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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Khazun

  1. Kewl. Just found soem more on mine.

    Alex, Alec, Alexa, Alexander:

    Defender of man, he his honest, honourable (i think thats the sam ehting, but its what the site said) hard working, peaceful within himself and generally a kind person, but can snap fierce in an instant. He has courage and shall not back down in the heat of a battle, and is known to think in ways different to the norm.

    Mine gets better and better, not sure about anybone else, but do ytou guys find your names to be true to their meaning? I do :brow:

  2. i think u meant tuesday and thursday hawk?

    and hmm-do u play soccer @ all hawk????

    for me its

    Every Day-Weights, situps, pushups, large run


    Monday-Junior/Senior Tennis Comp (in tennis i play as a senior, im too good for the juniors)

    Tuesday-Top Senior Comp/Traning

    Wed-Train, Senior Comp

    Thurs-Train-Top Senior Comp (its tueesday and wednesday)

    Fri-Train, Twilight Comp Subbing

    Sat-Junior Comp (hey, the gals there r hot)

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