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Posts posted by xan2622

  1. Facebook now allows to add short videos instead of a static image in the banner.

    Example: https://www.facebook.com/exorstudios/


    From what I have read (I am not 100% sure of these details), it can be 20-90 seconds long and should be at least 820x312 pixels (but maybe Facebook resizes the video to fit the banner dimensions).

    I just think that you could also add a nice battle video on your https://www.facebook.com/play0ad/ page.


    PS: avatars can also be (7 seconds) animated GIFs.


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  2. Quote

    making themselves dependent on third party applications needlessly.

    Nowadays, one of the best ways to spread news about a game project is to use social networks. Even if you don't like them (or don't use them), if you don't promote your project, less people can discover it and it means : less players and less possible new contributors. :(

    Also, posting news about development updates on these Facebook groups wouldn't hurt making 0AD more known:
    - https://www.facebook.com/groups/RTSgameslovers/

    - https://www.facebook.com/groups/IndieGameDevs/


  3. As I read these "terms and use" text, according to this sentence, I would say it's possible to use them in 0 A.D :



    You are permitted to:
    B) incorporate the Photos in computer games and 3D models;



    However, you are not allowed to resell or give away our photos as 'textures', texture packs, materials, clipart or any other product that competes with our website.

    It's the end of the sentence that matters here.


    PS : I'll contact the maintainer of textures.com for more details.


  4. It seems that Discord is getting more and more users (cause it is trendy) and it's cool because people like to chat with other members of their (game) community but I think it also has awful terms of service rules (especially for open-source projects):


    By uploading, distributing, transmitting or otherwise using Your Content with the Service, you grant to us a perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use, host, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display Your Content in connection with operating and providing the Service.


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  5. Oh, I didn't understand that SPI applied to both credit card and paypal. I thought that SPI was another kind of donation method. Sorry but the donation page is really confusing..

    Here is what I should have suggested: 






    I added Bountysource and Patreon in the "other ways to donate" (tabs at the bottom) because I think they could be interesting for your project.

    Bountysource for example allows people (players, contributors) to create bounties on bug tracker issues, encouraging developers to work on specific ideas or bugs.

    This donation system was added for the OpenRA project quite some time ago: https://www.bountysource.com/teams/openra. It works quite well, imo.

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  6. I think that the donation page is currently a little bit messy. Many informations but not nicely displayed.

    Here is a mockup-image about a possible new layout (each donation method goes into its own tab): 



  7. I hope this will happen someday but not before 0AD becomes really playable and (almost) bug-free. 

    Take CaesarIA as an example ( http://store.steampowered.com/app/327640 ), they got published on Steam very early in their development cycle (too early), then they got many bad reviews. Players expected an enjoyable game but what they got is just a pre-alpha game with missing graphics and many bugs. Now, even if the CaesarIA team members have been working on replacing the graphics, bad reviews are still displayed on their Steam page forever. That's something nobody would want for 0AD.


    On 07/02/2016 at 8:46 PM, Palaiogos said:

    Looking through many games on Steam, they aren't as good as 0 AD is. It would be cool to have it on Steam because more people would probably pay attention to it and probably get this game more views and more donations. Also there should be achievements once this game is fully out of beta and into release. Probably there would be a lot more people to help too if you put this on Steam as Early Access.

    I agree with Palaiogos, Steam would make 0AD more popular, it would certainly attract new players and let players update their version of 0AD easily (thanks to the Steam auto-updates system), but I think it's too early.

    In parallel, I would also advice to publish 0AD on https://itch.io/


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