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Posts posted by c0d3::M0nk3y

  1. Dark Elf warrior, specializing in hand to hand combat and heavy armor. Weaponry tends to lean towards two handed swords and polearms. It tends to reflect my real life fighting style (I'm 6'3, 215 lbs)

    :):) ah well, atleast you're a fellow elf, so i'll probably be on your good side... hopefully! :D

    Besides that, I've always liked playing Elven rogues, with light weaponry such as knives and short swords coupled with throwing stars

    Nice... ive always liked playing a stealthy char too, but problem with 90% of RPGs is, they dont really do the stealth gameplay justice... i mean, i would LOVE to play an RPG game that would let my ranger be something like Sam Fisher or Garett, you know... REAL stealth experts... i heard that Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is something of the sort, allowing you to be a real stealthy char, but then again, my pc cant run oblivion... im waiting for an upgrade this summer ;)

  2. Hey mates,

    Just for wasting any remaining time you have in your life, what type of High-Fantasy (think LotR / DnD) do you generally play? I mean, what would be your ULTIMATE lvl-237 char, if there were absolutely no constraints? Here's mine:

    • Race: Elf - preferably a race from the northern (or somewhat colder) more mountain-eous parts of the world
    • Gender: Male
    • Height: 1.70m
    • Age: relative to humans, would be equal to early 30s
    • Skin Colour: White / Caucasian
    • Hair: Shoulder length / Black
    • Facial Hair: None or slightly un-shaven beard
    • Eye Colour: Brown
    • Weight: 60Kgs
    • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral - will do anything for the right price
    • Class: Ranger (tracker, scout, hunter, etc) / Assassin
    • Weapons:
      * Primary: Ranged - Whenever possible, a Long Bow, that is EXTRA 1337 UBER KEWL ( :) ), Named Cuthalion (Literally Strong Bow, i think, in Sindarin)
      * Secondary: Melee - Double Swords (Not too long, but not short swords either... regular sized ones) Named Fang and Claw
      * Other: Poisoned Throwing Knives, and/or retractable claws (think wolverine X-Men) either embedded in skin, or attached to arms
    • Armour: Light Leather on chest. Leather Arm Guard on right arm (for shooting the bow)
    • Tattoos:
      * Wolf head on neck-left side
      * Three Vertical, slightly curved stripes on each side of back (representing wings)
      * Clan / Tribe tattoo on right arm (something celtic / tribal)
      * Black Hand (inspired by Assassin guild from Elder Scrolls) on right side of chest
      * Dragon wrapped around Right Arm (from elbow down)
      * Four slashes on left arm (indicating rank)
      * Hunter's sign on inside of left arm (from elbow down)
    • Companion Pet: Snow Wolf - called Bishop (influenced by char from NWN2)
    • Combat Style:
      * Try to take out the enemy using bow from a very long distance and from stealthy position
      * Else, resolve to twin swords, and then retractable claws
      * No fancy moves, only fatality type attacks (only intend to kill opponent, nothing else)
      * Jeet Kwon Do like hand-to-hand combat... also good with a staff
    • Feats:
      * Very Light on his feet (parkour like moves)
      * Agile
      * Fast
      * Accurate (would be useless with a bow if not!)
      * Stealthy
      * Silent (Speaks only when necessary)
      * Out-doors man (i think that comes with the Ranger class anyway)

    well, thats about it for my ranger... that's usually the type of char i play when i play any RPG game, or at least, i try to adapt whatever i got available in the game to be as close as possible to that...

    So, what about you?

  3. Congratulations man... real nice piece of equipment... i have myself a pair of Katana's and Wakizachi's (sorry if i miss-spelled it) that i adore... ill be posting back a pic of them soon :)

    They are quite reliable and rugged, and ive used them for sparring training alot, though, they are not sharpened :)

    How about that gladius of yours? it looks quite cool really... is it useable? is it sharp?

  4. Chow Yun Fat? Johnny Depp? really?

    You mean there actually WAS someone else in the movie besides Kiera Knightley? *wink*wink*

    drooling aside, ill try to see movie ASAP... i just love the series so far, and Cpt. Jack Sparrow is one of my all time favourite characters...

  5. so when I go back to class in June I'll be able to play AOE3

    :):) my kinda guy :D

    Seth, Macbook Pro is not within his budget. I believe Pro prices are above €1300.

    Oh, sorry, forgot about that, ah well... it was well over my budget too ;)

  6. Macintosh, anyone? You could always go pro, but the way i see it, Klass said it spot on...

    I got myself a regular MacBook (nothing regular about it power though, trust me) and as for gaming, i still revert back to my trusty old power-horse at home... still, if you COULD afford some more cash and REALLY need the gfx cards, you can go MacBook Pro... though it is ATI in there, not nVidia

  7. two words...

    ABOUT TIME... *does the happy dance*...

    I really wish there was a newer WC though, and not an MMORPG... a true RTS WCIV... also, i wouldn't mind at all seeing a PC version of star craft ghost, or ghost 2... but until then, SC2 will have to do... actually, im guessing it will quite well :)

  8. Yes,I also tough that they should have more tattoos,But in most of the ilustrations of pict warriors that I have,they appear more on warriors legs and parts covered by clothes(But thye naked warrior could a the body full of those)

    Oh, ok, so thats it then... they have their tats and stuff, they're just hidden under their clothing...

    And about the crossbow hunter:The picts are very famous for their use of the crossbow in battle,and perhaps in hunt too.Even the osprey books have some ilustrations of crossbow hunters

    Wow, really? i always thought crossbows were invented much later (middle ages) than the typical picts i imagined (around roman empire time X-BC)

    Anyway, i might probably be wrong... all i know was folk tales, not really a trust worthy historic piece of info :)

  9. but shouldn't there be more tatts and stuff? specially woad ones? i mean, thats why they were called picts in the first place... Also, i dunno... but the idea of a cross-bow hunter isnt sitting nicely with me... i mean, i used to hear all about those excellent bow hunting stories when i was living there as a child (which got me addicted to archery in the first place)

    other than that, the rest looks fine

  10. It's coming out May 5th in the US. I heard that it cost over 500 million to make!

    So what do you guys think about the new plot from the trailers, anyone going to see it right away? :)

    plot sounds pretty cool, and that new black outfit is AWESOME :)

    yeah, i guess ill go see it once it gets out

  11. What are the advantages of thunderbird compared to mail.app seth? I've used thunderbird on windows until a year ago, so I'm interested to know what has changed :)

    Well mate, the most important thing for me, is the plug-ins... i wrote my own plugins to make it integrate with the address book, and another (thats not working so well) that integrates with Google Calendar...

  12. Moddb has listings in "Help Needed" section which can be upgraded... whenever. Need a voice actor, they have plenty of people who advertise themselves.

    I'm sorry, you completely lost me there... what would the use of that? you mean we should get someone from their ads to maintain 0A.D.'s MySpace page?

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