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Posts posted by av_nefardec

  1. Well nothing can "answer" this question, but I think of it like this:

    Sorry those of you who are not acquainted with mathematics ;)

    Think of a graph of f(x) = 1/x 0;) (well, COULD express the universe, but like the second law of thermodynamics tells us, it gets more and more complex, without bound...)

    Now tell this to a creationist/big bang opponent and they'll ask "Where did the big bang come from?"

    Well this is a logical question, but the answer of something divine does all but answer it. Because then you have to question where the divine came from - and then you get the answer "Because He Is"

    Which is totally bogus my my standards, because then that same argument (with no experimental data to lead one to that conclusion) could be used to argue the big bang theory - where did it come from? It just is.

    So essentially big bang describes the same idea as thousands of different faiths have in our history. The difference is big bang is based on experimental observation, that's why I tend to look at creationist beliefs with a wary eye.

    My major problem though is that Christianity, for example, describes a god as being a cogitant being, omniscient, omnipresent, etc.

    It makes absolutely no sense to me that such a divine "singularity" would have passions and feeling, especially for individuals! It makes the whole concept of creationism very outrageous IMO. Omnipresence, sure, there is a bit of everything in everyone, but benevolent? This would be acceptable to me perhaps if I were living ages ago, but we can measure these things now, we can explain things that were previously religions dogma!

    The concept of a heliocentric universe was once scorned by the church - we've obviously proved that.

    Evolution, Big Bang, String Theory - they're all just waiting to be proven and will be proven in time.

    But you know, the weirdest part of it all is that right now I'm sitting at my computer, and their's undoubtedly something happening in the universe in one way or another...that's undeniable.

    And another thing I think about often is quite humbling -

    Every atom composing my body did not just "spontanteously" generate itself - it all comes from somewhere. Suppose atoms in my hands were from atoms in a McDonald's Filet-O-Fish, which came before from (I hope) a cod in the North Atlantic, which came from water, plankton, etc, which came from..... you get the idea.

    Every atom we're composed of has origins in something else. The great Sioux Chief Black Elk once said "We're all grass", and I think he's right on.

  2. it is a great movie and it gave intrest to a new generation of readers to see for themselves what the book is really like.


    No, what it did was mass-commericialize a beautiful piece of work! The "new generation of readers" when they read the books will be unable to create unique mental images or the like because they will constantly have the movie in their minds! The same music will constantly be playing in their imaginations - all future tolkien artists will have a similar take on everything in the books. The emphasis of Tolkien's work will be taken from the Heroic tradition (Kalevala) and linguistic experimentation to be placed on the four main hobbits and "Orlando Bloom is so hot".

    I realize my views may seem a bit extreme, but I think the Tolkien community has got a crisis on its hands and is in danger of losing a unique, divine touch when the "pre-movie" generation is past its prime :lol:

  3. Well the Edain are different in all 3 ages -

    3 houses of edain - First Age

    Númenor - Second Age

    Realms in Exile - Third Age

    Númenor will have the best navy without contest. The realms in exile will also have a great navy.

    Legolas is not a leader of the Teleri Race in TLA, but he IS a member of the teleri in the books, being the son of a Sindarin king. Legolas will be a hero only available through the editor/custom scenarios. Aragorn as the ranger does not exist outside of the Editor, but Aragorn as King Elessar is a leader available to the third age edain.

  4. I think FotR was great, especially the extended version. Also since it was the first movie it just was an exciting time and I had a lot of fun when it came out, and it sparked my interest in Tolkien computer graphics because I tried to model the things they made in the movie :lol:

    It was just such an exciting time I remember watching the Last Alliance battle on the previews, etc.

    I'm sure RotK will be a great movie even if it's a horrible adaptation.

  5. Well from my readings (Letters, HoME) I've learned that Tolkien began writing the Hobbit independently from his infant Silmarillion mythology and when he began LotR, he basically intended it to be a sequel to The Hobbit, but that gradually he came to make LotR center more and more on his mythology, and he had to connect certain things from the Hobbit to LotR, like necromancer as Sauron, the origins of Orcrist and Glamdring, etc.

  6. Ahh sorry Sukkit: what I meant was what I read at Ardalambion.

    We don't know much genuine Rohirric, for in LotR, Tolkien rendered it by Old English

    So yeah, Tolkien never 'developed' his 'actual' rohirric, used anglo-saxon as a 'placeholder'. A few words like: kûd-dûkan, trahan, trân, Lôgrad, Lohtûr, rógin, and tûrac were actually made by him however.

  7. Basically the lower buildings, like markets, barracks and watch towers will be "Haradric", whereas upper buildings, like Ports, Guard Towers, and Great Halls will be more of Numenorean design (with haradric influence)

    Remember though that the indpendents have fewer buildings so this has to be done carefully.

  8. Well....

    Originally this project was a mod started by Josef_Bugman, who wanted to make a mod that could portray the Last Alliance battle from the beginning of FotR in Age of Kings. So that's where the name comes from :-/

    You might be able to tell I'm somewhat of a purist (though not as hardline as Frumpus is I fear ;)) and that after I became the project leader the project took a bit of a different turn :lol:, Hopefully for the better.

  9. I have respect for Arnold, because my father was a weight trainer at the time Arnold was earning all of his titles and he became my father's idol - even meeting him inside his limousine once! But I don't really think he ought to be in politics, I'm not familiar with his policies and to be honest, I've yet to hear him in a speech outline a clear cut plan for California. :-/

    I'd vote against the recall anyway.

    When the recall, referendum, and initiative were instated in the early 20th century, it was in response to such things as monopolizing trusts in the railroads and steel industry which corruptly affected politics. We have checks on big business in other ways now and I think this populist idea is somewhat obsolete and needs to be removed or improved.

    The founding fathers of the US constitution knew that the populace was foolish and, even if we don't like to admit it nowadays, the public is still very ignorant regardless of communication or anything. (Though I'm sure this doesn't represent the people reading this thread right now, who got into WFG in the first place :))

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