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Posts posted by rjhwinner03

  1. So, this game started out as an age of empires modification. I got that info from Wikipedia. Could you help me make an age of empires like map? That is all I would need to get started. I DO NOT WANT TO KEEP MODIFYING THIS GAME! I WANT TO CREATE SOMETHING BY MYSELF!!! No Unity, no Unreal Engine, just cold, hard C++, C, Opengl, and SDL2!! Please just tell me how to create a map. I have used c++ for a year and a half and java for 3 years. I do, indeed have a Java RTS engine that I made that does have a variation of the A* algorithm. It also has sort of an attacking AI, but the rays do not work. In this case, I was using ThinMatrix’s 3D graphics tutorials on YouTube. I could not find any sources to fix it, so I started going for a 2D start, where my mouse coordinates have an x and y coord on the screen and I can make it match easier with a sprite. 


    “So, rjhwinner03, what are you asking?” 


    I want to just have a tile based, textured quad that I could put units on, just like the one for AOE2, or at least the open source version called OpenAGE. 

    I want nothing more than just the tile based map in OpenGL, C++, C, and SDL. Any one of these will work, I just want good results. 

  2. I will tell you the whole reason that I want to start from scratch. A few years back I found my first RTS game, Empire Earth. From there I got many more games like that and I decided that I would like to create a game similar to that, the graphics could just evolve as the game was further developed. I then found this game, the year is like 2016 and I start developing with it. I just wanted the pyrogenesis engine without the game. I got frustrated, so I came here.

  3. No, I want to create a game without using a game engine! You don't understand what I am asking so I will just go ahead and say it. Tell me how to make a RTS game because I don't know if any sources that talk about a.i. And text and other stuff. Feneurs comment was more of what I am after, just not enough

  4. If you would, you could just (if you wanted to of course!!) give me a very early version of this game with barely anything (licenses, Shaders) in it so I could just start there.

    I just do not like being under a license that I could possibly break and get sued like 500 million dollars or something like that. 

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