot, but that idea isn't that bad." so they imitated it, but they changed it to driving left, to show their independance. So guess what happened when America gained independance ? They changed it to driving right, because they hated the English then. I think it is about time to generalise all standards globally. Same with measurements (meters, foot). And about the "space" thing. It's computerlanguage I guess. I'm Dutch and it is standard to put the . or ! or ? at the end of a sentence without a space. However, when one is typing, you must remember that after each word, you would automatically place a space, so it could be a "blind-typing" issue.
  5. If your Mom is responsible for 35% of the total income, I would say to let her stay home for a week ("sorry guys, but she is "ill" today"). The others would quickly realise how much work it will give them, at least that's what I think. Problem is the financial thing, cause when she doesn't work, she doesn't get payed (unless you can get payed with a good insurance). Anyways, collegues who treat their partner like that, should really get a new upbringing (Erziehung). Hope this helps man! Let your Mom get comforted by some friends (and don't forget yourself!), as a good backup is important in such cases!!!
  6. Maybe a point of interest for you: here (talking about The Netherlands, and maybe Europe too) it doesn't really matter from which university one comes, but more that you made it trough. From what I understand about the USA, is that there are many different colleges and that the quality between them differs much. And then there is the payment issue too, because here we get money from the government (not much though, and I hope it won't grow even less ). Don't know exactly how this is in the USA, but I think it's more expensive there.
  7. I definately go to a university (that's how it's called here in The Netherlands). Like Ingold, I first (when I was like younger than ten)wanted to study paleontology, basically because I was into dinosaurs and stuff. I later on changed it when I first got biology. I hated it . Just not my subject. Then I thought about laws and stuff. It didn't really tempt me, but I didn't know what else to do. However more than a year ago, I joined a phylosophy class (not a real one, but for "newcomers"). I enjoyed it. So that's my final choise now. I'll start next year (september) and I'm really looking forward to it .
  8. Greetings and a happy birthday from The Netherlands mate! Now, let's grab some and hire a !
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