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Everything posted by Exodarion

  1. Just as a bit of extra info. The only thing I did is writing a few functions that uses the vanilla 0ad garrison functionality. This issue by itself has nothing to do with the code, but with the garrison system as a whole. If I were to remove all my garrison code, play the faction myself and garrison the units manually in the Hydrophant, the issue will remain the same. I am not expecting a fix to this anytime soon and also don't expect you to fix this for Hyrule Conquest specifically. However, I am almost 100% sure that this problem also exist in the vanilla game. Therefore, it would benefit 0ad in general if someone from the dev team would look into this problem at some point in time.
  2. Hey there, I have been working on the AI for Hyrule Conquest for a while now and have been focusing on the AI garrisoning units like Hydrophants and Chariots lately. I noticed that the movement of the Hydrophant was skippy and sometimes he would be completely unable to move for some reason. After testing for a few hours I came to an interesting conclusion. Apparently, some of the obstruction boxes seem to overlap with the Hydrophant, which causes this to occur. https://gyazo.com/cec4c29a680f459b6a804d0bc37f0cb8 I can put all the units in the Hydrophant, but not the one in the front row. I think this happens because the Hydrophant is trying to predict if anything overlaps and then finds the garrisoned units box as an overlap. Of course these are just my assumptions, but thought I'd mention this issue here to see if any of the original developers can confirm this. https://gyazo.com/748f65a1e6a44fecc7b442de9da22e2e
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