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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Khazun

  1. yeah-i like that site :P

    From Behind the name my name means:From the Greek name Alexandros, which meant "defending men" from Greek alexein "to defend, help" and aner "man" (genitive andros). Alexander the Great, King of Macedon, is the most famous bearer of this name. In the 4th century BC he built a huge empire out of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India. This was also the name of emperors of Russia, kings of Scotland and Yugoslavia, and eight popes. Also, Sir Alexander MacKenzie was an explorer of the north and west of Canada in the 18th century.

    I also have a friend whos job is name researcher. Heres what he told me about mine :brow:


    Defender of man:Greek praised for his candour and honesty being industrious an dhard working, makes for an excellent manager of people he is adventurous, loving a challenge and a testing of himself to do his best, stepping ofrward and being a gentleman, giving that helping hand, asking for only a smile and a thankyou in return.

    Both of those fit me, so watch out. I am your defender!

    From a third source (also a researcher) was the same, but says I have a great mind for business, marketing and communication, but is not to be messed with (pretty true according to my mates)

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