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  1. Hi, I´m still quite new here. I only posted few times and it was always posted about Seleukids as I have a long time interest on them. So after quick read of this thread I wrote my view on how the Seleukid army in 0AD should look like, it focus mainly on armies of Antiochos III and Antiochos IV. It has a list of units with a little describtion and reference pictures. Due RL it was written quickly, so I apologize for possible mistakes. I hope it will be helpful for your great work. OAD_-_Seleukids.pdf
  2. Amazing buildings! Great work Here you can find the ruins of the Seleucid fort in Cilicia, there are the towers and walls remnants with modern reconstruction. I hope it will help: http://www.academia.edu/6025623/The_Ruins_on_Mount_Karasis_in_Cilicia?login=tomaskulla@gmail.com&email_was_taken=true
  3. I think the Seleucid buildings should look with much more Greek influance as it´s now with some local eastern elements. The best example is the AI Khanoum site, the city there was founded by Antiochos I and it was destroyed around 140´s BC, so there should be no later Roman and Parthian influence. The various structures have perfectly Hellenistic elements, some other integrating elements of Persian architecture. Here is a video reconstruction of the city made on French excavations. I hope it will be help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyap-dAjJ6M#t=99
  4. Here is the link to Ai Khanoum 3D recontruction, city was founded by Seleucid kings. It may help with architecture:
  5. Greetings my first post here The game is great, keep the great work This is Philip II on the picture, I never read about Seleukos Monolftalmos. Or it´s some joke?
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