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Some combat enhancement ideas (& suggestions)
Unarmed replied to Unarmed's topic in General Discussion
Yes, of course. I actually prefer a good optimised game than a bad optimised game with lost of gimmicks. Hence I present these as ideas (this could be done, doesn't have to). And I understand the developers have limited time and manpower, just like any voluntary game. Good thinking. However, I have no idea what would mean bad optimization and what not. So I present these ideas and let the developers decide if it is possible to implement regarding optimization. I have played mostly singleplayer, and 150 max also seems for me the best option. I like the idea of garrisoning a ram, or that the ram includes soldiers (by costing food). You make a very good point. Something like the rams for example could perhaps be in the options (though this does require more work no?). In the topic about gamemodes I forgot to say, that I prefer to have customizable gamemodes than a lot of different gamemodes. Worms: Armaggedon, a completely different game, has a lot of customizable options. I think that would be good. It's important that those options show up in multiplayer games. Democracy also applies to my ideas, that's why I made the polls. Maybe it would be better, if implemented, to be optional? Capping - on or off. I must say, I don't like my group bonus idea that much (because you already have an advantage with a big army). But bonuses or penalties depending on the territory I like. I also like a more detailed tech tree. Like I mentioned in the general suggestion topic, I hope to see more tech trees and especially choosing between them. Choosing between units would also be nice, the choice could be instant so it doesn't slow down the game. Like (example, I would need to do research): -Gaul kennel Irish Wolfhound anti-cavalry vs "Mastiff" anti-infantry One thing I don't like that much is people wasting soldiers (sending them on suicide missions). So I would like some additions that favour unit preservation over unit sacrifice. Though, I don't know how many agree with this, maybe I'm alone. Right now there are three: -saving units means you don't have to pay for other ones -saving units means you don't have to spend time to build other ones -experience gaining units means it pays of to preserve In games against AI, I float rescources in late game. So it does not really matter much if I preserve my units (though in the long run it's of course bad). *The experience goes quite fast, so it is easily regained, an idea: -Instead of additional phases, the excisting ones could take longer. -
Great unit icons. Keep up the great work!
Awesome. I want to learn modelling and texturing and contribute to this mod too.
This thread is dedicated to ideas (and suggestions, but manly ideas; ideas meaning something that could be implemented, suggestion meaning I want it to be implemented). Note: this is not to pressure the developers, but just me wanting to improve this beautiful game, better said, work of art. I did look at the tickets to see if it was there, but I could not find anything. Here they go: VISUAL -Units use torches when attacking building, except for non-archer elephants. Why: it looks more authentic. Sure, you could argue "where do they get those torches?", but I think if you choose between torches and regular attacking buildings I think you'll prefer torches. I think it's more silly seeing how a building is destroyed by tiny arrows and swords than it is seeing torches coming out of nowhere. ________________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT: Hmmm. It is kind of problematic since you have the Iberians with their flaming spears. But I got a better idea! -Certain units can attack buildings, others can't. Those that can use torches. Some factions can upgrade flaming spears or flaming arrows that allows other units to attack buildings. ________________________________________________________________________________________ One thing that bothers me a bit, is soldiers with rescources. I thought "Hey why not make them not attack when they have rescources?" Then I thought "Hmmm, but that would be very annoying when workers are being attacked." But I got a solution, quite some work though: -Units carrying rescources, like wood, metal, food or stone, when ordered to attack or when attacked will drop their rescources and attack. You can pick the rescources up, to reclaim them (and your enemy too). Why: Again it looks more authentic. -Little dust coming off of buildings when battering rams are ramming on them or when elephants attack them. Very low priority by the way. Why: Eye candy. GAMEPLAY Battering rams are quite strong, I do not see this as a issue, what I do think is an issue is being able to field so many. My suggestion: -Siege rams are limited to 4 at the time. You can build as many as you want (replace), but you can only field 4 of them. Why: to me it seems more balanced. And I think it is also more authentic, I think in the real ancient world most of the time 1 would be used. Four seems like a reasonable number. When I wrote this I understood this might has some problems. If you play with a big population, 4 will probably not be enough. 4 for 0-200 populations, 6 for 200 to ifinite populations? Tell me what you guys think. (Idea) -Units recieve boost when fighting in friendly territory. Citizen-soldiers recieve slight penalty (negative boost) when fighting in enemy territory, except for warlike civilisations like the Gauls and Britons who where keen on raiding (right?). Regular soldiers and elite soldiers do not recieve a penalty (negative boost) in enemy territory, elite soldiers could be given the same slight boost as in friendly territory in enemy territory not in neutral territory. Special guard units, maiden guard for example if there are any, should recieve (bigger) boosts when fighting in friendly territory, and it would make sense if they recieve slight penalties when in enemy territory (they are guards, so they should be used as guards right?) Why: To reflect moral. I would think citizen soldiers would be more keen on defending their homes than to fight in enemy territory. Regular soldiers and elite soldiers would not mind, elite soldiers might even "like" it. Gauls and Britons being warlike and famous for their raids (right?) would "enjoy" it so would not recieve penalties. I think this could be very interesting gameplay wise. For one it makes rushes a bit harder (the boosts and penalties should be slight though). It also offers some options to make units different from eachother and also civilisations. (Idea) -Units recieve slight boost when they are surrounded by a amount of friendly forces; when they have a big army.* Why: again to reflect morale. Of course the boost would be slight. Just like all my morale ideas, slight penalties and slight boosts. *Blobbing is not an issue right? These are my ideas for today, now if you excuse me, I'm going to play the game. I hope I did not share ideas and suggestions already planned or suggested, I think that's annoying and I want to avoid that. Feel free to share your own ideas and suggestions, and opinions on my ideas and suggestions! __________________________________________________________________________ EDIT NEW I would like to see experience expanded some day. I think 3 phases seem fine, though I do like the concept of unit preservation and I would like this to be even more important. What I think: -Perhaps more phases (5), but visual upgrades are not necessary. The last two phases could take (much) longer to gain (but with similar effect, since I think too much bonuses might be too much) Why: unit preservation. Excuse me if this is already planned: -Elite units should also have experience, so unit preservation of elite troops becomes more important. Since they are already trained, perhaps make it take longer for them to gain experience compared to other units. Why: unit preservation.
My opinion on gamemodes: I think that a few (important/popular/classic) gamemodes should be in the game. Leave the others for modding. When a particular gamemode from a mod is very succesful, add it in the main game. I'm happy with the regular game mode. I don't need another really. But I can understand others want it.
Okay, thanks for the tip. By the way, the chickens are fine. I was partly joking, but yeah, I don't know where I got that nonsense.
I see. Thank you. I checked to see if I should have read a manual, but this is not in the manual. Or I didn't look good enough.
What have Mongolians have to do with Scythians besides both being nomadic? ______________________________________________________________ Aaahhh the Scythians. I have heard stories about these people. Appearently they smoked some kind of weed. And I've read they used arrows with poison (could be a unique gameplay element; units affected will very slowly lose health and die unless you heal them). Besides that. A nomad faction would be very interesting, but how do you do it? Fragile and cheap structures that can be build outside of own territory (maybe make them lose health like the outpost to balance it futher?)? But stronger buildings can only be build inside territory (I see in this thread they also made stone structures). Obviously, the Scythians should not be able to build walls, not even pallisades. About the weed which I wasn't sure about, this is where I got that from: http://listverse.com/2010/01/05/top-10-interesting-facts-about-the-scythians/ It talks about female warriors, perhaps all the Scythian females (I mean citizen) should be able to fight, be citizen-soldiers. This would also make them defending their nomadic outposts easier. They should not have siege weapons, but would that be balanced? If the poison element would be added, you could have very effective raids, so siege weapons may be less important.
Sounds great. I did some more reading and I read about the planned Blacksmith. I assume the blacksmith will have choices. But I have no idea if those choices could mean one unit or another unit; I mean, upgrade X gives you unit X, upgrade Y gives you unit Y. I'm with you. And I think complicated tech trees does not mean a more complicated game, just more flexibale. I think it's important that the game is friendly to new players. With these kind of upgrades, it is important that your choice does not mean loosing. They should not be gamechangers so to speak. Just little extra's, so: Not: Upgrade X means you'll lose against opponent y, you should have chosen upgrade Y. But: Upgrade Y is slightly better against opponent y than upgrade X, but with both you should be able to win (or lose). (With opponent y I mean, a opponent with for example lots of X units, or a faction) But I think the developer team knows this. _________________________________ Ok, some additional suggestions: Maybe this is planned. But I like to be able to group, my units. I like how Empire Earth did this (didn't age of empires did this too? I can't remember), let me explain how it worked in that game: -First you select the units -You click group -The group shows up on the interface (I don't think this is necessary, but could be very handy) -When you click on the interface icon of the group, or you click on 1 one of the units of the group, the group is selected This was not in Empire Earth, but I would like to see in 0 A.D: If you select several groups they do not go in formation with each other but instead go in formation within their group. So instead of this: ...... ...... ...... You get this: .. .. .. .. .. .. Why do I want this: playing the Alpha I had some issues with the formations, because I want to select all of my units at once, but then they go into formation, but I prefer them in several groups. By the way, I know it's Alpha and the formations have some issues, but even then I would like my units in several groups instead of one big "mob" or as CoH players say blob. If the group would be showed in the interface, it would also be very handy. And it would really be very handy if you have a group of the same units and you can just click on one to give them orders instead of using the box and dragging to get them all. EDIT: Already implemented. I did not know! ______________________________________________________ Another suggestion, it's a bit nitpicking, but I think authenticity is something the developer team strive for. Ok, my next subject: Pigs. Shouldn't some factions have pigs instead of sheep in their little animal farm (can't remember the actual name). I did some research, the Celts did have sheep (I did not know, I wasn't even sure they had animals), but how about the Mauryans? I'm assuming they only had pigs, but I'm not an expert of Ancient archiculture. Ok something else: The actual pigs. This is the real nitpicking. I think the pig looks like a factory farm pig. The model seems fine. But I'm pretty sure there were no pink piggies back then (please correct me if wrong!). I Googled "Ancient pigs" and "Oldest pig breed" and I came up with: Ibérico pigs Instead of a pink skin, I suggest (dark) gray, like the Iberico pigs, and brown, golden brown, black but not pink (unless that's totally authentic, in that case sorry for being ignorant). I might make the skin myself. I have Gimp and I have tried making textures recently, but I can't promise anything as I'm new to it. Should I complain about the chickens? Hmmm... That would be really nitpicking... Well, if I was more certain about it I probably would. I think they could be a bit smaller, most primitive breeds are small. Jungle Fowl are also quite small. I think by that time they would have bred them to have more meat so they are not too fat (Jungle Fowl are a bit leaner than what's depicted in the game). The chickens I actually don't mind. EDIT: Chickens are fine you silly person! The pig I'm serious about, unless of course I'm wrong. Also no geese? How could the developers forgot geese!? I have a book of old civilisations and I've learned when I was a child that geese warned Romans from barbaric tribes. I have the book in this room, it even says the geese saved a part of the city! Surely there could be geese! I was of course joking, well not that I don't want them, I do, and it would be kind of cool if they do begin to honk when enemies are nearby in the fog. But of course I don't blame the developers for not including them (yet).
If I may say my opinion: I like eye candy. Would love to see more type of animals, plants, objects (mole hills, beaver lodges, ruins, etc.). Might try to learn modelling and contribute those myself. But these kind of civilians you suggest I think don't fit in a Age of Empires type game, like said, it would fit better to a Settlers type of game or what I used to play when I was little; Ceasar 3 and Knights and Merchants. And to me it seems like it would be more computer demanding.
Yes a town bell would be really useful too. Good thinking! And indeed retreating to a barracks for example would be good. It doesn't have to be the Town Center. Just that they run away from the enemy to your base, so you don't lose them. Perhaps cavalry should be able to keep up with the retreating infantry so they get another use. Though this would need to be tested well. The cavalry chasing should not make retreating useless. Should units not be able to take orders when they are retreating? I would think so. This is how it works in Company of Heroes for those who haven't played it: You click retreat, units run towards your base and while doing that you can't order them until they arrive at the base. You mean like Company of Heroes (2) and also the new Generals game? I liked that feature in Company of Heroes. I don't know what you precisely mean, I think what you mean is that 0 A.D should build upon the choice system. The upgrade choices I love. I would like military upgrade choices eventually for choosing units ("generals", not actual generals), the Irish Wolfhound OR Mastiff type dog would be an example. I can't think of real examples right now but here are some gameplay examples: cheap but weaker vs expensive but stronger faster but less armored vs slower but better armored Etc. So you can personalise your faction and futher enhance your gameplay style. The faction already offer of course a nice choice which best suits your gameplay style, but making a faction even more your style would be great and fun. If I recall correctly. _________________________________________________________________________ Now, I forgot somethings that I love (though most belong to the atmosphere): -the music -the art -the interface (great interface; looks pretty and doesn't use the whole screen) There's many more I like. I love this game and that gets me very exciting about future releases. I mean, if I already like the Alpha, I'm going to love the Beta not to mention what comes after that!
Okay, this is probably going to be a long post. So, I downloaded the game, I was keeping track of it a while but kind of forgot about it, but now I downloaded it and played it a few times (playing Company of Heroes hasn't done my rescource management good; I lose from medium all the time, every time). I love it! For an Alpha it's great in my opinion! This reminds me very much of Empire Earth and of course Age of Empires (1) which it of course is based on as I've read, and which I used to play when I was little. Very old school, but with new features and better graphics. The graphics remind me much of Empire Earth but with improved textures, and very important: proper scale. So, what I love (and some wishes; wishes meaning it's not necessary but I would like it): -awesome animations (can we have the silly roll death animation from the scout in Age of Empires pleeaaassseee?) -I'm loving the dogs (if it is historical accurate how about Irish Wolfhounds in the far, far, far future?) -visual veterancy -naked warriors, good idea to make them not "fully" naked -the campaign maps; remind me of another game I loved and the only old RTS I didn't gave away; Seven Kingdoms -choosing between upgrades; please expand on this idea! -the atmosphere -EDIT: almost forgot; no clone armies, no clone houses! Awesome! Now a suggestion, these differ from wishes that I feel they are necessary: -Retreat button (ala Company of Heroes) I want a button that makes your troops run to the "civil center", the "HQ", you know the base building, why: So you are fighting a battle, with several veteran troops, it goes okay, but you are starting to lose. Now when you want to retreat to safe your troops (let's say you have a well defended city), but it goes painfully slow and you'll likely lose a lot more troops. With a retreat button it would be much easier to safe your troops. By the way, units retreating automaticly (routing) like the Total War series does not fit in my opinion. But a retreat button could be very useful. I had some more suggestions, but I don't remember. Maybe I'll know later. I love this game, a wonderful job. Can't wait for the next version. Hope the developers enjoy making and playing this like I enjoy playing this!