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Posts posted by av_nefardec

  1. Crowe and Mortenson are really close votes for me. Since RotK is coming out, I went with mortenson :)

    Crowe is a brilliant actor and the lead actor in many brilliantly made movies.

    Mortenson, from his interviews at least, comes across not only as a capable actor, but also as a really interesting, driven, passionate person. And I like that.

  2. There were five wizards in the history of Arda, that is "Istari", viewers of the movies might only know two -

    Gandalf (aka Olórin, Tharkûn, Incánus, Mithrandir, Stormcrow, Greyhame) - Grey - (the grey wanderer)

    He dwelt in no single place, but wandered, mainly stopping in the Shire and its vicinity.

    Saruman (aka Curumo, Curunír, Sharkû) - White (later multicolored) (man of skill)

    He dwelt mainly in the Gondorian fortress of Angrenost, later Saruman's own Isengard

    Readers of LotR will know another:

    Radagast (Aiwendil) - Brown (friend to nature)

    He dwelt at Rhosgobel in Mirkwood.

    But not many except the readers of UT and other über-fans will know the remaining two:

    Alatar & Pallando, the Blue wizards.

    These obscure Istari journeyed into the far east where they were never heard from again :)

  3. That website devoted to George Bush's "speech problems" is pretty inflammatory.

    Some things aren't even messed up, it just comes out bad because he's got a Texas accent.

    And somethings are just being interpreted wrong by the author of that site -

    For instance, the canada/mexico one - he obviously means the border relations as in two different border relationships between both canada and mexico. I think it's foolish to assume that everything he says is an error.

    But they make for good fun :)

  4. Really? I've always liked Annie Lennox's voice. (probably since I liked her songs when she was a Eurythmic :)) With this song I was just worried about the modern feeling, as opposed to the legendary ancient feeling of the other songs.

  5. Your new wood textures - I think you've gone from one extreme to the other :)

    I'd put just a little more variation into it now. The planks are too exactly similar in color and pattern, like it's the exact plank of wood just replicated many times. To make it more natural, put some subtle variations in it.

    Here's what I mean - this is an early Rohirrim House Test Model I did a while ago:

    Take a look at the wood above the porch




  6. "Actually, I - this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. When I'm talking about - when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me."

    George W. Bush (talking about himself and Chris Matthews of Hardball)

    "Vice President mentioned Nigeria is a fledgling democracy. We have to work with Nigeria. That's an important continent."

    George W. Bush (in a presidential debate)

    "Sometimes, Washington is one of these towns where the person -- people who think they've got the sharp elbow is the most effective person."

    George W. Bush (this one's just funny, not so much stupid)

    "The solid truth of the matter is, when you find -- if you want to help heal the hurt -- if you want to hurt people and help people in pain, the best way to do so is to call upon the great strength of the country, which is the compassion of our fellow Americans."


    "A country which has been under attack can respond by loving your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself."

    Bush - Good intentions, but again, really funny to think about :)

    "I've seen fox in here, I've seen all kinds of birds. It's a wonderful spot to come up in here and just kind of think about the budget."

    Bush, another absurd statement :P

    "I love the story of America, I love the fact that people who started with nothing and have built a fantastic food processing business."

    Bush, lol

    "I expressed our nation's condolences at the needless murder of innocent people, by the latest suicider."

    Bush, his favorite word must be suicider, which he invented himself. But hey, that's the American way - innovation! :P

  7. Black Hawk made that. There are no textures because the game models require a texture map be made, it's like wrapping paper, you cover the entire model with one image that has all the textures on it.

    Since we're probably going to be re-designing the Noldor buildings, the texture map was put on hold.

  8. I don't have a picture of the sanctuary itself right now that I can put up quick, but here was the old noldorin library - it has the same kind of architectural elements.


    See how the sides of the building jut out like a ship's prow?

  9. I can't see it. Though the filename is Sauron, not Morgoth.

    Is it the one where Fingolfin challenges Morgoth and they are fighting, Morgoth is down low?

    Or is it the one where Morgoth is standing over him with Grond?

  10. I'll just step in and say a few things:

    First off, you don't upgrade units as in AoK. This game does not progress through ages like AoK, and therefore the units don't have to constantly be changed. Tolkien told us exactly what each unit was like basically.

    Units can be enhanced, however, through lots of different technologies. Units also can be enhanced through the bonuses a leader imparts on the entire civilization. Morale has a great effect on the stats of a unit.

    While units are not "upgraded", they can be trained. There are four training levels in the game, I, II, III, and IV. To be trained, a unit must be part of a company, which is an advanced formation of units led by a captain unit and accompanied by a banner-bearer, that you create. Once in company units will gain experience very slowly while idle, but during battle, they gain experience collectively much more quickly.

    Each level takes progressively more experience to attain. Each level increases the stats of units. Certain units gain special skills and functions at higher levels.

    That's all I'm going to say for now :)

  11. bahai prestissimo

    Bahai - Of or relating to a religion founded in 1863 in Persia and emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind.

    Prestissimo - In as fast a tempo as possible. Used chiefly as a direction.


    bucephalus malapropism

    Bucephalus - Alexander the Great's Black Horse

    Malapropism - blatant, humorous misuse of a word.


    fermium rafflesia

    Fermium - Element of the Periodic Table named after Enrico Fermi. #100

    Rafflesia - Huge 1 meter diameter flowering plant in Asia


    whickering chronometer

    Whickering - whinnying OR to make a hurtling sound like a thunderbolt through the air

    Chronometer - clock or some kind of timepiece


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