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Everything posted by AtlasMapper

  1. Oh yeah now I understand the forest stuff! That's a nice idea indeed. As you said, one can add 4 easy-to-capture towers, a CC and a barracks alongside of treasures bringing enough resources to build in no time and flood enemies.. But I have a question, is it really possible in 0AD to block units with a dense forest ? I tried a test in Atlas, and a dense forest doesn't seems to alter units passability. Alternatively, a series a walls would have the same delaying-effect, don't you think so ? Whatever the solution that would be chosen in the end, the map is quite easy to create. I am sure niektb would create it for you in no time if you ask him and if he's nice
  2. @scythetwirler: Nice, everything is now clear as an azure sky in a beautiful spring month
  3. @bb: Yes thank you, I am aware of the irc channel. But I wasn't hurried to get any answer. Actually, it was just a simple curiosity question aside of the main topic. No need to take people's time on irc. But thank you for your kind answer. @Lion.Kanzen: Haha my idea for this topic was mostly to discuss about maps that could be implemented now in the game in its current state, or at a short/middle term. Is it because of the idea of a naval invasion on a fortress ? I think like on your map, in its current state a space between the shore and the walls is necessary to set up an efficient attack. I don't think it would be easy to break a fortress made of Carthaginians walls with ships. About your last screenshot, I think there is already this kind of map available (at least on the forum), with 5 players separated by walls.
  4. @SeleucidKing: I have never thought about such a thing, that's very inspiring. @wackyserious: How can you fully simulate a match ? I've tried to set up AI bots only on skirmish maps, but one need at least one human player, isn't it ?
  5. @scythetwirler: Nice, is there any specific tweak/set up to make it work ? Or everything described on this post is enought to set up a Computer-CrossEthernet-Computer LAN game ?
  6. More pics on the ongoing project. Still need to refine the texture, and balance resources and gameplay. But I'm almost done with that map! Global Crete map: The landscapes of Crete are really complex and various, so it is very hard to texture that map. Here are examples on how Crete looks like: And here are some more samples of my map: Chania: Rethymno: Heraklyo: Agios Nikolaos: After a few plays on skirmish modes with this map, I'll start to try to set up my three scenarios on the map. I hope it will be fun to play.
  7. @sanderd17: I was able to access file sharing between the two computers if it is what you are asking. I then supposed the connection was working. But file sharing and 0ad probably have totally different requirement. @Imarok: Yes I believe we set up all of ths in the correct way. But as I said, it was a few month ago, and I can't try again for some time. I'll give you more details the next time I'll try it. If it is supposed to work, I'll try and retry. Last time I probably did give up to quickly, supposing it was impossible.
  8. I edited the XML file, but only to set up a square map. I did not touch the entities in any way. But after a close check of the entity UIDs in the xml file, I found that the UID are not continuous, I found a missing entity (like entity 820 then entity 822, skipping number 821). Is it normal ? Are the entities listed in the xml file supposed to be in a continuous list ? Might it be generating the problem ? I tried to add an entity #821, but it didn't fixed the issue. Anyway, I wonder if the file has been corrupted during a save ? Maybe because of an error, or because a save - ctrl-Z - resave sequence or something ? That's interesting, and very different from what I suspected. A pity, the map was almost finished.. Yes but I don't want to publish it for now. And it would be very difficult for me to reproduce this error. I fully trust you, I might send you the file in PM if you have some time to check it. But I don't want to steal your time.
  9. I agree. It seems that germans won't be implemented before the development of part II of the game, Empires Besieges, unfortunately.
  10. @wackyserious: I agree, this battle is a must have, if not a mandatory in 0ad.. What is the most interesting and important point for you, the historic value of this map, its potential in term of strategy ? The good new is that your dream map is close to be done by niektb. @SeleucidKing: A city map sounds like an interesting challenge! I however have difficulties imagining such a map as a skirmish. In my mind, a skirmish map is a map with factions having basic and equal starting buildings or units (eg. just CC). If you already have a city built, the batlle would be asymetrical. I imagine your map dream more like a scenario map with an established (roma or carthage) city and an invading faction (or many). It is a bit like a scenario I imagine on Crete Island colonized by Roma, and being attacked by other factions. Or do you imagine your map as a "gaia city" and others factions trying to conquer the buildings to beat others factions ? @Lion.Kanzen: Is your dream map impossible, or the screenshot map you posted impossible ? From what I see it seems to be quite easy to make (even if we should deal with existing factions, units and textures, obviously). But in term of land mapping, the screenshot is easy to draw.
  11. It is not really a bug, rather an error I try to understand (to avoid doing it again). So I don't know if it is really the right place to post it.. Tell me if I am wrong. I am working on a map. I created the model, textured it. everything was fine. Then I started to add some entities (like resources, trees, and finally default skirmish CC and units to play a skirmish). Then after this modification and saving the file, as I open the file I have two error messages : That's the first time such a thing happens to me. If I click on continue, the message is displayed another time, then if I click continue again, the map is loaded (apparently) in a normal way. Because the error occurs after I put some entities, and because of the "(AllocateEntityHandle)", it seems that the error is due to an entity. Then because the message is displayed twice, I guess two entities generated the problem. So I suspected that two entities to be the problem. Here are my questions: Is it really related to an entity, or is it an another kind of bug ? Is it due to a "placement error", like a tree on the water or something ? I try to do my best and take some time to avoid putting entities on impossible places (they become red, so it is quite easy to check), but on a few hundred entities, a mistake is always possible. So, Is there any easy way to see what entities are generating the problem on the map (again, if my interpretation of the error is good), or should I remove all the entities I added to remove the error (that would trash a lot of work..) ? As it is on a custom map, I understand without the file you won't be able to simulate the error, would it be as a replay, on in the atlas editor (I have the message errors in both ways). But if it is what I suspect, it should be a very common error log? Thanks for advices.
  12. Oh yeah lol now I understand: # 4 bytes PSMP to start the file # 4 bytes to encode the version of the file format # 4 bytes a for file size (which shouldn't change) so 12 bytes # 4 bytes to encode the map size so bytes 12-15 I interpreted the comments in another way. I think I will try to play with these bytes manually to see how it messes the map (on a trashable map copy obviously). Again, thanks for your patience and knowledge sharing!
  13. Hey guys, Always looking for inspiration to create realistic and fun maps, I would like to know what would be your dream map in the main 0AD game ? Let's say for a skirmish multiplayer map, and/or for a solo scenario map. What would be its features ? What kind of topography or landscapes, how many players, what size (do you like to have lots of room on the maps, or being very close to your opponents), eventually in what world area/biomes ? What you would expect from a scenario map ? I started to create maps based only on what I like, to play MY dream maps. But I recently modeled a map from somebody else location and gameplay wishes. I find very interesting to have some other players point of view. I think it is only the beginning, because so many different players, so many playing styles, so many wishes.. This topic is not a way to order me any map, but rather a way to exchange general ideas about what players find fun or interesting on maps, and to try summarize general ideas. Thanks for any idea exchange!
  14. So the final size of the map is just defined by the amount of [terrain hight] and [terrain texture] blocks ? And both should have the same size ?
  15. In your original message, you not only suggest a renaming, but also some faction bonuses. If you change the name, you need also to change some things, like the description of the units, factions logo, and probably many other visual modifications. So it implies not just rename the factions, but instead deeply modify them -if not rebuild them-. So I believe it would take more work than you think. But your post and that discussion is still very interesting. Haha ok sorry, I just presumed you were because of the greek text in your signature.
  16. @sanderd17:There was no router, as I said, just a "cross" ethernet cable and two computers. Surely, I temporarily turned off both firewalls (there was no access to internet anyway). I understand it is system specific and there could be many reason to prevent the connection. It was a few month ago. I can't try again for a few days or weeks, for technical reasons. But I'll try again soon. If you say it works, it should work. UDP is the type of connection used to send and receive data, and 20595 is the port used on the computer to send/receive this kind of data. Is it used to set up the firewall. If you don't use a firewall at all, or if your modem/router/NAT isn't configured to block any connection, don't care about it. But if you use a firewall or NAT filtering, go in its settings, and add a new rule like [allow protocol UDP on port 20595], in both directions if you're not sure (ie. outcoming and incoming) or for testing purposes. But I suppose both direction for host, and outcoming for client should be enough, if I am right. Can you confirm it sanderd17 ? Thanks.
  17. Maybe I don't use the right words. Are you really talking about two computers with an ethernet cable to link them ? So by Host's IP, are you talking about the LAN IP (like 192.168.x.x), not a public IP ? Because I tried this way and wasn't able to set up a connection between two computers.
  18. Is it this file ? It doesn't seems to be updated since last december. Or will it be in the A20 ?
  19. Yes it is a pity, I previously tried to set up a good old LAN game... I guess it is a bit too "old school" to take some time for its implementation ?
  20. Well I was expecting something different from this... I imagined it would be something I could modify (quite) easily, like some game saves you can hack easily by find and replace some values in the binary file.. I tried this way to find the values corresponding to the map dimensions in the binary file, but there are nothing that looks like such a thing. There's a few ASCII numeric and text values, but not much. By the way, I don't understand the need of a script to edit the values. I have a binary editor that let me set up some kind of macro (this would be an editing script then, right ?), but if I can't find the values, it is useless. Anyway, all of this is just to satisfy my curiosity, don't waste too much time to explain me all of this. I guess going in the depth of the .pmp file would require lot of knowledge. I had to try. Thanks.
  21. Ouch.. This is an issue.. I planned to remove just an area and resize as a non-square map. Ok so it is useless in this example. Ok, is it necessary to use python or any script to access the pmp data ? Is there any way to uncompile the pmp file to get some human-readable format and access the data this way (or am I dreaming) ? Especially in this case, for just a small modification on one map (I understand the need of setting a script to batch process lots of map to allow compatibility between two game versions). It might be useful for later projects too.
  22. I'm not sure to be the best person for this, but welcome on board I think I saw a topic on this forum about the animation of ranged units beeing able to shot from the top of walls. But I can't confirm if it is planned or not. About the ships, I agree. Depending of the ships when you place siege weapons, the firepower is increased. But I would also love to see hundred of arrows shot from a ship that contains archers, that would make the naval battles even more dynamic and strategic too. But I believe we are just at the beginning of the naval features in this game. It means developers should remove two existing factions and create three new ones. I believe your historical comments are very accurate, but you should consider the question in a practical point of view: the game is in current development since years, and still in alpha pre-release. It is in development by a team of (amazing) guys working for free, with teams relaying since 15 years now. And we still have important missing factions. So even if your suggested historical modifications are accurate, I don't think it would be an efficient choice to change the existing faction. I don't know how and why Athen ans Sparta have been chosen, maybe you'll have the opportunity to talk about it with main developers. But for know I think it is better to stick with them. You still have an option: if you're familiar with 3D modeling, texturing and animation, you can also create your own "mod" that would include these factions. The game is very open to modifications. You'll find some help on the forum to create them. But in my opinion, if you have such art skills, that would be nice if you would help with the official task. Actually for now the game development seems to focus on the 500BC-1AD time frame first. Moreover, you seems to be greek, am I right ? Between different projects, I'm working on Crete and Kefalonia island maps. You might find funny to play some games there
  23. Haha done! I completed the 3D modeling. Units can pass on capes, and cross Alps and Pyrenees, cross rivers, etc. I'm proud of this model, I'm getting a bit better each time. I just added a basic texturing as promised, and I made the map playable, by adding the corresponding CC of the dedicated units. Here are some teasers: Global playable map: Carthaginian CC: Iberians: Gauls: Britons: And Roma: These screenshot are with generic CC from a skirmish mode, but I changed it in the playable version. Just copy the file in your scenario folder to have the right factions, and play the file as a scenario. This is a minimum playable map, with some basic resources around the CC. But is it enought to test the map, explore the passability, evaluate the potential gameplay of the map, etc. I hided some treasures too. So as I said, I recommend you to play the map in this mode before starting to texture finely, and set up resources everywhere. But it is up to you. I don't know if I should post the file now, because you have a thesis to work on... Make your choice. Anyway, for anybody who would like to play this map, here is the file: The map is called Western Europe & Mediterranean. Any feedback welcome guys. Happy gaming.
  24. Well that's my most efficient tactic too beat the AI, because Petra continuously kicks my a** since its upgrade from Aegis I was more thinking about a kind of destruction "cooldown time" (ie. can't destroy a recently captured building until a few minutes) to balance this problem, but what you suggest is even more realistic : no explosives in 500 BC.. So after a capture, it should take some time before destroying it. Amazing idea (even if I'll need to switch to a lower difficulty mode to beat Petra.. ).
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