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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Khazun

  1. To me success would be blowing the competition out of the water, even to the extent of employing him to shine my shoes :brow:

    As for the attractive wife etc, I would not call that sucess, that is just another luxury you get after sucess (isnt it funny how your looks magically change when you get a few million dollars behind you? Well, I wouldnt notice changes but most of my mates do :P )

  2. Yes, Prophet, I agree. All of my last year teachers owned (still on 4 weeks more holidays).

    They knew alot about the subject (the difference between aussie and us skewls :brow: ) and always made it enjoyable, set gaosl rewards.

    Take my history/commerce teacher for example. For 90% of our history lessons we were out playing soccer 'so we could compare it to medievil sports' lol. Somehow we all passed. Rulesin the classroom were also established, eg

    a)Point and laugh at everybody that walks past the window (darn they get confused)

    b)Bag out ........ at least 3 times a lesson (this was usually me as I pissed him off :P

    etc etc. It is the teacher that makes a subject enjoyable.

  3. lol-it kinda did have a semi-link to the question.

    Anyway BlackOP, did it say that theres no evil in the afterlife. I mean, for all we know they were in an afterlife which when they die they go to another afterlife which leads to another afterlife etc.

    (Disregard this if im wrong-lol, been a while since I brushed up on Tolkein)

  4. Snakes

    Well, beign me and from the same country as Steve Erwin when I was about 5 I caught all sorts of dangerous little creatures, infact, one day I came back inside to mum (american=mom) with a live brown snake (one of the most venomous in the world) so she @#$% herself and killed it. From then on I kept getting told about how much it hurts, kinda freaked me. Now i just catch everything else out there-lol.

  5. Well, being the nutter that my local (aussie) tv station is, I dont think we play anything thats not funny.

    An Australia Wide one tho is advertising a ford ute I think (did you know the ute was invented in australia-so was the paddlepopstick (i think).

    Well, anyway, theres a few guys around a bbq talking in a high pitched voice, talking about manly stuff, mainly their utes. All of a sudden a man, lets call him bob pulled up. They are all going awwww, theres bob. Hey bob, hows the new ute going???

    Bob replies in a low, deep voice 'Bloody Brilliant'.

    Then a screen pops up. The new Ford Ute, got what the others havnt

    (Incase you dont get it, the others dont have balls, hence the squeaky voices etc)

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