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Everything posted by jeffnz

  1. I like an element of timing and economic management. Even Command & Conquer had some of that, you could build a refinery for $2,000 and sell it for 1/4 of its value (and keep the free harvester that came with it) or you could build a harvester from your war factory for $1,400. You either slow your construction queue or your unit building queue. There is also timing with regards to resource distances from your refineries. Age Of Mythology and some other RTS games go beyond the basics and involve multiple resource types. I see nothing wrong with that, if anything we need more of it! EA's interpretation of C&C is much faster than the original games, there is more rushing and launching cheap attacks, and less base building.
  2. This game is really cool, after recently beating both campaigns on hard I feel that I've finally mastered it. Back in the 1990s I was a child so I couldn't follow basic orders in this game. BattleZone is known as an RTS-FPS hybrid, in the game you can build a communication tower and then access a satellite, which allows you to command your units in RTS style. Usually you fly around shooting things with creative weapons! I personally liked BattleZone 2 a lot more but I haven't played it since 2002-2003. Watch some BZ2 below https://youtu.be/D5EglQGdXNc?t=21s It's a funny game because you can never play it like an actual RTS - enemy ships race into your base and the player must do much of the fighting himself, sometimes your ship is destroyed and you bail out. When on foot you have a jetpack (only in BZ2) so there is a survival element to BattleZone. It's good to retreat sometimes - getting stuck in enemy territory is high risk! BattleZone 2 impresses me the most because of the lighting effects and the different planets: Mire (a swamp planet with hostile raptor-like creatures), Bane (an ice planet with large animals that can attack vehicles, also there is ice that your tracked vehicles can fall through), then there's Rend (a planet full of volcanoes and lava, with minimal vegetation) and there is also The Dark Planet which has flashing blue crystals and an apparently synthetic surface, and finally there is a planet called Core which is an artificial planet that is home to the Scions (a race of people with spiritual/socialist views who are derived from humans). The characters and alien worlds were better in BZ2, BZ1 features only planets in our galaxy. You'll see in the video that while on foot, the player can snipe enemy pilots from their hovertanks, but you cannot snipe tracked vehicles. The rules on sniping turrets vary based on difficulty, and in BZ1 I think you can only snipe a turret when it's undeployed. Cool stuff! I wish they'd remake BattleZone 2 but that's a pipe dream. Rebellion Studios said they wouldn't do it.
  3. I bought a laptop for my course, it's an ACER with a solid-state HD and an AMD A4 processor. I was going to get the A10 but there aren't many being produced so I grabbed this one (the shop offered Intel i5 but it was more expensive if I wanted a solid-state HD with the i5). The shop I went to has decades of experience and the old geezer at the shop told me that the best ACER they sell is one called Travel Mate - that one is designed to be thrown into your backseat when you're in a hurry, it's an extra $300 in my currency so I went for the cheaper one. There are many budget laptops that are rubbish! Often the only thing protecting the components is a layer of plastic (when I hold my mum's HP I can feel the plastic flex in my and). More expensive laptops have a sheet of metal, and also metal hinges so the screen doesn't break ... I look after my stuff though so I'm indifferent. I think of electronics as being e-waste so I don't mind getting stuff that's slightly cheap and nasty. The Alcatel smartphone that I bought from Vodafone would have been the best thing 3 years ago, Apple would have sold it for over $1,000 NZD not too long ago, I waited and got similar specs for a fraction of the price. 2GB of RAM on a Android phone means you're using 85% of it at any given time, so it isn't great but it works for now and I'm actually trying to save money this year. When I was working 6 days a week I felt justified having a sports car, a bottle of Vodka whenever I felt withdrawal symptoms, and a few packs of cigars when I got stressed not any more though! What do you guys think of AMD? Someone on my course was saying on our Slack.com channel that he doesn't like AMD, I didn't ask why I guess it's mostly opinion. AMD might not have the best electricity efficiency but they sell cheaper stuff, Intel seems to charge too much in my opinion. I have an AMD A-10 on my desktop so I thought why not have an A-4 on my laptop. AMD isn't known for mobile CPU but hey if I keep buying their stuff maybe it'll become more common.
  4. I'll probably build again on my Windows 10 desktop. What are some cool tricks for SVN? New Zealand has slow broadband when downloading from international servers, so how can I download the latest source, but avoid downloading the binaries again? I want to know if I can safely exclude some directories, and only update the code - is it possible? If someone updates the binaries and I'm only updating the source, that might cause trouble right? The game might reference something that I don't have. I checked out the new source last week, but I don't think I'm tracking changes because I thought that was only for folks who're contributing code. I get the impression that I am supposed to track changes, that way I don't download each file again ... only the updated things. I think I'll have to start over since I didn't track changes.
  5. So I built the game on an old laptop and I realise I desperately need an upgrade lol Now as for the gameplay, it seems I can build resource structures but not really anything else? update: oops I think you upgrade through the ages with the civic centre ... delete this thread maybe.
  6. The SVN guide will be my next stop and here's the latest files. I should have tried those the first time. Oh well, once I find a house with fibre broadband I'll be able to work on this for hours on end
  7. Hi all, I'm 26 years old and I've been interested in programming since I was 10 or 11. In 2000/2001 our neighbour tried to teach me c++ but that didn't work. I struggled with Blitz Max when I was 15 and I couldn't write good programs. Things are different in 2017: I've taught myself how to build c++ applications in Linux and I know what tools to use and what tools to avoid. I use Code Blocks, whereas in the past I tried using Anjuta (garbage!) Emacs and Vi, none of which are acceptable for beginners. I also don't recommend automatic indenting, I find that these "aids" are counter-productive. It took many years of unnecessary stress and now I finally know what I'm talking about: I prefer c++ with Code Blocks and SDL2. I'd consider using Unity or Unreal in the future but for now I enjoy learning without too many assisted things. Getting comfortable I was sceptical for 15 years as to whether I could learn programming. There's too much conflicting information regarding how to do things, or what tools to use. Also, programming is unfairly stereotyped as being about "zeros and ones" and as a result many people think you need to be a hardcore autistic to gain any ground in programming, which is untrue. The main difficulty (besides the overwhelming possibilities of tools/languages) is simply that you cannot learn programming in high school. When I was in high school back in 2006, they only taught Microsoft Visual Basic and that was only in year 12, which is the 4th year of high school. If the government bureaucrats want students to learn properly, then they should teach programming in a wider sense. They should demonstrate the pros-and-cons of different editing tools, and c++ should be taught too - it isn't as hard as most people believe. 100 lines of code looks confusing to most people, if they're not familiar with programming. People don't understand that programming is structure: it is loops and function calls. A program can be broken down and understood as components, just like any other electrical system (SHOCK HORROR!) No-one becomes a genius programmer overnight. You have to start at the bottom, knowing your tools of choice and knowing what the scopes of your program are. Once a student understands that some parts of the program do not connect to other parts of the program, they can find problems much more easily. It becomes 1000x easier to understand. Every time someone talks of "learning to write code" they do damage to the reputation of programmers. There is no "code" there are statements. There is no "logic" or "system" there is program flow and loops. The sooner "normal" people become comfortable with programming the better things will be for everyone. Another point I'd like to emphasise is the GNU Philosophy Where did we come from to get to here I believe that it's important to know where we came from. While I dislike Bjarne Stroustrup's style of teaching there is something in one of his books that I really liked, he dedicated one chapter to the history of programming. I thought that was really cool. Back in the day it was all academic people. Then in the 80s the games industry was almost exclusively men with long hair who lived off pizza and metal. When money and status is the motivating force that drives someone into programming or network administration, that is the wrong motivation in my opinion. My motivation for learning programming is because it's interesting. I also want to share my skills and publish software for free (with no strings attached) so that we don't have to rely on closed-source tools and see ads everywhere. The world has reached such heights of gluttony that competing requires one to be as shallow and selfish as possible. It's refreshing to go against the norm. The invention of computers and silicone chips was a great scientific advance that is supposed to benefit everyone. We should continue the tradition of helping people do stuff whether it's being entertained or sorting data, and users should always be the most important thing. The rabid commercialisation of the games industry has been a disaster in my opinion. I'd like to avoid paying for games as often as possible - that's why I support 0 A.D. 0 A.D. I haven't managed to compile 0 A.D. yet, I need to try the nightly build next time or whatever it's called - the latest stuff from git/svn. I tried the package in the Fedora 25 repos with no luck, and I tried compiling the source but I never tried the latest build which I suspect is my problem. I don't have internet where I live so every time I want to download something or get support I have to get in my car and drive. I hope to go flatting in 2-3 months and perhaps get fibre via an ethernet cable for maximum speed. Plans for 2017 I begin a programming course on the 27th of February and that course ends in December, basically I get a piece of paper which says I'm smart and I learn c# and Xamarin (Xamarin is for making android applications). I want to contribute to free software projects in my spare time, I'll start with bug hunting. I also like the idea of promoting 0 A.D. on other forums, something which I've already done lots of. Do not underestimate the value of marketing (eg. good, short videos, walk-throughs and screen shots) I attached some photos just for fun.
  8. I must have put the data folder next to the source folder, when it should have gone within the source folder. I'll have another try. Update: APIC: not unique. Floating point exception (core dumped) That's when I try to run pyrogenisis.
  9. I installed redhat-rpm-config and ran the make command again. I attached a text file with the output so please download the attachment on this post. I also tried running with make -j3, make -j2 and make -j1. Note, when I say this I mean that I ran: ./update-workspaces.sh -jx *** AND *** make -jx ... in their respective directories (build/workspaces & build/workspaces/gcc) Also, when I run the test binary I get this ./test Running cxxtest tests (301 tests)......... WARNING: Skipping component scripts tests (can't find binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/setup.js) Why is there an issue regarding CPU cores? It keeps coming back to that pesky topology.cpp:105 (MaxLogicalPerCore) - time to file a bug report? zero_ad_2
  10. Yeah I made a post about 0 A.D. on Fedora Forums and a user with 2,400 posts told me to install redhat-rpm-config too.
  11. Ha. I'll start with debugging first! Bad news lads, I cannot build from source on Fedora... text file attached. zero_ad_fault
  12. Okay thanks I'll try that tomorrow. I'm bored out of my mind and I can't afford anything on Steam, I don't even have internet where I live. I'm doing a programming course which starts on February 27 so I plan to be here often. I'd rather make games than play them.
  13. [jeff@linux ~]$ 0ad Cache: 200 (total: 1980) MiB TIMER| InitVfs: 3.36409 ms TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 2.58018 ms Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft TIMER| shutdown ConfigDB: 2.025 us AL lib: (WW) FreeContext: (0xa22ed00) Deleting 64 Source(s) TIMER| resource modules: 9.76073 ms TIMER TOTALS (9 clients) ----------------------------------------------------- tc_dds_transform: 0 c (0x) tc_png_decode: 0 c (0x) tc_pool_alloc: 71.61 kc (2x) tc_transform: 0 c (0x) tc_plain_transform: 0 c (0x) tc_ShaderGLSLLink: 0 c (0x) tc_ShaderGLSLCompile: 0 c (0x) tc_ShaderValidation: 0 c (0x) xml_validation: 0 c (0x) ----------------------------------------------------- TIMER| shutdown misc: 393.98 us Cache: 200 (total: 1980) MiB TIMER| InitVfs: 262.88 ms TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 2.64842 ms Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft topology.cpp(105): Assertion failed: "logicalPerPackage % maxCoresPerPackage == 0" Assertion failed: "logicalPerPackage % maxCoresPerPackage == 0" Location: topology.cpp:105 (MaxLogicalPerCore) Call stack: (0x855ae85) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x855ae85] (0x84ff54d) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x84ff54d] (0x8500a1d) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x8500a1d] (0x855439d) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x855439d] (0x8503609) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x8503609] (0x8554590) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x8554590] (0x8290e39) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x8290e39] (0x8280642) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x8280642] (0x806cb92) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x806cb92] (0x805e9b6) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x805e9b6] (0xb60e91c6) /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf6) [0xb60e91c6] (0x806b81c) /usr/bin/pyrogenesis() [0x806b81c] errno = 0 (Error during IO) OS error = ? (C)ontinue, (S)uppress, (B)reak, Launch (D)ebugger, or (E)xit? I'm going to try running the game on Windows too. Can I upload a memory dump or anything to see what went wrong? Also - I got 0ad from Fedora repos ... should I install from source instead? That'd be a safer bet I think.
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