That's right. Europeans use the , as a . and the . as a ,. Is that clear ? So 10.02 (American) would be 10,02 in Europe. And 10,000 (10000) can be written as 10.000 here (10000). It comes from the time, that the Americans fought themselves free from the Britons. They wanted to show they were their own boss, so they exchanged the , and the .. It is the same with driving left or right. Napoleon made a law that said all people should drive right. The English though "He is a idiot, but that idea isn't that bad." so they imitated it, but they changed it to driving left, to show their independance. So guess what happened when America gained independance ? They changed it to driving right, because they hated the English then. I think it is about time to generalise all standards globally. Same with measurements (meters, foot). And about the "space" thing. It's computerlanguage I guess. I'm Dutch and it is standard to put the . or ! or ? at the end of a sentence without a space. However, when one is typing, you must remember that after each word, you would automatically place a space, so it could be a "blind-typing" issue.