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Everything posted by madmax

  1. but qbot can continue making fields and harvesting right ? whats preventing that from happening ? At some point it decides to not make fields near its town center anymore. Now why would that be ?
  2. Yes I won my first game today. Didnt need the walls much finally, apparently a big army was enough. But qbot almost had me, expanding right up to my doorstep and squeezing me into a small patch. I thought it gave up too soon. Apparently it ran out of food ! Was getting these yellow lines near the top left saying "No food resource found !!" . But I ran out too. Then I made fields!! Doesnt qbot know about fields ? By the way, the lag issue wasnt really an issue this time. I was playing Arcadia with 1 qbot. The game lagged only once and I knew that was when qbot was about to attack me !! AOK used to have an alert whenever an unit got attacked. Is it possible in 0 AD?
  3. WOW!!...I just tried the wall feature !! What can I say...you guys just continue to do awesome work everyday ! Knowing a bit about the history of this game and your efforts at least since 2006, to get this long awaited feature in the game finally, its most inspiring. I just know there are some great things to come ! The only reason I ever began following 0AD was because it was impossible to modify the original AOK Genie engine and to have more complex strategies. Well I guess now that we have proper walls, its time to start off with scripting Awesome stuff !!
  4. Yep its been rushing me a bit too much too !
  5. So are there 2 pathfinders ? One coarse long ranged one and another accurate short range one. So the long ranged one gets waypoints at larger distances and the short range one simply routes from way point to way point avoiding immediate obstacles ? Isnt stuff like reusing a route taken by a close by villager to the same destination, possible ?
  6. So what was the reason for the game having occasional jerks in the motion of the villagers like it was getting overloaded by too many updates ? Was it because of threading issues ? I was getting a lag yesterday playing with qbot on belgian bog with my population at about 110. I remember Ykkrosh doing a chart depicting where the game spends most of its time. maybe this profiling chart can be enabled for any build so that testers can report in with the chart whenever they see lags in the game. If there are more cores present can the updates happen in parallel for different sets of villagers independently on diffferent threads.
  7. Ah no gaps I see...cool So is there a possibility of the archers on the walls thing ? Wow the wall building is really fast....did you change the game speed to high ?
  8. Cool, I ll try that. By the way I just have to ask, even though its been asked many times before ...about walls, so when will draggable wall building be in the game. qbot is just killing me
  9. Yeah they are ok now, speed is up .
  10. ok, then what I ll do is try with the current latest and greatest SVN code and try to play the game into a crash. By the way, is there any way to make the game run a bit faster while running under the visual c++ debugger ? It seems to be rather slow with loading icons, textures and unit movment when run from visual c++.
  11. This is the call stack while debugging the exe : > ntdll.dll!77dd27a0() [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll] ntdll.dll!77e0afbf() ntdll.dll!77dd578e() ntdll.dll!77e0b10d() ntdll.dll!77dd578e() ntdll.dll!77e0b10d() ntdll.dll!77e0a71a() msvcr90.dll!737f36c5() msvcr90.dll!737f38b3() msvcr90.dll!737f3600() msvcr80.dll!736d532d() msvcp90.dll!735b5e94() pyrogenesis.exe!CSimulation2Impl::SerializationTestState::SerializationTestState() + 0x5b bytes C++ msvcr90.dll!7383a4f5() msvcr90.dll!7383a536() msvcr90.dll!73839d72() msvcr90.dll!737ffea2() msvcr90.dll!737f2e2b() msvcr90.dll!737ff33b() msvcr90.dll!73800051() msvcr90.dll!737f38c5() pyrogenesis.exe!_onexit(int (void)* func) Line 121 + 0x5 bytes C pyrogenesis.exe!atexit(void (void)* func) Line 127 + 0x8 bytes C pyrogenesis.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 583 + 0x17 bytes C pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Line 397 C++ kernel32.dll!75d5339a() ntdll.dll!77db9ef2() ntdll.dll!77db9ec5() Here is the list of threads : Unflagged > 6876 0 Main Thread main CSimulation2Impl::SerializationTestState::SerializationTestState Normal Unflagged 6464 0 Worker Thread whrt_UpdateThread UpdateThread Normal Unflagged 7576 0 Worker Thread CUserReportWorker SDL_SemWait Normal Unflagged 2912 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77da013d Normal Unflagged 3432 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77da1f26 Normal Unflagged 6244 0 Worker Thread CCmpObstructionManager::TestStaticShape CCmpObstructionManager::TestStaticShape Normal Unflagged 7636 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77da1f26 Normal Unflagged 6072 0 RPC Thread RPC Callback Thread 77d9fd71 Normal Unflagged 5768 0 Worker Thread TextureConverter SDL_SemWait Normal Unflagged 4724 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77da013d Time Critical Unflagged 2120 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77da013d Normal Unflagged 7784 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77da013d Time Critical Unflagged 6736 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77da1dfe Normal Unflagged 7920 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77da013d -3 Unflagged 7036 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77d9fd71 Normal Unflagged 6428 0 Worker Thread Win32 Thread 77d9f939 Above Normal Meanwhile I'll try to grab the code from SVN ---------------------------------------------- ok so I have downloaded, built and am running the game in the vc++ debugger. The game starts ok with the music and all. The first few times when I selected single player game and then Matches, the game was stuck at the Loading Map data dialog and I had to stop the process. It loaded the next screen now, so I ll try and reproduce the error in a fresh game. ok tried to reload the crashing game and got this assertion failure : Assertion failed: "0 && (L"CCmpDecay must not be used on non-local (network-synchronised) entities")" Location: CCmpDecay.cpp:95 (CCmpDecay::Init) Call stack: CCmpDecay::Init (ccmpdecay.cpp:95) this = (unavailable) paramNode = 0x00000000 CCmpOverlayRenderer::Deserialize (ccmpoverlayrenderer.cpp:74) this = (unavailable) paramNode = 0x0032F144 -> m_Value = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_Childs = (unsupported map<basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >,CParamNode >) m_IsOk = true m_ScriptVal = m_Val = px = 0x00000000 pn = pi_ = 0x00000000 __formal = 0x0032F10C -> (IDeserializer) CComponentManager::DeserializeState (componentmanagerserialization.cpp:319) this = (unavailable) stream = 0x0032F1E4 -> (basic_istream<char,char_traits<char> >) rng = (unsupported basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >) deserializer = (IDeserializer) m_ScriptBackrefs = (unsupported map<size_t,JSObject * >) m_ScriptInterface = 0x106F8440 -> m = (auto_ptr<scriptInterface_impl>) m_Stream = 0x0032F1E4 (see above) noParam = m_Value = (unsupported basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_Childs = (unsupported map<basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >,CParamNode >) m_IsOk = true m_ScriptVal = m_Val = px = 0x00000000 pn = pi_ = 0x00000000 numComponentTypes = 59 (0x0000003B) i = 3 (0x00000003) ctname = (unsupported basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >) numComponents = 307 (0x00000133) j = 200 (0x000000C8) ent = 3922 (0x00000F52) e = 0x6D381598 -> (exception) m_msg = 0x00000000 CGame::LoadInitialState (game.cpp:176) this = (unavailable) state = (unsupported basic_string<char,char_traits<char> >) stream = (basic_stringstream<char,char_traits<char> >) MemFunThunk<CGame> (loaderthunks.h:60) param = 0x16972150 __formal = 0.01 (0x3F847AE147AE147B) LDR_ProgressiveLoad (loader.cpp:228) time_budget = 0.01 (0x3F847AE147AE147B) des(no more room in buffer) errno = 34 (No error reported here) OS error = 487 (Attempt to access invalid address.) -------------------------------------------------- The call stack for the crash : user32.dll!76f1f5be() [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for user32.dll] user32.dll!76f1f5be() user32.dll!76f1cd46() user32.dll!76f1cf5c() user32.dll!76f1ce8a() user32.dll!76f1d009() > pyrogenesis.exe!sys_display_error(const wchar_t * text, unsigned int flags) Line 315 + 0x13 bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!debug_DisplayError(const wchar_t * description, unsigned int flags, void * context, const wchar_t * lastFuncToSkip, const wchar_t * pathname, int line, const char * func, volatile int * suppress) Line 469 + 0x18 bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!debug_OnAssertionFailure(const wchar_t * expr, volatile int * suppress, const wchar_t * file, int line, const char * func) Line 558 + 0xa7 bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CCmpDecay::Init(const CParamNode & paramNode) Line 95 + 0x1b bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CCmpOverlayRenderer::Deserialize(const CParamNode & paramNode, IDeserializer & __formal) Line 74 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CComponentManager::DeserializeState(std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char> > & stream) Line 319 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CGame::LoadInitialState() Line 176 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!MemFunThunk<CGame>(void * param, double __formal) Line 60 + 0xa bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!LDR_ProgressiveLoad(double time_budget, wchar_t * description, unsigned int max_chars, int * progress_percent) Line 228 + 0x11 bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!ProgressiveLoad() Line 232 + 0x25 bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Line 344 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 526 + 0x5 bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) Line 569 + 0xc bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!wmain(int argc, wchar_t * * argv) Line 380 + 0xa bytes C++ pyrogenesis.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 552 + 0x17 bytes C pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Line 397 C++ kernel32.dll!75d5339a() ntdll.dll!77db9ef2() ntdll.dll!77db9ec5()
  12. So was anyone able to reproduce it with the saved game or is it something specific to my hardware platform ? By the way, I was wondering since the log format is a command-by-command log, so can it be played back to reproduce the steps ?
  13. Hi feneur, I am using a release version : Ides of March. But I can use a SVN version, compile it etc too in case you need a stacktrace. I got VC++ express 2010 and directx sdk for compiling. OpenGL should be working too.
  14. Hi, I was trying out 0AD today after a gap of few months and with brand new upgraded hardware (Nvidia 630M with i7 2670QM , 6GB RAM : http://www.amazon.com/N53SM-ES72-15-6-Inch-Laptop-Silver-Aluminum/dp/B007BY57Y2/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top) and I must say the game look awesome. Super work guys and I am looking forward to the next version. I was trying to save a game today after playing for about 20 mins and I think the game saved ok. It showed a green line in the upper left corner saying the game was saved but then the game froze and I had to force close it. Then I restarted 0AD and tried to load the game. The game did load, I can see my city, buildings, walls villagers etc, but the window has frozen again. And this time I had to force hibernate the computer as I could not get back to the desktop. ' So I was wondering if its something in the saved game and can I post the saved game somewhere so that the devs can try loading it to see whats up. Also if a crash handler can be put in the code that's invoked when the game crashes or becomes unresponsive for about a minute, then it can be used to report the hardware platform and the stack trace back to the devs. Its a great effort guys and I want to be more involved in fixing bugs....will get the code today I have attached the sim log for the 1st game (3548) & the reload attempt (7188) from \0ad\logs\sim_log Also the saved game which refuses to load is attached. sim_log.zip quicksave-0003.zip
  15. 1.please release the source code be released ? For us beginners it would be a big help in coding 3D RTSs 2.How about a text to speech(TTS) engine for converting written text automatically into dialog ?You could have different voices for different personalities withnot too much overhead ? I will help . 3.Is there day & night in 0AD ?
  16. 1.Will the source code be released ? For us beginners it would be a big help in coding 3D RTSs 2.How about a text to speech(TTS) engine for converting written text automatically into dialog ?You could have different voices for different personalities withnot too much overhead ? I will help . 3.Is there day & night in 0AD ? 4.Are you using SDL anywhere?
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