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  1. Really mixed weaponry does not exist in this alpha. However rush and spam should exist in any RTS, in my opinion. When comes the alpha 17?
  2. There are several tactics in alpha 16, but most are drowned out by skimircavs. Pto archer spam. Pto fast 3rd phase Roman swordman rush. Brit and gauls Spearman rush. Brit and Athenians slinguers spam / rush. And several others. looking forward to the alpha 17, looks much better.
  3. Hello everyone. FrancoFocaccia recorded a series of 1v1 games, I (borg_) vs Mario. You will be able to learn various tricks and tactics. At the moment, only one video is available. Many vĂ­deos will come in the next days. We would also like the presence of new players for future new videos. Register pls Hugs to all!
  4. It is clear that the towers are very strong. If the opponent is good, he will not let you destroy your turret. Tower alone can kill a ton of soldiers, and sure enough the enemy will also protect it with his army, making it virtually impossible to get the territory back.
  5. You do not need to stop creating, just stop adding new things for a period, facilitating work on balance and performance.
  6. The game does not need anything new at the moment, just balance and optimization. After these two problems solved, then add new material.
  7. Also remove the automatic indentation, and slightly increase the attack time of the animation. These are some of the changes I propose.
  8. Rush should be part of any strategy game. I prefer a simple balance in some units, nothing more.
  9. borg_

    Testudo Bug

    If you have skirmishers and you tell them to attack units in turtle formation, instead of attacking units, they will walk toward them.
  10. borg_

    Testudo Bug

    I'm talking about turtle. A phalanx of spears has another problem ghosts spears. However, if you are using turtle, its units can not be attacked by gunmen and archers.
  11. borg_

    Testudo Bug

    Some people may already know, is in trouble. If the enemy is using testudo, it is impossible for their scouts and archers attack enemy units. Have some players who know they are abusing and winning your matches. Do not do it, play your games with respect to the opponent. Sorry my english.
  12. Incog, you can do more than one unit at a time. This reduces your training time. Use f12 for view time. And use you horse for hunting, (chicken, sheeps and other) is very fast.
  13. Cavalry skirmishers are only a problem early in the game, then are easily countered. Would you like to make some changes, decrease the attack from 25 to 20, would remove automatic indentation when the enemy comes near, and enhance the lives of 75 women, they are dying for them easily. Sorry my English. And maybe slightly decrease Their speed racing
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