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Everything posted by LordIgorIIIofKiev
mhm its a rush do if u can spare 500 food 500 wood maybe maybe but 15 20 no way + if they attack your houses ur dead, you have to play to know you guys are just throwing theory at me well u would need to go into second age first and by that time it woudnt be a rush
i think that you misunderstood me what i said was that theoretically your opponent has more troops then you when he attacks yes? thus he outnumbers your units and defeats them after that you will only be able to train 5 at a time thus his troops will always outnumber yours and equal players take the map at same speed thus very interesting matches. but i like your idea why don t u make lets say forts and cc only able to garrison like 5 the rest go onto the roof of the cc and for forts aswell because i dont believe that in history they were in the fort but on the walls of the fort give it the same mechanic as walls no?
If you are going to add the switching between melee and ranged for let's say the ranged units would be nice if units raised their shield when not in ranged for a melee attack
A lot of work, but i Mod could be interesting in my honest opinion especially god mode but the other part is unnecessary to be honest.
iNog sure you can make units but your opponent has probably 15-20 units and you wont be able to train more than 5 at a time and thus every soldier that you build will quickly be outnumbered
but the reason why cc were made stronger is to protect vs rushes and especially double rushed in 2 v 2, for your idea to work they would need to make maybe outposts stronger or i suggest that they make the original(the one you start with) a cc/fort and others just cc's so they are two different buildings.
now auron, sure u have a lsight economic advantage but if u do loose that battle he will have economic advantage, you can gather much more troops near your base then away from it, and there is a good way to use walls maybe if you watched my vid of me playing vs infoman you would know, you put lines of walls infront or in random places and you put men on them and palisades are good to defend vs sword attacks on your farms and such raids just noone is really bothered to do so and yes i have played a large map but in history they werent limited to where they could expand, a simple solution to your problem would be to have a thing where you have to built your cc atleast 200 blocks away from any cc not only yours, though i am not sure i would want this. but sure settlents can be added, maybe on them its cheaper to build a cc or something + you get the gaia units already there z i prefere to make sure that my first priority is not to loose, second not to loose
Now auron, lets get some things clear sure, you may think that the priorities are to build a civic center next to the enemy and tower up, but this isnt as easy since its next to oponnent so he can mobilise quicker and have more troops at his disposal. Me infact i prefere expand near my own territory since it allows me to have access to more resources and move the border further away from my main base. This would limit the game too so much and scouting everywhere woudnt be necesary. Not forgetting that infact building sotrehouses and farmhouses in neutral territory would render mauryan elephants useless to a certain extent since they are much slower so it would be more effucent just to build a farmhouses and storehouses pretty useless. Your idea would limit so much and render the game completely different.
its already hard to hunt some animals so if they move away from you straight away makes it a bit harder, lots of micro big pain, i dont want no chickens running away from me and hunting animals with melee big pain, and by saying that ranged units come useful they already arent very precise when hunting sure trading with neutral allies can be implemented but will anybody really do it? u can just trade with yourslelf + your merchs arent but into danger
1) no problem, spartans have the best champion unit in the game so they werent given walls to sort of balance it out i think, 2)i think that the developers are pretty busy with 12 civs and its hard enouph to balance already but a mod for the israerlis would be great 3) i think that capturing building will be implemented, but for the siege i agree great idea like i said on my thread 4)good idea, in my opinion farms should be possible only destroyed by siege and arrows and hack dont destroy the farms but decrease their efficency and the efficency can be brought up again by "repairing"
Great ideas
well for the p v e i think it should vary between, actually what map it is, since european maps wont be that dangerous but other might. and when i have some time i will post what changed could be made to civs and still keep them balanced and obviously there can be a mod which makes 0ad less "clean" not necessarily in the vanilla version, but randomness was a big decisive part of the growth of an empire also it would separate the good players from the really good players oh and the mirco would be amazing
DIFFERENCES THAT CAN BE ADDED BETWEEN CIVS AND STILL KEEP BALANCE: Primarily focused on phase 1 Athenians: TBD Macedonians: Now the Macedonians had skirmishers which were lighter then usual so they would be faster but obviously with a penalty in the amount of resources they could carry with them. SO maybe instead of 10 at the beginning they could have a max of 8 or 7. Spartans: Spartan spearmen should be stronger then the usual spearmen in phase 1, he should deal more damageThe skirmisher in my opinion should have more precision but take more time between shots(in proportions). anotherElite soldiers and champions would deal double damage or be faster when they are at really low health sort of like a last stand,Price of skirmisher: 60 food and 50 woodPrice of spear: 60 food and 50 woodFemales have better gathering rate on wood,metal and stone then the other females.Romans: For the Romans i suggest: first of all they had heavy javelins so i would make them deal more damage be slower.and able to carry more resources on them.Price of skirmisher: 10 metal 40 food and 50 woodMauryans: Troops a bit weaker both in damage and in healthTrain a bit fasterPrice: 40 wood and 60 food.Iberians: First of all the starting wall they have is a palisade.Less health and less damage but faster and cheaper houses 60 woodGathering rates increase the higher level they arePtolomies: Make Archers + cost 10 food or train slowerGauls: TBD Britons: TBD Selucades: TBD Persians: TBD Carthagians: TBD Another thing that could be added in order to increase balance is if some civs already started with some techs upgraded for example a good farmer civ could have the first farmer tech already upgraded Basically thank you niektb STAMINA What is stamina?Units can not run for a long time without having to rest. Horses have much more stamina, infantryless and elephants have incredible stamina.The more damaged the unit is, the less stamina it has.Does not affect smaller maps.Why? Since damaged units will have less stamina it will be easier to highlight them so that they can be sent back to the temples (=> not sure what you mean here...)It makes matches on giant maps more interesting. Much slower travael between bases.Fits in well with increased PVE (Player vs. Environment)PVE What is PVE? Player vs. EnvironmentBasically PVE already exists in 0 A.D., but I want to take it further because if you want to be a conqueror you need to be a survivor first.What do I mean / want? I want the PVE to be increased or at least a setting which allows you to increase it.Phase 1 (should be) is about surviving vs. Gaia: Lions, wolves, deserters, barbarians, etc.This would make walls more useful in my opinionm especially palisades.Maybe the bigger the map, the more PVE? How does stamina and PVE work together? Yet again on Giant maps: you cannot just send some females to build a CC near the enemy, they will get killed by animals.Sending Soldiers will take much more time since many will be damaged and thus weaker and with less stamina.So in big matches expansion will be near your own base, not your enemies'. Proper expansion, harder to maintain bases that are not connected to yours, unless you have walls or cavalry.Why? (again) For giant map matches, politics will become more interesting, the matches itself will be more interesting and take longer.Cavalry raids on enemy troops to slow them down.Healers will become much more used again.Quick note on Iberians: men on palisades enabled so that the iberian starting walls are palisades(and maybe give an option to upgrade pallisades to proper walls?) Some other thoughts: Make those battering rams a bit weaker?More difference between civs?it is obligatory to garrison Siege Weapons to make them move. For example: In a battering ram, the men that are carrying it are less vulnerable to arrows but when soldiers attack the ram, they actually attack the people that carry it rather than the ram itself. Then the enemy get to keep the ram as Spoils of war. Obviously the rams do not take any population when build but take more time and the actual ram can be destroyed.
I think its time i posted all my vids enjoy