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  1. Dear 0ad-community, when I played in a mutliplayer-match (civ: Carthage, map: Punjab) and I tried to train a bunch of male units and send them directly to gather wood by putting the destination flag of my cc on the tree, they would, by the time they were trained, instead of hacking wood just idle near the the tree they were sent to. After i sent them 'manually' they started gathering. If the units are trained individually the bug does not occur. Yours Tuux (aka Tux_)
  2. Thank you feneur! I think I'm going to contact my coordinator once I feel like I'm having a relaxed time, I dont think any language changings being done right now would be implemented in a17 would they?
  3. It seems there are a lot of mistakes in the translations. I tried to help with the translation at Transifex and found out that you can type anything there and it's very rarely checked for its correctness (There is a review feature but I don't know how this works and who is qualified to do these reviews and there's not much marked as 'reviewed' (mostly less than 10%, it differs)). Maybe it could be possible to have some for their competence tested checkers? And if this is the case already maybe have some more of them 'cause it seems to get on kinda slow
  4. I'd like the idea of a serious intro video more than some parody of aoe. Check out LordGood's Thread had (he posted the link).
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