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Everything posted by ProvencalLeGaullois
Hi, I would like to have some informations about how the gates are working to let units walking trough them. Is it scripted or hard coded ? I'm working on a 3D keep tower, I would like to use it as civic center. I would like to have a door at upstairs from where units enter and exit. So I checked how bridges are working. I saw they are not scripted or coded, they are included in the heightmap. So I would know if it would be possible to do some stairs, and if there is some buildings or scripts interesting to study. I thought about gates, because in some way they have a special ability.
Ways to differentiate gameplay for each faction
ProvencalLeGaullois replied to Mythos_Ruler's topic in General Discussion
for Gaul I would like something more focused on economy and farming. They invented woodden barrel (they were very good woodworkers and blacksmiths), very good farmers, got a big livestock. Their mothers were well know to be good nurses (some kind of baby-sitter, I'm not sure about how to translate...). They shouldn't have to much technologies because they could not write. maybe reducing the price of food, wood and iron would be interresting (not for stone). It would be maybe interesting to let the choice (like a technology) for the player to have a bonus for the trade at the market or a bonus for trade between two markets. Another thing, they used guerrilla too, because iberians do guerrilla, may be it would be interesting to have some traps to build to wound and to slow enemies -
hi, sry for time to respond but I leaved my university to my mom house (America->Europe) and I forget my computer... so no 0AD until mid january...., there is a command to kill a unit but I use that one just for example. My aim is to create units or remove some units by events. I cannot check now without my computer but I guess it would be possible to write some commands like cheat code. After all if the human want to cheat in singleplayer it's not important... you right about what you call a "small exception", because my proto AI built market/blacksmith... at the begining of the game in village phase... I asked myself if it's a bug. it would be useful to get some commands to create/remove entity or setting the position of entity... by events for scenarii and for writting AI
ok, after reading your answer I was able to get something "interesting" : TestBotAI.prototype.OnUpdate = function(){ var gameState = new GameState(this); var test = gameState.updatingCollection("test", Filters.byClass("Worker"), gameState.getEntities()); test.forEach(function(ent) { if( ent.owner() == gameState.player ) { ent.setHitpoints(0); // see below warn( ent.hitpoints() ); } }); warn(test.length);};this code create a collection (named test) of workers and then I set the hitpoints of each entity in test to 0 trough ent.setHitpoints(0). The line, warn( ent.hitpoints() );print 0 as espected, but in game my entities hitpoints aren't updated. I guess it's because the collection copy the values, from the real "entity" value. So now, my first question : it is possible to change hitpoints of an entity trough the AI script ? I guess no, I guess I have to write some code like cheat code and using Engine.PostCommand. So this lead me to another qusetion, it would be more slow to read the true data of the entity ? I mean there is not possible to use a pointer to the true data ? in such case it would be possible to read and write in real time (I mean without having to update the collection). Because right now, if we have to update each "turn" all collections, one for knowing the hitpoints of each entity, it would cost CPU time for nothing if in the game no hitpoints were modified. and moreover collections are using memory (I guess not a big deal). I'm using JS since today, during my break time... so I guessed a lot...
Easter egg for holidays and December.
ProvencalLeGaullois replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in General Discussion
I want to see jesus resurecting deads... healing everything... giving unlimited bread food... walking with his cross on his back to using it as ram to enter in all pagan towns... converting people to his faith player... saying "are ye gonna love each other now ??? or ye want more?" when fighting enemies units... -
I think such idea are more adapted for a game with a bigger scale.. like FreeCol, FreeCiv and such... I saw there is a campaign map in 0AD, maybe between towns on the map it would be interesting to make some differences between minor and major towns, citys, villages...
Hi I try for hours now to understand how works scripting... I'm turning completely mad when I see I'm not able to even print a simple data... so I ask for help. I add two revelant files. testbot.js : function TestBotAI(settings){ BaseAI.call(this, settings);}TestBotAI.prototype = new BaseAI();TestBotAI.prototype.OnUpdate = function(){ var gameState = new GameState(this); var test = gameState.updatingCollection("test", Filters.byOwners(this.player), gameState.entities); var count = 0; for each (var ent in gameState.entities.filter(Filters.byOwner(this.player) ) ) /* I also tried with : */ //for each (var ent in test ) ) { var pos = ent.position();// not working why ?? ++count; } warn(count); // always print 20 whatever the number of units the AI own};gamestate.js : var GameState = Class({ _init: function(ai) { MemoizeInit(this); this.ai = ai; this.timeElapsed = ai.timeElapsed; this.templates = ai.templates; this.entities = ai.entities; this.player = ai.player; this.playerData = ai.playerData; if (!this.ai._gameStateStore){ this.ai._gameStateStore = {}; } this.store = this.ai._gameStateStore; }, getPopulationLimit: function() { return this.playerData.popLimit; }, getPopulationMax: function() { return this.playerData.popMax; }, updatingCollection: function(id, filter, collection) { if (!this.store[id]) { this.store[id] = collection.filter(filter); this.store[id].registerUpdates(); } return this.store[id]; },});My goal is to read datas from entities. I don't like how scripting works... for example I have no idea what is saved in ent in the both cases of the for loops. Also I was struggling with how accessing a variable... I would like to know if it's possible to make a test if the variable exists or not, because if I write gameState.ProvencalLeGaullois there is no error/warning during the games...
would it be possible to have an infantry unit who can be stealth (as long as they not attacking or as long as a enemy comes very close of the german) when it is close of trees ? I want to see roman legions ambushed in black forest!
I'm running a version of 0AD compiled and installed on a usb hard drive... but good comment, you can still fix link problems with ln... another way would also to resize the filesystem partition from a live... edit :: you can also changed the system variables. I already added a custom folder with some customed libs... however I don't remember exactly how I did that... but archlinux wiki is well documented!
I'm using arch too. some stuffs you can do : -clean the packages cache. IIRC the command is "# pacman -Scc" -downloading and extracting the package, go first in the directory where you gona do that, then "# pacman -Sw 0ad 0ad-data". Then try to extrac them "$ tar -xvf file-name.tar.xz" # : means do it as root $ : means do it as regular user n.b. : I never did that myself, I can't do it now, so try it if you want
some idea about formations
ProvencalLeGaullois replied to ProvencalLeGaullois's topic in General Discussion
Follow the leader : http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/programming/game-programming/0596005555/flocking/ch04_sect1_004 here an applet, more for tribal war I would say... : http://www.red3d.com/cwr/boids you'll have a lot of read my friends... (for KoЯn fans) -
some idea about formations
ProvencalLeGaullois replied to ProvencalLeGaullois's topic in General Discussion
AI seems to be really hard to code. -
you can spwan unit and kill by script, but for what I know you have to select a building to spawn. So you can't spawn on the map far of a building (maybe I'm wrong). And I didn't found a way to spawn a building. I don't want to kill the unit, I want to remove it. Killing means corpse on the ground and maybe (i didin't check this) change the number of lost units...
actualy I'm learning (by myself) opengl since this autumn, I learned a lot, and I also learned that making a 3D engine would be to reinvent a very complex wheel... There is several 3D engines using opengl, I considered these ones : IrrlichtOgre3DHorde3DOpenSceneGraph most game-people-dev-hobbyist speak about Ogre3D as the top notch of the open source 3D engine.But I read that Ogre3D is the best in this category if you consider using DirectX, for Opengl it seems some dev-guys aren't satisfy how OpenGL is implemented. Irrlich is always view as less good that Ogre3D... well I don't have use Irrlicht enough to say that, (I don't judge only with screenshots) but it's easier to use than Ogre3D. Like Ogre there is a DirectX and an Opengl implementations. Since I'm using only linux, I think that it would be better to use a 3D engine fully written in opengl. Why ? because all dev-guys are working full time for the opengl implementation. That lead me to Horde3D and OpenSceneGraph. The first one is interesting, but the team seem small and very busy in their lifes... OpenSceneGraph, is my first final choice. A lot of developpers, saddly most documentations around the web are outdated... BUT there is some very nice features like their scene graph... is I asked myself if 0AD could be used as an OpenGL 3D engine. Of course it does, but I would like to know if pyrogenesis is a 3D engine or a RTS-game-engine. Because I'm not interested by making a RTS-game. Also I would like to know if the GUI used in 0AD is released as a standalone library or if it's a part of pyrogenesis. I have some others questions... but the most important of them for me now, it to know what kind of scene graph(s) is used in pyrogenesis (or maybe the one(s) you planed to add)?
Easter egg for holidays and December.
ProvencalLeGaullois replied to Lion.Kanzen's topic in General Discussion
how many wood I will gain by cutting the christmas tree? It will be possible to loot santa for some metal and stone ? it will be possible to eat rufus for some food ? since it's 0AD we will see jesus birth on a sand map? -
when I select some units and click somewhere to make them moving, the first thing they do, is to run very fast to make the formation and then they walk to the destination (a lot slower...). And how many time I saw some enemy warriors running very fast all around my walls then making a formation... It's not sexy at all, and it's sound to be a lot of math calculation... It would maybe better to make them moving individually to the the destination and make the formation when they reached their destination. Or (I prefer this one) having the choice between formation and no formation (actually I thought that scattered was such option, but it leads to the same problem). If I select no formation, all units selected should move individually. If I select a formation, let say testudo, all soldiers walk to destination then make the testudo AND if I deselect and reselect any soldier in the testudo, the whole soldiers in that testudo should be selected (actualy this happen already in the game if you make a testudo with only one soldier!). It would be a lot easier to move units, and maybe (i say maybe...) it would be more easier to compute the movements for the IA... AND moreover it would lead to more tactical movements, more realistic flanking... One other think, in spring rts (actualy I played spring 44) it's possible to set the direction where units gaze (even when you are deploying an artillery, like the romans siege engines) this could also give more tactical aspects...
Vikings Normans the triskels let me thinks these are celts not vikings... I'm not historian at all, but the map looks to merging vikings, varangians and normans empire... I would not consider sicily and the south of italy, (same for england, gallic and irland) as settlement of scandinavia just because they were ruled by normans... vikings became normans and were not scandinavians anymore... for example they became christians in exchange to live in normandy (vassal of the french crown). Moreover the mod is called 1000 ad.. actualy in western europe that was the time were vikings settled in normandy... the viking as raiders was more in 900ad... and in eastern europe some vikings called varangians go to constantinople to fight for the emperor. So for me, my opinion is viking should be changed for normans... but this is not my mod... ps I'm not norman....
- 680 replies
- millenium a.d.
- vikings
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I had already read all helpers files, saddly there is not all the commands I would need... if the AI was coded in C++ I would be able to implement by myself what I need. But I don't know how to make C++ interacting with javascript... about the Commands.js, I see it's a big switch, I don't know how js works, but it would maybe a good thing to rearange all cases from the most used (I guess walk) to the less used case. in few words... my AI will not for tomorrow.
Hi, I would like to write a small AI. Instead of having an AI who collects resources to build unist&structures, I would like to create some units&structures by event/time Examples: Harresment : I would like to generate 10 skirmishers near the limit of the visibility of the human, and give to them the order to attack all workers. For this one, I read how to send an attack in the tutorial bot. For creating unit I didn't saw how to spawn somewhere on the map (for now I consider the human doesn't build wall). Creating a challenging city : instead of building a functionnal city, I would like to build a blob,(remeber it's an example) 10 houses + a temple + a barracks + a trade center, surronded by a wall. For this one I want to create the structure by script (for now I consider a full flat map). Creating a small fortress : building somewhere on the map a new civic center + 2 fortresses (full garisonned), surounded by walls and towers (full garisonned). The aim of that small fortress are just to occupy some terrain. Can also used to beseiged the human player by creating a small fortress near the limit of visibility of the player. burn ouposts : since this AI needs fog to create these small fortress, some cavalry unit would be spawn out of the field of view of an oupost, and attack it.Do you think it would be possible to create a such AI with the present API ? there is somewhere a full documentation of all functions present in the AI API ?