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  1. OK, that Ghirahim portrait is genuinely terrifying. Awesome stuff as usual!
  2. Thank you for responding, awesome stuff! To expand a bit on point 4, the Gerudo, Hyrule and Ordona are able to build external food dropsites from the village stage, which gives them an extra leg up when harvesting from berry patches further out from their core bases. Having played a few singleplayer games I do find that Lanayru is able to harvest from Fisheries fast enough to be playable, although compared to Hyrule and Orodona who can build farms without needing a CC I do wonder if they could get swamped if a game manages to run on for a bit. Still, seems it's all working out, which is great! Just another few things: 1. It seems like there's a couple of techs and buildings that don't yet do anything: in particular, Lanayru can research to get higher gather rates from Silver and Coralmold, but seeing as only the Zora can build Coralmold farms and I'm not sure I've seen Silver resources on a map (please correct me if I'm wrong on this) this doesn't currently have a purpose? Also the Kokiri Berry Seeder doesn't look like it does anything yet aside from being able to research a couple of techs. 2. I've also noticed that the heroes of the two new factions from last update have descriptions which are recycled from other factions and thus don't match their actual abilities. 3. I don't know if it was just for that match, but The Resistance didn't have a unit cap. 4. I'm not sure what could be done about this (if anything) but for factions that can't harvest wood, on most maps this results in large portions of bases becoming unbuildable. Presumably this was intentional – or at least deemed acceptable – though. But once again thank you for making such an awesome mod (twice over, if we count H:TW)!
  3. Awesome stuff! Aside from the addition of the Moblins and Darknuts, are any other major changes planned for next update?
  4. Just to bring something up (and if these are already being tackled for next update I apologise in advance), but I've noticed a couple of issues, some more to do with mechanics and some which are more bug-related: 1. Hyrule, Ordona and Gerudo houses are 100 Materials but 5 population, which seems a bit low considering that Gorons can build 10 population houses for 50 Materials and 50 Ore, which I do get is slightly higher than 100 Materials due to slower Ore harvesting rates, but even so that's a bit of a big divide, especially considering that you don't need workers to build Goron houses because they are upgraded from plots. 2. Food harvesting seems to be quite inconsistent across factions, especially in terms of farms. After a while, some factions like Lanayru can only harvest food with 9 workers per CC, whereas some factions can build farms indefinitely. 3. If you have too many Kokiri workers on a Market Grove dropsite there tend to be traffic jams. 4. Dropoff points other than CCs usually don't accept food – not sure if this was intentional, though. These issues aside I still absolutely love this mod – keep up the good work!
  5. So what are we looking at in terms of new content for 0.5?
  6. I've seen enough projects consistently meet predicted deadlines to know that it's no big deal that it wasn't out for Christmas. Better late and finished than early and broken. On that note, though, when might we expect to see the next version?
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